Trips decide the name of my child ^.^

Trips decide the name of my child ^.^


Oh for fuck sake don't tell me my thread is already over.

That was fast

Daddy's little instrument


Yes. Yes it is. Little trombone will be his name. Your horrible for doing this to your child. Faggot. # dicksoutforharambe

So am I, infact that's why I am having a child.


Birth certificate pics or didn't happen

the jews said Menoliel Braunberg

My child isn't born yet you dip

user B. Mctits

If OP doesn't deliver, neither will the child

OP here, hospital called. Wife was in an accident.

Will be back in 2 minutes. Pray for my wife.

first fucking post god damnit

name it "ladies and gentlemen"

Middle name will be "ner"

Fuck reroll


So close

Hit me baby one more time

Once more fuckers


Fuck off 4 times in a row this isn't right

OP here, my Wife died. The child didn't make it.

Sorry I can't deliver. Probably for the best. Trombone Griffin isn't a very good name for a child


Nice trying to get out of having to deliver faggot, can we get a guy fox to doxx OPs ip/ his wife's life support?


dubs and we get to decide the gender?

Dubs decide the gender the baby would of been.

Trips describe his job

gender is a social construct