Whats your opinion on these

whats your opinion on these

>smoke down to the nub
>knock out the burnt tobacco
>toss in yer lip
Besides being kinda loose and burning quick they are alright

If you put your wood in the back ur gay.
If you smoke this ur gay.

cmon annon, say something worth reading. silly

This and the usage of the word "silly"; I use as evidence to declare OP as a raging, glorious, flaming, magnificent, winged, fabulous faggot.

If you use gas station cigars for anything other than blunts you're probably a fucking hillbilly. If you need to get cancer badly just smoke cigarettes or enjoy a nice cigar occasionally like a normal blue collar American.

>hating on cheap tobacco
Fuck off elitist.

Expensive as fuck for only getting a single one. Game natural leaves all the way


you guys are hilarious

These are for black people who listen to worldstarhiphop music only.

Dutch Master race

Shit tier, just get zigzag wraps nigga

Only legit cigars to roll blunts with are Dutch Master and Backwoods, but even those are ultra cancer. that's like 300x the tobacco/garbage than a cigarette, and theyre usually dipped in flavors and shit

i will never understand those kids who smoke cigarillos, like swisher blueberries and white owl fruit flavours, just smoke those constantly as blunts. shit is so fucking bad for you

just smoke joints/cigarettes

whenever i see or hear anyone smoking a blunt, i immediately know theyre a retard who just smokes because the hardcore edgy rappers they listen to do it.

its a waste of weed and its absurdly destructive to your lungs. burning artificial strawberry flavors are not meant to be inhaled

this is me, just wanted to add, the best way to go is unbleached papers. once you roll a perfect joint, nothing beats it. i'm actually gonna go smoke one rn

looks like they're made for kids in the 1970's

I like black and mild

okay 12 year old

>no fun allowed

I'm white and I loved the grape flavour before they discontinued them. I didn't even use then for blunts, just a tasty smoke.

Smoking 2-3 of these things as blunts has become routine. Expensive habit tho. If I could get a pack of leaves I would be stoked

Never got into backwoods, I mainly just uses wishers and white owls. 4 blunt a day habit since Denver has amazing weed for amazing prices. $100 for an ounce of kosher kush atm that came in at 21%

>4 blunts a day
kys nigger