Ask a gay hebephile anything

Ask a gay hebephile anything

Wtf is a hebephile

fuck you pedo!

Attracted to teens

a gay what?
what is hebefile?

why are so many of you baby fuckers gay?

I Don't fuck babies

2 seconds of google search and you'd find out that it's basically a pedo

Pedo that likes teenagers

Will you sit on my face?

Let's see your face

Let's see your butt first


Ideal age range?
Ever been with a boy?

14-17. And yes I have, truly amazing


Ian from Milwaukee?

Do I know you?

I know a 14 year old gay kid, if you care.

Is he cute?

Would you do my nephew with me?

In a heart beat

pls stop

He would look so pretty sucking your cock

All day long

Yeah he would


post porn


How does your homosexual pedophilia compare with also being a jew?


mods are asleep post cp

I ain't no filthy jew


Mmm yummy

3127158275. Here is your number from 16chan you fucking faggot. Amazing what a image search with google can get you.

I prefer peperoni


face book /tizzarl


Not cool. I don't need everyone knowing my personal info

Reported for what

Love when there's a boy in my bed

I didn't do anything to you. And at least it's just my picture

You offended me. Pervert

Sorry to hear that. Maybe you could forgive and forget?

Aye 414

Fucking faggot mods are worthless. Sup Forums will forever remain a safe haven for cp and trap lovers...

I don't want people up have my Facebook info

That's not cp

How many teens have you been with? Was it always consensual?

how do you get boys over to your house? do you get off just being with them or is the emotional trauma part of the fetish?

Right now around 10, and most were consensual

Offer them drugs and alcohol mostly. Some come over to fool around

that was awesome

No its not. You guys don't need to know my info

I think the local authorities might need to

Please don't

I'm begging you

Ron R Sargent is in his 50's
Ron Has Lived In
Naperville, IL
Bensenville, IL
O Fallon, MO
Ron's Relatives
William Sargent
Diana Sargent
Tarl Sargent
Phaedra Sargent

Wtf man

Its a shame that a boy with such beautiful eyes has to resort to being a pedo

Thank you

he should really go home and cherish his last days/hours before the feds bust him for being a filthy faggot pedo.

do you hate pedophiles?

Tarl William Sargent, 23, of the 1600 block of Cove Court, was arrested at 9:13 p.m. in the 300 block of S. Washington Street and he was charged with possession of cannabis, being a pedo fag, and possession of drug paraphernalia, police said. His bond was $120.

They give us a bad name

most people do

Guys stop it. Leave my personal life alone

This is bait.

How's your Minecraft lets play channel?

I didn't mean for it to be

I fucking hope so

Super, thanks for asking

Bait. OP is not the guy

I just wanted a nice ama, not the Spanish inquisition, researching my entire life

Am to

Pic with stamp or GTFO


Are you fucking retarded?

Talking serious. How do you avoid those feelings that you are scum and have no place in our society

I try to ignore them or drown them in alcohol

I am this too

>teens are toddlers
you autists are brain damaged

You're something else

We should start a club