Calling it now:

Calling it now:
>a prog revival band will, some time before 2025, debut with its first album
>said album will be critically acclaimed and commercially successful, revitalizing rock in a time of rap and pop
>it will be the last album Scaruffi reviews
>on his deathbed, he rewards the album with his only 10
>all is well

Yeah and everyone will remember this post

cheers, music frontiers!

swans already did this minus the scaruffi stuff

oh yeah swans really revitalized rock, look at all the cool successful rock bands now a days

They will. I'll be the songwriter for the band, and every album will include some reference to the numerical sequence 70228130. People will be mystified but eventually catch on. It will result in a several-month-long hunt to find the meaning, culminating in a simple message to "check the archives." The more diligent of my fans will immediately figure it out, piece it together, and be greeted by this fucking retarded fat piece of shit Pepe, a meme that will be so out of date by this point, and your dumb fucking comment, and you will be mocked and reviled by everyone on this planet, and the numerical sequence will be burned into everyone's fucking retinas. Yes, everyone WILL remember this post.

Not possible, prog has always been pretty niche
even biggest modern bands like Porcupine Tree and Mars Volta didn't achieve much success


>died in order

What a fag

silly user WW3 will be on by then. we won't have time for prog revival

Leaving your mark on history, I see. Surely there are better ways of doing it than talking about homosexual men, though.


Go on, hero.

eh, pink floyd is one of the biggest bands of all time. yes and genesis are also up there. king crimson probably would be if they didn't call it quits at their peak in the 70s, and then have fripp develop autism by the time they returned

porcupine tree were fairly independent and definitely stuck to building their niche, but the mars volta and tool got pretty big

and I'd argue progressive metal has a big audience, too

this already happened in the 90s and 00s with tool and the mars volta. neither revitalized rock (I say that as a huge fan of the mars volta).

to be honest, there's not much more to be done with prog as a genre. it died as soon as it developed a distinct sound

no one uses the term any more due to the association with crusty anglo prog from 45 years ago, but there has been plenty of "progressive" rock music over the last decade (see: kayo dot, ulver, gospel, swans etc.), and iirc scaruffi covered a lot of it

Swans haven't released a relevant album since the 80s lmao

>tfw had a prog revival band but we broke up before we managed to make our first album

Scaruffi will never give a 10, but another 9.5 would be earth shattering


Toasting an epic bread
Screencap this

Scaruffi already died of syphilis, it just wasn't publicized


Who'd give Piero syphilis?

Radiohead literally did this with OK Computer to a tee.

Scaruffi didn't give it a 10.

>the music defender


no 80s swans album was progressive

what does this mean, in this context?

>rap will last until 2025 as a significant pop culture phenomenon
it could not be more obvious how underage you are