Guys wtf is wrong with my hand ?

Guys wtf is wrong with my hand ?

in b4 aids

Looks like eczema, go to your doctor, and get it checked out.


I just came back from Gabon

Eczema or psoriasis. Easily one of the two.

I remember reading about this disease in some science magazine years ago. It starts appearing in random splotches like in the pic, but it spreads all over your skin within days. It's got something to do with your skin being unable to grow properly, so it ends up all crusty and very red looking. It's not inherently harmful, but it itches like hell and makes you look like a living zombie if left untreated.

Aids rash. R.i.p. in aids Sup Forumsrotha

it's the aids. Stop having bumsex with your faggy bf immediately

Early signs of "fagotus opis"

looks like nerve gas

Just tried to rub it

U got ebola m8

fucking idiot

Looks like psoriasis or that other shit that dries out the skin and products scales. Starts with an e. But it could just be chemical burned. Slap some carmex on it and see a doctor.

But I suspect you already have this on your legs and know what it is already.

Keep going it's almost off OP

medic here. It IS cancer. Cut your whole arm before it reaches one of your primary organs.

I do my best...

Have a bump OP. Best I can do, how about you?

oh for real?

Like someone else said, it looks like eczema. I've had eczema all my life (inherited from both parents). My recommendation is Curel; it comes with a special eczema formulation which works miracles. I literally couldn't leave the house without it, since I get eczema all over my face and I'd look like some kind of half-decayed zombie.

Wtf man your arm is all brown and shit

you scraped it, and it's healing and just dry. but you knew that.




It's splitting apart and becoming another organism

You're poor

It's most likely a fungal infecion or you came in contact with a skin corroding substance/plant while in Gabon. Do to the doctors thought, I don't know why retards like you rely on Sup Forums to give good answers.



I roll so that you use big grain sand paper and scrape it all off like dry hoy glue

any more pics of him?

Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death!!!



super aids, trust me ima docter.

what's it taste like?


You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Did you recently start working around carboard or and or wash your hands in the cold? If yes thats your problematic