Sup Sup Forums, rate my new rating please :3 Shy grill here, be nice

Sup Sup Forums, rate my new rating please :3 Shy grill here, be nice

qt 3.1415926535897932386

hai kayla

Tits andtimestamp or gtfo

bitch you better timestamp that shit


That's the closest to a timestamp that you'll get, nerds

I can't help but imagine your finger as my dick, fucking your throat, your saliva over my dick

I love your attitude : 3 all the pathetic beta males on this site are probably seething right now and desperately trying to think of a clever insult to appear like theyre alpha and on top

cute piercing btw

No one cared 2 days ago and we don't now you cuck

you're kidding right?

Good God what a faggot....

Your really cute 10/10

not a good start


> Taking the bait painfully

Obviously you're a little attention whore but that's alright

> What is exif data

You know the rules, emo slut. You know the rules


OP's a faggot

You people, and ones like you, are the reason why fraud is a multi billion industry.

Wait a second, but ur OP?

Well I was referring to the pic not the poster of pic

u know the drill bitch.

no ass + no tits = attwhore

kill yourself

Should have changed the name of the file to make it look real

you've got it all mixed up there brother....

Kill yourself OP I only saved it because I knew you'd make this thread again


Sup Forums removes exif, bro

I'm glad you have my pics on your comp

Nice screenshot

One pic and I forgot it was saved, in your dreams would I ever fap to it

You forgot it but posted it :3

nobody cares about you, gtfo lonely faggot

Can you read?

No need, I'm hawt

I wanna feel it here babe

I don't even know what exif data is, I just wanted to sound cool on the internet by posting that, but it's anonymous so I don't care saying it now. So there.


The girl your posting is 5/10 at best I'd like to know how ugly you are, cuck

while we're at it, im happy to tell you I suck my thumb as well at the age of 30. I dont care. I once sucked a tranvestites dick when I was fucked up but im not gay I just wanted to see if I'd be any good at it.


No tits even required. I'd fuck her because I like freaky chicks with cyan hair.

would let you suck my fat dick

I wanna feel you too, Don't be jelly!

if you only knew how trolled you where rn
And heres the seething betas who cant stand that they got 1upped by a female

its ok, im totally just some retard and yall are the super cool alpha Sup Forums bros

ohhh is this a slutposting thread? Ill slutpost with you ~

savage...marry me?

Forever the rules..

You need a timestamp to be able to rate that pic ? What has become of my Sup Forums. used to be so cool back in the oldfags days, I miss those.

well a dude wrote that you closet faggot

It's legal, even in murifat

You even a grill?

> where
> h

white knight level: over 9000

is that a grill?

show your dick

Hate to dissapoint, but did you guys forget the tits poking out of her chest

Seriously, have ANY of you had sex?

implying men don't have tits

That's a dude

>using over 9000 in the current year
>implying I'm male

The femanons are trekking you faggots

>doesn't own a dictionary

>supreme damage control

its not gonna end. Just stop, it gets worse

If you're shy then how retarded are you to make a rate thread on Sup Forums

post dick