Question for anyone who believes in the story of Adam and Eve. If they were the start of the human race...

Question for anyone who believes in the story of Adam and Eve. If they were the start of the human race, how the fuck did they reproduce without committing incest? Does that technically make us all brothers and sisters? And also, how was the creator created anyways?

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>Does that technically make us all brothers and sisters?
Go back far enough and you'll find that all humans are cousins, just thousands of generations back to common ancestors. Brother and sister is a relationship where two people share the same direct ancestors (i.e. parents)

They created sin. Incest being one of many sins. Try to use reason once in awhile.

But it had to start somewhere, so aren't we all from
The same root?


That's why we're born sinners. I see. But that's not what I'm getting at.

And the bible must be twisted and turned like a mother fucker, like who the fuck was actually there to witness everything that was said and done by each character in the book?

technically every living organism and even non-organism (a virus) can be traced back to a single self-replicating molecule.

Adam and Eve weren't of the same family. They were two individually created people. When THEY had children which fucked, that was incest. And yes, technically were all brothers and sisters. Last names are a relatively new invention. Used too, instead of last names, we used our professions. "Alex Smith" was a blacksmith, and so on. Thats why certain names (e.g. Smith) are extremely common. It wasn't until later that people made their own names, but more often than not, a name is a variation of a profession that has been warped over hundreds and hundreds of years.

And we don't question how God was created. If you don't believe in God, you believe in the big bang. So where did the big bang come from? Don't know? Maybe you don't believe in the big bang. So then where did the world come from? Don't know? Exactly.

Then what are you getting at?
There's no way we came from two people. Not even Christfags take the bible literally anymore.

Well according to "The Book of Adam and Eve" which is an ancient extra-biblical thing that goes into great detail about the time before the flood and the fallen angels taking human women and all that. Cain and Able were each born with a twin sister. Adam and Eve were going to have them swap twins but Cain's twin was hotter and it's one of the reasons he wound up hating Able and killed him. He ran away with his twin.
In the Bible God didn't tell them to stop immediate family incest until after the flood, about the time it would start becoming an issue.

God. They call the Bible "Gods word" because God told everybody what to write. There were several different writers, all of which wrote down what God told them to write. There are some things in the bible that haven't even happened yet.

I believe that I am God, and things I have seen in my life have got me convinced that you all know me and we all know each other. Because You are we.

Yeah but in the bible people had much longer lifespans before the flood so they could have a lot more kids. And you have God wanting humans to succeed as a species.
The biblical math of just the amount of time we know of before the flood allows for a population in the low millions by the time of the flood.

that's horseshit he killed him because he thought god liked able moar

Thats not true at all. I take it very literally. We DID come from two people. And before we get into "if we are inherently inbred then we'd all be retarded" argument, keep in mind that the human body was vastly different back then. In bible times man lived heathily for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Whereas now we live until were 80-100. In a thousand years we probably won't live until were 30. The human body is basically degrading the more we reproduce. The more time passes, the more common it becomes for mental illness or autism to be a thing. Hell it's uncommon nowadays to find anybody who DOESN'T suffer from a mental illness. They didn't have this back then. Back then they were as healthy as could be. But now, were born unhealthy with no way to sufficiently combat it.

It's not all stuff God told them to write directly though. He left a lot up to people too.
Look at how Jesus separates the laws of Moses from God's laws with the "well Moses said this but that's not what God intended form the beginning".

It talks about that too but just adds to why he hated Able so much as was getting rebellious about the whole thing.

>Adam and Eve weren't of the same family. They were two individually created people.
no. eve is literally a clone of adam who turned out a girl.

God is within us all, but so is the devil.

last i heard was that there a ton of evangelicals but sometime during 8th century (?) the church decided which they wanted to use for the new testament for political reasons.

you are a dumb piece of shit
andam and ever are metaphorical categoresi

they arent t be taken litealrlyant y=y
you fucking faggot as bitch

my dick is also within you.... via the holy ghost. i love you. and i am squirting semen inside of you. and giving you the pure light of jesus. :)

After all that shit in the garden they leave Eden and find other people

This HAS to be bait

taking it literally is the most retarded thing to come into human consciousness.

we are all the same organism proliferated through generations of diverse self-expression which is in line with God and the many biblical interpretations.

basic ass nigguh

Dude.... stop taking drugs.... makes you think in a wierd way... really...

