Australia, you can still do the "fisherman's boner" trick on the new $5 note that came out today!

Australia, you can still do the "fisherman's boner" trick on the new $5 note that came out today!

i don't see it

The queens jaw is the balls, the hair is the pubic hair, the neck is the penis shaft, the necklace are the fishes teeth, the dress is the fishes skin and the broach is the fishes eye.

then you're not australian

Its a whale eating a dick you fucking poofta

>2016 still with a queen

what broach?

that's fucking stupid

we have a new $5?

neck and chin is the dick and the shirt and necklace is suppose to be a fish

We got a new $5 note?

this is dumb. You should feel dumb

can we get a better look at that new note haven't seen one yet

I see it but you really have to have a lot of imagination. I cannot understand how someone would come up with that.

the note looks retarded

We got a new fiver? The fuck was wrong with the old one?

is that whole middle part see though?

Go spend a year in Australia. You'll come up with weirder shit than turning the queens face into a fish sucking a cock.

hahahaha oh jesus fuck.
Way to cement the monopoly money rep.

We need to have this goddamn plebiscite, the gayness is getting so bad its affecting us down to a fiscal level.

but this one's got a fuckin window m8!

Apparently the bird flies or something? Idk I haven't gotten one yet.

yeah the white part

its supposed to be harder to counterfeit


who could counterfeit a 5 dollar note

that's retarded. "lets make the least valuable note harder to counterfeit"

I learn something new here everyday


They made anew one because some "blind" teenage faggot said this one is easier to see or some shit

man with long nails? eww

What the fuck, are they at least gonna change any other notes that will stick outs like dogs balls

I don't care why they did it, it is pointless and it looks stupid, now what happens with the old one we just have two 5 dollar notes now.

Believe it or not, its actually the smarter way to go.

Who questions 5 - 50 bucks in purchase in fives.

Now flip it, who walks into a store this day and age and buys shit in cash 100s. Everyone uses their card.

Checkout bitch be twichin.

Its easier to get rid of 20 x 5 than it is 100 x 5.

don't know it's from ddg image search
no idea

i like the new fiver tbh


They'll slowly pull them out of circulation. Isn't the first time they've changed the money. Still remeber when they brought out the last one.

I still have 1 and 2 dollar notes laying around.

And a few pennies.

i buy most of my things with 100s i have like 30 of them right now

cashiers here scan 50+ bills

Why the fuck do Aussies have the Queen of Britain on their banknotes ?

I thought the Queen was British.


>being this retarded and not knowing what commonwealth is.

yeah, my dad uses an old $2 note as a bookmark.

Ah same here i got a few $1 and a few 1c and 2c coins

I pity the fucking people amused by this shit. Bet they dropped out in grade 10 because "fucking school's for fags eh" and work cashies as a labourer. If they had a shred of introspective ability they'd all have killed themselves.

Thats cool, works for you, cause its legit currency.

Guarentee those notes have been scanned at some point in circulation from you to checkout, because people dont generally pay in 100s anymore.

Not saying your a schiesty cunt, but thats the automatic thought when a checkout bitch gets a 100 now days.

Literally taught to inspect in training.

Awww shit! You guys have clear money.Nice.

Fukin Abos! you think they can counterfeit shit? ever been to Alice Springs? They literally sit outside the grog shop waiting for 2pm when they open so they can buy their limited amount of alcohol. They are so bad that the bottle'os cant legally open until 2pm and they can only sell a certain amount per customer. Abos wouldn't (can't) counterfeit shit. They'd just steal it.

Thumbnail looks suspiciously like some kiwi shit. What was the government trying to pull?

i just think they look nice so i make sure to get them and i feel less like a worthless neet when i pay for things with 100s

You spell like the fucking abos you talk about you degenerate.

You can try and wash away the stain but you'll never be clean.
Never be clean.

I pity the fucking people like you. No amusement or joy at all in life.

