Onion thread anyone?

Onion thread anyone?

Other urls found in this thread:





How do I buy drugs online using tor

Bit coin


i have no idea officer ... i mean user

How do you get bitcoin?
I'd Google this but it's risky stuff

What are you looking for OP ?

sure bitcoin is risky stuff, go back to your room Kevin.

anyone interested in more?

Open for everything but not cp


can't help you then sorry.



Delete this

gimme me a minut

hitmen? link me

Should I use a vpn before ordering small amounts amounts of droogs from dnm?

Ok mr fbi

No for best result go bare ip and give em your Name and adress



Anything search-worthy on there? I'd hoped there might be something i can use to look into private instagrams/shit like that?


really think fbi cares about this.

where to now lads that toybox is shut down


You have a repository you use?

I see we got a funny guy here, kek. Take a hike buster!

But really what I mean is, is a vpn necessary if I'm only making small, limited orders?


Okay thank you. Can you recommend any vpn's? I haven't looked at any yet.

no hitmen?


>asks about drugs
>wont google about bitcoins because its risky
do yourself a favor and avoid the deep web

Nobody gives a shit, if it helps you sleep go take a free trial of VPN in 5min.


I will, but why do you say that


I guess not?

it's a little specific, maybe if you go on some hacking forums.

Because you hesitate to ask about obtaining drugs but wont research botcoins when it isn't incriminating at all

i'd like to think that was a sick bait, but unfortunately i think it wasn't.

Dont hesitate*


The police give a shit, that's why I'm asking for tor advice in a tor thread, dumb ass.