How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?

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There are four possible outcomes

>Given that
Now there's three

Both being heads is one of three equally likely outcomes. Therefore 1/3.


I found the retard.

one is already heads so it is 50/50 that the other one will be heads...

I hope you are trolling, m8.

No. At least one landed heads.

There are 3 equally probable ways to get at least one heads coin for a 2 coin flip

heads, tails
tails, heads
both heads

1 out of 3 equally probable outcomes is a hit


Lrn2Math, son.

you don't know which is going to be heads though

>Inb4 replying to b8
No, the two coins are flipped at the same time. Learn to read. "Two coins WERE flipped" as in it has already happened. Both coins have landed on their final resting place.
If it had been "One coin has landed on heads. I flip another coin, what is the prob of it heads?" The answer would be 50/50, and the person that asked the question would be just as retarded as you.

>only 2 wrong answers so far

USA must still be asleep.


no, you have to disregard an entire column of heads because its given that one is heads, and the coins are interchangable

either they're both heads or their not... 50/50

Euro coins don't have heads, only bridges.

0% chance of landing on heads


Are you b8ing now?

Listen, nigger.

When you flip 2 coins, there are 4 equally probable outcomes:


When at least one coin landed heads, only the TT outcome is no longer possible, leaving 3



Get rekt



Isn't it like saying that you have 50% chance to win a lottery? Because you either win or you don't, so the chance is 50%...


You're retarded. Now I'll explain how you are wrong.

You flip a penny and a quarter. You could get

penny=heads, quarter=tails
penny=tails, quarter = heads

You think those outcomes are the same?

Are you really this retarded, user?

Okay you fucking scrubs, it has a one in three chance, these guys are laying it out straight for you for fucks sake. It cant be TT becuase it's been established that at least one is going to be heads. So it could be TH, HH, or HT.

HT and TH are the same, since they are flipped at the same time, and therefore are intechangable

i think the chances are better than 50/50 that there are major fuckheads in this thread

before i would have been 100% on that they were baiting, but seeing what morons inhabit this site im not so sure anymore

Are you retarded?

It's 3/4 chance. 4 outcomes, 3 of which yield heads. 3/4.

1/10 bait, but I'll bite anyway.

If a coin is heads that eliminates 2 possibilities put of the original 4 described above. TH and HT are not both still possible, because each represents the outcome of 2 coins and one coins outcome is already set as H.

A different explanation: past events don't influence the probability of future events. There is one coin flip left to go to, 50% chance it's heads.

>HT and TH are the same

You're retarded. Now I'll explain how you are wrong.

You flip a penny and a quarter. You could get

penny=heads, quarter=tails
penny=tails, quarter = heads

You think those outcomes are the same?

Are you really this retarded, user?

You didn't deserve an original reply.

Either Harambee was killed or there is a world wide conspiracy covering up his existence because he has powers of premonition that the government wants to harness. 50/50.
>Just because there are only two options does not mean they are equally likely

Pro-tip: Once you graduate high school, no one gives a flying fuck what the answer is.


People need to stop falling for this bait

>If a coin is heads that eliminates 2 possibilities put of the original 4 described above

Oh really?

Which 2 does it eliminate exactly?

>past events don't influence the probability of future events.

It's a single event. (a 2-coin flip)

>There is one coin flip left to go to

No, there isn't. Both coins were flipped. At least 1 landed heads, so we could have

coin1=heads, coin2=tails
coin1=tails, coin2=heads
both coins heads


wrong, pic related

there are not 4 outcomes, there are three. TT is not a possible outcome as stated in the problem

The problem as set does not say that one has been flipped and it was heads. It says there are two coins that have been flipped. At least one was heads. Therefore it could be HT or TH which means 3 outcomes. QED 1 outta three

gotta be at least 5/7

c1 could be tails and c2 heads


You didn't factor in the chance that it might land on its edge

It's 75%. Chill the fuck out.



But that means its guaranteed??

50%, either it does, or it doesn't, m8 pls

.5, since the events are mutually exclusive.
In statistics probability is represented as a decimal, not a fraction retards.

