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Seriously no one else?


That's better











Should i post rule 34?

This actually make him taller than the other guy.
That'd piss me off...





oh wait, this is a YLYL thread



Make it funny r34

Are we supposed to be mad that she's bitchifying the CIV series? I'm not sure I get this one...

funny that robert graves guy makes fun of the other moron for "stalking facebook comments" when he comments on everything the moron says




Well, I lost...
...but I'm gonna stay and lurk anyway fackface!


Lost. One of the funniest things I've ever read.

Check um



Too bad Brendan and Robert are the same person.

Imagine a man doing this as a part of a bank robbery.



More racist comedy please
Only good shit though not lazy retarded shit that isn't funny




That pic is from jacksfilms fix ya pics!

I know right, fucking liberals and their strawmen.

5 get

ffs why do they hire women to make strategy games, jesus fuck whyyyy paradox studio also has a woman on board


fucking lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

123 are average
45 are hot
The black one is actually pretty sexy tbh famalam


He left her because her grammar is pure shite. His English skills required a better educated woman, not some white trailer trash bimbo.


oddly enough he is still with her. He was deployed to Iraq

Nah mah he is just like Benjamin Button

A+ thank you for this

What ever helps you sleep at night, Tyrone...

>implying white people are better.

Its funny because she actually has more belly then the gorilla

would eat all of their assholes





Yeah, they didn't even need to add the gorilla

Lost hard
More comedy gold like this, I got a new phone and have to start my collection over

I was? I thought I was just posting a
Picture of a disgusting she-boon







>Man I gonna shower for real this year.
>I have so much grease in my face I can fry chips.

fucking cringe. Even with the Harambe edit

That's a cold piece

fuck off pedo

i don't get it can someone tell my what this picutre means

Beautiful strong women, all 9/10 10/10 powerful leaders of empires that all look dtf
>women in charge
Looks trash
Jew noses


What is this from?

ohhh i get it now

Not a YRYL thread, thank you

interesting, is this a movie?

I mean harambe technically was an african american because he came from africa and was brought in to america so that joke fits. I thought it was cringe tho when they put harambe's face on the black lady from ghostbusters because it made absolutely no sense



Oh, it made perfect sense



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