No we're just lazy fat fucks who sit around all day jerking off and eating fast food and not properly taking care of our own selves.

I also tried to be funny in middleschool.

wincest created all of us.

Fuck yes I fucked my mommas pussy good coming outta there. I was the first born so I re popped that cherry and had vaginal blood all over my baby penis.

Hey whoa. What did jerking off ever do to you?

I don't get shit done because I'm too busy jerking off. I'm addicted bro. I fap at least 8 times a day.


its not incest.

eve was created from the genetic code of adam, except as a woman.

obviously this had unexpected results and a catastrophic failure, as it resulted in an imperfect female copy that then decided to disobey God and partake of the Apple, and then to also cause Adam to fall from grace thereafter.

TLDR: Its not incest when its your clone.
Eve caused the fall of Man from Paradise.

But wouldn't that mean they would've been the only two people in existence?

First of all: as a fact there are a lot of things in the old testament, we cannot understand today, as those things (eg. Certain numbers, places names) had a very special meaning at those times. Theologists today have figured out, that alot of personalities have to be understood as symbols. In the explicit case: adam and eve were made as equal parts, at the beginning free of sorrow, sin, hate, whatever. Do you notice something? Any human, female or male: at the beginning of his live is free of those things, innocence is a part of our childhood, starting all the bad habits the one of growing up. The apple of sin is a symbol for all the bad things represented in the society then (and still today).

The bible is only symbolism.
The story of Adam & Eve was just a story to tell us to obey the word of God and don't stray off or we'll be stuck in spiral down force of sin.


it's cool man, everybody on Sup Forums loves incest anyway

>In Jewish folklore, from the satirical book Alphabet of Ben Sira (ca 700–1000 CE) onwards, Lilith appears as Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time (Rosh Hashanah) and from the same dirt as Adam – compare Genesis 1:27. (This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs: Genesis 2:22) The legend developed extensively during the Middle Ages, in the tradition of Aggadic midrashim, the Zohar, and Jewish mysticism.[3] For example, in the 13th-century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she had coupled with the archangel Samael.[4]

Sounds like a nursery rhyme.

Have you ever even read the damn book? You sound like those annoying atheist that no one likes.

What's your favorite Cheeto?

That doesn't make a bit of fucking sense.

Yes, I am all knowledge about the bible and all other religions. They're honestly all man made anyways for a brainwashing scheme and profits.

Also, Jalapeno.

That is not entirely true, there are alot of symbols, but that does not automatically mean, that they are untrue. Goliath litteraly being a giant->meh (The old israleis where quite small, the folk goliath belonged to all around 1.85 m tall)
Then again i have to ask you, what is a nursery rhyme? The core of the good ones are really really old. The comparison of any religous book to a nursery rhyme might be really sloppy, but both give you important information about how to live

First of all i have to ask you: have you studied theology, did you invest alot of time researching different religions or are your informations merely "science facts from the web"?

>First of all i have to ask you: have you studied theology, did you invest alot of time researching different religions or are your informations merely "science facts from the web"?
He called them all brainwashing schemes, so obviously the latter. None of the (ancient) religions were created for brainwashing, population control, or financial gain.

The part with the population control is not enirely right (the other two are, but then again, also the old religions could and were misused) the bible and the tora andandand all have alot of rules in them not necessaraly making them bad eg. "Thou shalt not murder" seems quite logical, doesn't it?

Really now? You thing Oog's cave religion of the sky dots wasn't created so he could be the most important caveman?

Thou shalt not murder unless God says it's chill.

None of them were created *for the purpose* of controlling a population. But yes, they absolutely have been abused to control populations.

I'm not talking about two-bit religions you just made up for a hypothetical. I'm talking about the real world here.

Every religion had to start as some two-bit religion.

Be careful with that one, did god ever initialise killing or was it some mad fucker screaming "deus vult" "allahu akbar" or whatever?

Yes, but keeping the population calm is and was an aspect in any religion, that cannot be denied.

Adam and Eve are irrelevant because of Noah and the Great Flood.

And yes, Noah fucked the hell out of his daughters

That story OBVIOUSLY isn't real.

Not even the Catholic church recognizes it as true.