No rekt thread?

no rekt thread?
wtf Sup Forums?

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thanks for getting this shit show started user








newfags can't catalog







sry wrong file



Anyone got the one where that guy on the motorcycle go's under that big rig with all those wheels and and pops like a water Ballon filled with blood?









Almost die wow

how the fuck didnt his arm just get ripped off?







lol its just water its not like he's hitting concrete

The video is too long to watch... Can someone tell me how does it end please?




c-section on a cat?



The faggots who did this need to die and burn in hell.


story ?


Thats right, pray for something without doing anything to make it happen.

Hell isnt real you religious nutcase.

For the love of god, i will pay cash money for this video.


i once posted this vid on a game developer's forum profile and got banned

surface tension, its not like humans are made of concrete.

Are you 12 or just plain retarded?

Thank you for properly naming that file so I didn't watch it :(

Right on, dude. Go try it, prove that faggot wrong

Sick cunt should have been cunt punted

you dumbass dildo worshiping faggot..its his fucking choice to belive whatever he wants ,,as it is your choice to belive whatever you stupid sad excuse for life

I can't take these animal killing/molesting vids man. How fuckin degenerate do you have to be to actually kill a fuckin defenseless animal.

You guys are the retards, just FYI

i hope youre a vegeterian,,or else fuck off

Does it feel good to state that? Do you now feel as if you are moraly lifted above these people because you made an observation about it and made that clear on an anonymous forum. Its bad but typing some throw away shit doesnt solve a fucking thing.

You are not a moral authority
You are just another collection of atoms capable of heinous acts
Stop acting like your shite dont stink and just fuck off back to which ever religious hell hole you came from.

THeres extreme stuff everywhere but the real idiots are behind fucking inane replies like yours.

Absolutely right.

You have the right to be wrong.

You have the right to be a moron.

And I have the right to call you a moron.

Tend to agree. Will fap to vids of humans getting splattered, but animal vids are just not that fun

i bet you have a collection of fedoras and swords..

Its cool i feel intelligent, my mom told me aswell. I'm a special boy.

NO religion is cancer, all must die.

Also gays, blacks, jews, disabled, transgender retarded, unemployed, Transracial, rude, bad drivers, ugly women, un funny and annoying people must be killed too.

The real version was brutal.

lets bring the kids to see the rodeo
>watch a horse get disemboweled


At those heights, hitting water is just like hitting concrete.

People commit suicide all the time by jumping off of the Golden Gate bridge into the water.

Did you fail the 3rd grade? It's simple physics.

and i respect your right to your opinion you grand autist,,but dont force your opinion on me,dickless

i would tear out this faggots eyes

youre 14 arent you?

you have no right to call anyone a moron. your "rights" only protect you from govt punishments. people still have the ability to fight you and fuck you up for calling them a moron, proving that youre a faggot who makes up excuses for being a faggot, and wont date exercise your "rights" around someone who might beat the shit out of you. mental-bully projection pussy

No but try another lazy sterotype while we are at it. You may be a fucking idiot but you can do better than that.


Because I eat meat I have to accept the fact that people set living animals on fire or torture them in another way? Great reasoning faggot.

im not doing this...

This user gets it. I want this user to run for president.

You say as you eat bacon and hamburgers made form the suffering of animals.

You care about a cute kiddy getting killed, but you don't give a shit about an armidillo.

You care about a doggo getting beat to death, but you don't give a shit about the millions of pigs raised in 2ft cages and then brutally killed every day so we can have bacon. Pigs are smarter than dogs, by the way.

Either become a vegetarian or admit you don't give a shit about animals that aren't your pet.

I'm not even a vegan, I'm eating a chicken sandwich right now.

But if you flip a tit over a video of a dog being killed, but don't react over a pig being killed, you have some serious hypocrisy going on that you need to think about.

you probably should.

Damn did you guys really just fall for such a cheap bait

well done o great faggotmaster..go look at slaughter house and chicken packing plants..

I like the motivation.

Just let me cumulative dammit!

I bet she doesn't do that again.

And if you do, you will go to jail. I do NOT have the right to say whatever I want in someones home, for example. They can kick me out and tell me to leave if I say something they don't like.

But in a public sphere, I can say whatever the fuck I want.

I absolutely do have the right, in a public space, to call anyone I wish a moron.

I also have the right to shoot anyone who attacks me, so good luck with that, friend.


lol i remember my middle school too.

sure you would sweetheart

idk if i'd laugh or be horrified at first.

You're just the fucking worst do you know that lewl

That's what you get for using beats.

Fuck off with your hash tags.

You seem pretty retarded.

Uhhh would you believe that I am 29, married and successful-ish

*tips fedora*

With no anesthetic?

There's still a difference between being one-shotted in the most humane way possible or being clubbed to death or set on fire. I would feel the same for any other animal. Also there's a difference in killing animals for a "reason" and doing it for fun.