I wish the Nazi's won WW2...

I wish the Nazi's won WW2. There would be no terrorism because Islam would be a thing we would read about in history books, and we wouldn't ever have to deal with niggers....because, again, they'd be a thing of the past/something viewed at the zoo.

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Hitler praised Islam?
There were Islamic SS units?
are you autistic?

Kek, neo-nazis don't know the real Hitler or his Nazis. He wasn't a racist, nor was his party. Just was proud to be White. He loved to Asians, Muslims, and Latinos.

What about non Islamic terrorists?

>being this autistic

Explain then dumb ass

The Nazi's were a tolerant and inclusive people, stop listening to Jew-Owned media Kid.


The Nazis had a diverse range of lampshades made from Jew skin.

After destroying every culture considered inferior, they would then invent reasons to turn upon larger and larger sections of their own so-called "master race." Nazism and racism doesn't work without an Enemy to point fingers at. Destroy the Enemy (a.k.a. "da Jooz") and you then have to invent a new enemy.

All cultures were tolerated, people that were a waste of space weren't. there's a big fucking difference.

Eugenics meant that people with hereditary deformities, hereditary diseases were cleansed, to keep the blood of ALL mankind pure.

Ashkenazim inbreed, they have children with defects in a disgusting display of hubris, without any passion or sympathy for the half-humans they bring into the world.

if you seriously believe that allowing hereditary diseases to continue is a good thing, you should drink some bleach, because you're a traitor to your species.

you know the nazis collaborated with mudslimes because fuck ze jews, right?

>they would then invent reasons
would they? is that what your crystal ball told you, your time machine told you?

or is it what the Jewish bank owned medias of the west told you?

We would also have no disabled people or Sup Forums because people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses would be put to death.


>if you seriously believe that allowing hereditary diseases to continue is a good thing, you should drink some bleach, because you're a traitor to your species.

yup, this.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

What the fuck are you talking about you psyco? You're on some weird shit dude. What I'm talking about and what you're talking about are totally way different things. You would have probably been killed by the ss based on how retarded you are.

the Kurds just started selling oil again out of one of their reclaimed kirkuk fields.

it's going to be good to see the resistance fight with a new influx of finance now.

I hope they bomb turkey back into the stone age, its not too far.

Billions of people contain genes that create diseases in offspring when they mate with certain people. So, it's physically impossible to get rid of hereditary disease through eugenics unless you pretty much kill everyone.


page 1!!?

will be best seller.

let me guess, you have diabetes, but it totally isn't the fault of your diabetic parents?

choke on dick.

Correct: Hitler did nothing wrong. Btw - if you haven't read "table talks" and you say that hitter tolerated religion... Well... Clearly you're a RETARDED NIGGER-PHAGGOT. HEIL HITLER! HEIL SPEER! HEIL GÖRRING! HEIL GOEBELS! HEIL ROMMEL! HEIL DÖNITZ! HEIL HIMMLER! HEIL KEITEL! HEIL VON RIBBENTROP! HEIL JODL! HEIL HEYDRICH! HEIL KALTENBRUNNER!

Thank you
I'm Argentinean. I'm making more drawings!
I have them on the tablet. another day the climb

We should be thanking Hitler for trying to save us all from the filth that is Island and Niggers. Let's have a moment of silence for the third Reich. ZIEG HEIL!!!!

Wow, you're a fucking retard.

Islam* phuck yew auto-nigger.

There will always be terrorist idiot. Even white people do terrorist acts you dumb fuck. It doesn't matter how perfect you try to make someone there will always be hate inside people. It's in human nature to never be fully satisfied.

LMFAO. what about black people? did he love blacks as well.

It's not even worth trying to reason with these stupid goyim. Anything the juden says, they believe.

I think you lost the fight in just a few sentences. Sounds like a trump supporter =)


Go back to red dit faggot

germany sided with islam.
> see lawrence of arabia.
ever see that turkish flag? notice how its a flag representing islam?

but i like where you were going. i'd like to see all members of islam and BLM not be as gay as these cancerfags posting cancer on Sup Forums. but i guess that's just not in the cards m8.

deal with it.

This all sounds very current and familiar.

I have them on the tablet. another day the upload* fuck google translate.

currently in Argentina foro: (Like every day. fighting the Jews)

Yea, u lost :)

You're clearly an Islamic nigger. My Hitler rain fire upon your soulless corpse.

>everyone i dont like is literally Hitler

you're from an insignificant demographic of your country kid. enjoy the next president, voted in by 50-70 year olds.

You know why you lost? because you're a loser ;)

>What was one of Hitlers greatest allies?

>Where did Nazis escape to after WWII?

Let's take a history lesson.

Hitler and the Third Reich hardly gave a fuck about blacks.

You know you're an Islamic nigger because of your blatant phaggotry.

Sniff, that's the smell of a loser ;)

I dont see how that's possible, i was born white.

I too wish the Nazi's won. The world would be better for it.

Hitler and co headed out to ole South America - where th spics were to retarded to question all of the new Nazi flags popping up everywhere.

That's the response of a dumb fuck

Finally someone who isn't a Phaggot talking some god damned sense! HEIL to you, mein freund!

>that allowing hereditary diseases to continue is a good thing
If you seriously believe Eugenics can do a damn thing to stop them, then you are a corrupt facist that has abandoned his humanity. It is you that is the traitor to human well being.

If they knew about their genetic defect (sickle cell) they would have been wiped out.

They were tolerated, just like all the other sub-species of humans. The 'blood thirsty nazi' is simply a shitty forced-meme by Hollywood.