What proportion of the 50% faggots do you think are trolling/genuinely retarded?

what if the coins fall in love and have coin-babbys and are ostracized from they're communities and have to raise babby in the wilderness...

not cool bro. quarters and pennies don't mix

>gets the wrong answer
>lectures others about correct representation



this is intellectual bait

Not when the decimal is recurring you fucktard.
There's only one event you utter mongoloid. Two coins are flipped at the same time. There's no exclusivity to be found.


1 OUT OF 3 or 0,3333333333
or 33,33333333%
or 1/3

ALSO? HH? hmmmm.....

the outcome of one coin flip doesn't effect the probability of the other. It doesn't matter if they happen at the same time.

Two coins are flipped and one lands heads (doesn't matter which). If you think there are three possibilities for the second coin, you're the stupid one.

And they are two seperate indivudual coins,

so the
TH thing does matter and are seperate possibilities therefore 1/3 noobs

But it is 50/50....


It would be 25% with both unknown (4 combinations of heads and tails) but with one of them known, this increases to 50%.

just give my change and shut the fuck up.

b8 are an idiot....
What are the chances of 100 coins landing on heads if 99 already did.....
1 coin, 2 possibilities....the actual question is badly worded
Learn to use tenses tosser

I don't get it....

Fc1 could have been tails and fc2 head. Fc2 is not dependent of fc1, as your tree describes.

think of it this way, you have 2 coins, one of them is rigged to always land heads, you flip both but dont know which is the rigged one. the chances of getting HT is 50/50 vs HH

ALRIGHT you faggots. I just flipped 2x coins 30 times.

I got 11 HH, and 19 HT.
Therefore, 1/3 chance of getting another heads confirmed, given one of the coins is thrown as heads.

Found the smart guys

You faggots are forgetting that all TT flips are excluded - we are only counting minimum of ONE heads.


This isn't math, this is a spelling problem.
If he said "coin a is heads" it would be 50%. But he said "one of them is heads" so 1/3 and 50% actually become valid options.
If you only regard math, 1/3 is the right answer. But as I said it is NOT a math phenomenon here.

Conclusion both can be right, for me it is 1/3.

the truth is theres no answer for this bullshit because there is no "chance" anymore , theyre already flipped , on the floor , not moving , shits stated like "youve painted your house , whats the chance its green?"

Very true, they don't effect each other.
But, you fucking moron, there are four outcomes.
>Coin one Heads
Coin two heads: HH
Coin two tails: HT
>Coin one tails
Coin two heads: TH
Coin two tails: TT

So, there are four outcomes each equally likely, so 25% each.
The probability of HH is 25%. The total probabilities of any combination including a H is 75%. (This is provable if you take the total probabilities of all outcomes as 100% and take the TT probability away. 100% - 25% = 75%.)
So 25%, out of a total of 75% is one third. Fuckin morons.


It is INTENDED to word it that way. This is not a math question, it is grammar. And a quite popular one as well

>If you think there are three possibilities for the second coin

Nobody thinks that you retard.

There are 3 ways to get at least one heads coin for a 2-coin flip



>What are the chances of 100 coins landing on heads if 99 already did.....

It appears you are retarded. If the FIRST 99 coins flipped landed heads, then the answer would be 1/2.

If AT LEAST 99 out of 100 coins flipped landed heads, then the answer is 1/((2^100)-1)

Look, I'll explain it using 3 coins.

You flip 3 coins.

If the FIRST 2 coins landed heads, the probability that all 3 landed heads = 1/2

If AT LEAST 2 coins landed heads, the probability that all 3 landed heads = 1/4

Why? Because for a 3 coin flip, there are 8 equally likely outcomes. These are


4 of those contain at least 2 heads coins.

1 of those 4 is all heads

So 1/4

Answer to OP question = 1/3

Do you understand now?

Some faggot who lives in another country has painted his house, what's the chance that it is green?
You don't know what the outcome has been, therefore there are probable and improbable outcomes, so there's a probability, you moron.

Can we all agree that this is a poorly worded question and that TO SOME EXTENT we are all partially correct?

No fuck you commie scum

>one of them is rigged to always land heads

That's different to the OP scenario, you simpleton.

If 1 coin is rigged as heads, it can never be tails, and the answer is 1/2.

In the OP, NO COIN is rigged. AT LEAST one coin landed heads. It could be EITHER coin, meaning EITHER coin could be tails, just not both.

