New trap thread

new trap thread

Other urls found in this thread:



I want to marry a trap

>look like girls
>can't get pregnant

what's not to love








is that you?

>new trap thread

Fuck off and die, faggot.


The fact they have a dick, faggot

aw you're adorable

Haha thanks

I'm _emmi_ on cam4 if you're interested

very nice, you look good! are you on hrt?

I love these threads so much


I'm not gay, but traps really get my dick hard, and I think I'd fuck one.

That's what fags call a "bonus".

This is the reason I come to Sup Forums. I mostly lurk, but I want you guys/girls to know that these threads make the end of a shitty day worth it. Cheers to you.

leave this fucking board faggot jesus


It has to be convincing though if they just throw on a wig it doesn't do it for me but yeah I think I would

>Im not gay but Im gay

ya'll gays should kill yourself.

Just Fuck a Chick up the ass then FAGGOT!!

No sauce on this but God damnnn

Who is this

Get over your insecurities, the world's big enough to contain both of our senses of "normal".

A Dude

no, THE Dude.

that's some solid logic right there

Last one is a bit of an uggo face, but I'd still smash


Are there traps here?

Any trap kik usernames?






Sauce would be great

One is Ziggy?

which one is

I hope this is bait.




still would


sienna grace

Sauce for anyone looking

I'm assuming this is the forehead wrinkle bitch. You're just as ugly as he is, faggot.

where does young traps hang out online?


Ah yes that well known rock artist Ziggy Pop. Iggy you fucking retard. Ziggy is David Bowie.

>Ugly Off 2016!

I laughed, loudly.

>HIV incarnate


i know right? one of my favorite Sup Forums images of all time


Only decent ones in the whole thread. And theyre all professionals.
I call bullshit but if this is a trap then its also a cruel joke from god cause jesus fucking christ.


check his stubbed dick

All four of those traps are gorgeous. Please feel free to post moar.

Also, sweet trip dubs.

ruined it

hes also pretty man bodied

d'awww they say transgender and not tranny, not even transsexual. i think they secretely like us!

nat got a lot cuter since hrt, but still her cock is no beauty. shiris pecker is much better


> nat got a lot cuter since hrt

Prove it

Thats him on hrt

That's Shiri...

look at her tumblr archive and scroll down in time. face contours softened and boobies grew

Any traps from south jersey need a master.

no shit retard

is the disaster on hrt

you look amazing, i like this pov



Any traps in North Carolina? I kinda want to pop my trap cherry

camila ramirez

Why me just jerk of to this shit and like breath play half snuff type porn what the fuck me be serial killer????

pretty face ruined by the basketballs on her chest

stop advertising on here


amazing how he can hide how masculine he truly is with that crappy angle

a common practice of nonpassable hons



Love her dead sissy eyes.



found the tranny


I don't see a single trans girl in the entire thread
just ugly shitposters and whiny faggots like you

i mean im gay too, but holy fuck you are a faggot