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

Fuck Jews. But especially Islam CUNTZ

>blood thirsty nazi' is simply a shitty forced-meme by Hollywood.
Considering they are alone to blame for WW2 and the Holocaust, no, it really isn't.

its always too easy to spot Antifa, the vegan lifestyle leaves you weak and incapable of proofreading before posting.

People are thinking too much into this.. All yah gotsta-do is say "Heil, mein Fuhrer!" And stop making excuses for terrorism!

>can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

>they are alone to blame for WW2

how are they responsible for the bombing of pearl harbor, and Japan and USA being dragged in a European war.

tell your mom her curriculum sucks, you want to be homeschooled elsewhere.

Are you implying that I'm a vegan? If so, then you Sup Forumstards are worst psuedo-intellectuals than I could have possibly imagined.

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

I wish the Soviets had won the cold war. There would be no terrorism because Islam and Christianity would be a thing we would read about in history books.

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood..

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

yeah man, from the fucking moon and other space colonies.

>MFW I'm trapped on a planet, enslaved by an ethnic group we were all warned about.

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad. the loser runs strong in your blood.

Are you nuts? Get some education you fucking pleb. What is Waffen-SS Handschar? Even the Volksdeutsche Freiwilligen Waffen-SS Division "Prinz Eugen" recruited muslims on the Balkan. Kids these days...

I sort of wouldn't have minded of the Nazi's ruled half of the world and the Soviets the other half. Or maybe 60-40. Either way I'm gonna go ahead and give a shout out to mein fuhrer, Adolf Hitler

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad..the loser runs strong in your blood.

I honestly didnt get the reference at first untill i googled it, but holy shit.

Are you guys really always Vegan? wtf is the so many vegan antifa groups man?

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad. the loser runs strong in your blood.

nah niggers are just like weeds, they'll keep coming back
at least we'd be without the jews

six twos please.

For Hitler.

>Japan and USA being dragged in a European war
They weren't dragged lmao. The US was always pissed at Japans treatment of China. It was Roosevelts fortune that he didn't strike first.

Overall, the Pacific theater is a separate subject, with Japan working towards their own aim and their alliance with the Third Reich being little more than a paper one.

Also, Hitler declared war on the US in case you forgot. He was always a man of great vision :^)

im sorry mein fuhrer. ive failed you.

I can smell th e loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

Ach, mein freund, if only you knew! You're probably a 15 year old virgin nigger. It's ok though. And I'm pretty sure who you're talking about were Croats. Hitler would have gassed them after they were of no more use... Just like the Jews he used to gas Jews!

I'm not vegan or even vegetarian...what the vegans do is out of my depth and none of my business.

antler'm thinking that in Argentina we have the worst bad internet world and digital cameras and cell phones. because we are very Nazis and the Jews want to cover ourselves a little ..

10 minutes internet works and cut ... fuck! fucking jews!
if a company came good quality Internet would be made millionaire here ..

I can smell the loser seeping through the interwebs so mad.. the loser runs strong in your blood.

>He loved to Asians, Muslims, and Latinos
Yeah, that's bullshit.

He may not have hated them like jews, but love?
Citation needed

>Overall, the Pacific theater is a separate subject
>they are alone to blame for WW2

jeez, you jew shills cant even stick to the same story.

hey gais, wut does 'world war' mean?

"Loved Muslims" I'd like to see where you're getting your info from. Amirite?! TOPKEK

Japan was already fighting China well before the war. It was the Third Reich with the invasion of Poland that officially began the World War. You're not very good at this.

I do like the shills meme tho. Paranoia always looks for conspiracy.

Because Antarctica is full of Muslims amirite

Dude, whatever you say. You might just use Wikipedia and do your homework. They drafted Muslims from Serbia and Bosnia (jugoslavia back then). The Großmufti of Jerusalem supported them in doing so. And no, I don't mean the Croats. Pic related it's Handschar muslims reading a pamphlet "Islam and Judaism". Like I said. Get some education.

Man.... fukken saved. Horrible, but I want that on a shirt.

No idea where id wear it without being hunted down by the JIDF.

Not even racist, that shits just hilarious as fuck.

Alright Phaggots, it's OP here, going to bed. Gonna go ahead and big you niggers goodnight. Thax for the KEKs. Keep this Phaggot alive so I have something to laugh at when I wake up today afternoon. Heil to all of you Phaggots!

The losers still upset because lost awwww the sweet smell of tears ;)

Agreed son, agreed TOPKEK!

»Hätte bei Poitiers nicht Karl Martell gesiegt, so hätten wir den Mohammedanismus übernommen, die Lehre der Belohnung des Heldentums. Die Germanen hätten die Welt damit erobert. Nur durch das Christentum sind wir davon abgehalten worden.«

Adolf Hitler

"hadn't Karl Martell won at Poitiers, we would've adapted to muhammedanism (ancient for Islam). The teachings of heroism...

German who knows his history over

You "wish"?
What the fuck has wishing ever gotten you?

Ach, sehr interesant! We all know those hook nosed faggots would have had no place in the third reich :)



Where you get your info? Seriously interested as someone that reads (probably too much) on the third Reich.

Haha. I guess it was some "my enemy's enemy is my friend" politics. I'm pretty well informed on many fields of the 3rd Reich. What do you say about the Hitler quote I roughly translated above?

May our lord and savior, Fieldmarshel Rommel, watch over you and help you coerrse young hookers into sleeping with you for a discounted rate :)

no juden, we're not going to tell you where to find the books still telling the truth. you already purge the internet, we wont let you burn books as well.

nice try though.


The best news article today to wake up to:

>"Nazi Terrorist Elon Musk Blows Up Israeli Jew Facebook Satellite"

suck shit pigs.