Different scenarios.

Answer to OP = 1/3

well we all have heard of people going out to find themselves, i guess he just did


True so far. But if you completely ignore TT it means that 75% is equal to 100% of the actual problem.
And if 75%=100% then 25%=(25%/75)*100 which resolves in ~33,3333%.
So you are in the 1/3 department

there are 4 options:

>1) coin1-heads and coin2-heads
>2) coin1-tails and coin2-tails
>3) coin1-heads and coin2-tails
>4) coin1-tails and coin2-heads

IF WE SAY THAT COIN1 IS HEADS, we remove coin1-tails from possibilities, and we have:

>1) coin1-heads and coin2-heads
>2) coin1-heads and coin2-tails

You guys are retarded.

I can't tell if the anti-50% people are joking or not.

Maybe it should be rephrased. "What are the odds that this coin i'm flipping will be heads, the same as the other one we have already decided is heads." i.e. what are the odds a coin flip will result in heads.


,if 1 coin is guaranteed heads then the other one is just a normal fucking coin toss.

Which is 50/50

Damn you user, the proletariat will rise!

TL;DR 50/50

But coin1 tails and coin2 heads is still valid, you simpleton.

>1) coin1-heads and coin2-heads
>2) coin1-heads and coin2-tails
>3)coin1-tails and coin2-heads


ITS 0%, you dumbshits!

>What is the chance that BOTH
>Not what is the chance of the coin that is not heads
>You do not know which coin is heads so you cannot treat it as a single coin throw
for retards that answered 50/50

i really can't tell if the 1/3 anons are trolling.

It is not poorly worded, it is an old, known grammatical and philosophical question (and yes, both are partially right)

you stupid shit theres no chance for things which already happened , theyre not "rolling" anymore

but about this pseudoriddle its like "there are 4 cakes but some amerifat ate one , how many cakes remain"

its 50%. doesn't matter which coin you ignore, you still can only consider 1 coin, because it asked about both. the order doesn't matter. so one will always be heads. so you only consider the probability of one coin landing heads, so 50%

That's a different question. Are you retarded? Do you lack basic reading comprehension?

The question does not say that 1 coin has been flipped and landed heads, now we flip another coin.

It says 2 coins were flipped, and at least one landed heads.

Do you understand the difference?

There are 3 ways to get at least one heads coin for a 2-coin flip



Holy shit, you people can't fucking into reading comprehension or math

The correct answer is 25%~
One coin has a 50%~ chance, with twice that the chance decrease to half of that, aka 25%~

Translated to Sup Forumsspeak:

>Two skanky bitches, Anny and Bonny decide to service a BBC
>They agree, independent of each other, to either suck that cock (heads) or have some anal fun (tails)
>This will all take place in a closed room so neckbeard anons can’t fap to it
>Afterwards the nigger sends a text: “I got at least one blow job”

What are the odds he got 2 blow jobs?

The possibilities are:
Anny Heads – Bonny Heads
Anny Heads – Bonny Tails
Anny Tails – Bonny Tails
Anny Tails – Bonny Heads

The text revealed that AT-BT is ruled out.
Which leaves us with 1 out of 3 = 1/3

That's the conclusion I came to. Which you would know if you could read

1/3 is the correct answer, you dolt.


let's just call it 1/2 and get on with our lives

You do not know which coin is heads so you cannot use the chances of a single isolated coin toss, instead of fucking about it, learn to understand why, this is a common question to separate the cream from the milk

It's a basic conditional probability question, and it can be solved mathematically using Bayes' theorem.

Answer = 1/3

Do you understand that for a 2 coin flip there are 3 equally likely outcomes that contain at least one heads?

Let me make it really simple for you.
There's two doors. One has a car and one has a donkey. I choose one door. That means the action has happened in the past (just like the coin flip, still following?) What's the chance I chose the car?
See how just because it is in the past doesn't mean there's no probability question to be asked? Or do you have the mental capacity of a four year old with their head trapped in a hydraulic press?

Woops, overread the brackets. I only wanted to give you right dude and maybe give the 50/50 faggots some sense

... times 3 possible scenario's (HT-HH-TH) = 75%
...of which 1 is the winrar
.. giving you 25% out of 75% = 1/3