Fuck you cunt

Hope you never get pulled over, you get a cranky cop mate and that shit will be held on suspicion almost immediately.

what the fuck is the fishermans boner

why would they be searching me though. been fined a few times and never been searched

Listen buddy, where I work almost every person pays with 50's and 100's. I don't know where you get your information from but I work 5 days a week and there isn't a single day where I don't see a 100 or 50.

You are fine to keep paying with 100's mate.

I may be an asshole but at least I'm not amused by folding a banknote into a vaguely vulgar picture.

the chin and neck looks like a dick and the shirt and necklace looks like a whale, look close and you will see it.

I would imagine if you had 30 x 100 notes stuffed in your wallet mate, even the most unobservant cop would notice when you went to pull out your licence.

Its well within their rights to question, and to detain/hold on suspicion if they notice it.

Unless youre a money clip faggot or whatever the fuck.

Well don't talk shit about bogan cunts while typing like one ya retard.

Convenient m

i don't use a wallet and i keep my drivers license wedged in the seat belt to keep it loose

Ok i get it i see it now.
Thanks Sup Forumsro.

keep what loose

Dickhead........... noone said it wasnt fine.
Its completely fine. If its legit tender.

What everyone is saying is that the higher the denomination, the greater chance that the bill will be checked for counterfeiting.

So the best way to get away with it is to counterfeit the lowest denominations possible.

This is literally a thing..... this is how criminals world wide operate and have done for many decades.

I type like one cus I am one?
What the fuck do u have against me and my bogan posts?

keep the belt loose. i don't like when seat belts strangle you

where the clip for the belt would usually rest. you can wedge stuff in there

Don't. It's horrible here.

If you're white you are welcome, but I still wouldn't come. If I knew a single person outside of this country I would leave and never come back.....

If you're an arab or black, or chinese, then GTFO, we're full.

Fair enough, it's not unreasonable to suggest one might keep their licence in their wallet though.

I literally have never thought of this before, interesting.

yeah sorry i haven't used one in so long i didn't even think about it


fuck up cunt

This guy said "because people dont generally pay in 100s anymore.", I was just saying that is wrong. I don't care about the counterfeiting.

it says people GENERALLY dont. Generally does not mean never not ever.

It means people are more likely to use their EFT card, or pay with a smaller more closely matched amount.

Hes 100 percent completely right, PEOPLE GENERALLY DONT PAY IN 100S FOR ANYTHING ANYMORE.

Kinda stopped that in the late 80s, when we switched from paypackets to cash deposited into the bank.

Sorry your a drug dealer, cunt. Get a real job.

You're uneducated lower class peons who exist solely to keep the wheels of society turning, when you aren't on a smoko. 50 years and we'll have replaced you all with robots and you'll be fucking useless drains on everyone else.

A chimp could contribute what you do to society. You're just easier to train.

it's because atm doesn't hand out 100s

Lol looks like a homosexual community memorial note

Then youll be next in the chain, peon.

wtf is this fake ass funny money.

This guy calls notes "legit currency" lmfao.

I call legal tender, legit currency in context of the conversation, because its legitimate currency.

The point here?

Do you work at Bunnings?

I always see shifty cunts paying with cash wads at that store.

We can't do the 9/11 one anymore though, it fucking sucks, why not just add a bump to the original $5 note

Side note: why is Australia still producing 5 cent coins? Do we really need more of these things?

There is debate about that calm down fag

can't wait to vote it down!

Thanks fer the tip m8ee! I thought i was gonna have to start carrying a real gay picture to wank to.

Can't unsee dick and fish.

Honestly any thing under 50c is kinda useless tbh

The 20 cent coins still come in handy occasionally


To be fair, if your on the other side of the pond, I wouldnt expect to you to know that our country is a part of a commonwealth.

>expect them even less so to be able to read the fucking note.

Why are you so angry? Because I have a job and you live in your mothers basement posting on Sup Forums and crying about your life?
I'm going to sleep, gotta be up at 6:40 tomorrow for work. Nighty night faggot.

what if you want to buy something for 5 cents?

yeah, how else would i get me gumballs from the standup machine at the fish n chip shop?

Bit edgy there user.