Hello, Sup Forums

Hello, Sup Forums.

I want to thank all of you for the amazing stories and adventures you guys have shared with me over the past 6 years.

Today she sent me a sex tape of her and my "best friend". I was angry for a little bit until I realized that some people must be sad in this world for others to be happy. I understand that this is my role in the universe, and I believe that I did it very well.

I'm sorry to tell you this will be my final thread on Sup Forums. When this thread 404s my life will end shortly after. Sorry, no stream.

My final wish is for the greatest thread of all time— greentext, YLYL, traps, people who hate traps, gifs, webms, porn, gore, racism, everything that I loved about this site.

It's been very fun here Sup Forums. I'm glad to know that even when I lost everything, I still had you.

Other urls found in this thread:




End the chapter on this site, not your life. Go outside, do anything. You've got nothing to lose now. Sad is not forever

If we really meant that much to you you'd share that sex tape

yeah lets see it

Good night sweet prince


what was her reason in sending it to you?

Post the tape


Kill them. Youll feel better.
Maybe hopefully not enough to not kill yourself though

Op don't do that
Come talk

Insult. I deleted it out of rage.

Looking back maybe I should have kept it to fap for a little bit.

>Has Sup Forums taught you nothing user?
>That fucking blows but don't kill yourself over it


see you in hell faggot :)

>inb4 atheist autism

>I realized that some people must be sad in this world

I know that's why I'll take an E now and be happy for a few hours





Fuck off faggot.



you want green texts ill start some shitty personal ones
>be american in military
>fall in love with french girl while in japan
>long distant relationship but we make it work for two years
>see each other when we can
>love everything about her
>promise each other marriage, children, and a happy life
> happier than i could ever imagine
>go on deployment to shitty desert in africa
>starving refugees everywhere
>try best to keep in contact everyday
>she starts new college
>starts talking less and less to me
>one night after very long day she tells me she has cheated
> i forgive her if she promises no more
>she gets even more distant
>she is with other man now
>wonder if i can ever be happy again

If you truly don't care, try killing everything besides yourself instead of yourself. Just stop obeying rules.

I'll see you in the next life you absolute nigger

Post the video faggot have her body spread that will humiliate her, don't be a bitch capitalize on her stupidity to duck with you


This, post the video, then kill yourself. You'll be the one laughing in hell when she tries to get you arrested

I'm back now I gotta wait for the drugs to kick in
here have some classic gore m8

you should kill them first before you end your life. for real


Uhh. Don't commit suicide? At least put me in your will.

Just don´t do it...


Share her tape and dox or piss off you piece of shit attention whore!

Sup Forums doesn't give a shit OP isn't man enough to keep a bitch, we demand fapping material!


nice quads lel


OP if you chuckle at this picture of an angry tree frog you have to stay alive

Why the fuck would you kys over a fucking grill, there's way more girls out there man, plus they all cheat, if they don't they're way too clingy and impossible to deal with, and that just shows he wasn't your friend at all, buck up and live mang, you're better than they are

>before spanish class
>friend brings hot sauce so hot its illegal apparently
>double dog dared to taste it
>hot as fuck
>not thinking and rub my eye
>hot sauce burning the corneas like magma
>go to class
>face red eyes watering
>hot popular girl asks what my fucking problem is
>think im a jokester but really just cringy
>tell her i need milk
>motion to her tits
>shes disgusted and makes scene
>sjw teacher is on the scene
>she is told what ive done

On the off chance this is true (kek) I would remind you that the thing that would piss them off the most is if you acted totally unphased like they are strangers to you, and just continued being happy and successful while totally blocking all their attempts to contact you. If you die they win. Don't let that happen.


i thought summer was officialy over wtf
go back to youtube nigger

what kind of faggot ends his life over a bitch. Screw girls, man, get a fuckin hobby. Apply yourself to something, get an obsession and lose yourself in it. Bitches are going to be horrible to any guy, no matter the shape color or personality. They're fuckin bitches man.



Thank you at least someone agrees with me

>small dick excuses


please dont kill yourself user

>"""best friend"""
>fucking your girlfriend

Honestly the girl cheating on you is not that surprising, sending a sex tape is total disrespect but not entirely unexpected. But somebody you would consider a friend doing something like that? Despicable. Kill him slowly, he deserves far worse than here.

Here's a nordic twilight to guide you into the brighter future of either vengeance or not giving a fuck.

here's a greentext that happened to me

>be me in middleschool
>meet qt3.14
>become fast friends b/c I don't have many
>start to d8
>goes well but I guess not for her
>breaks up w/ me but its middleschool so whatever
>get distant from her, find new friends
>sophomore year in highschool year she calls and asks if I want to hang
>do it
>eventually start d8ing again
>same thing happens
>senior year she calls me again
>says "user im pregnant, its not yours but id like to see you again"
>I agree
>We go on a date, she explains everything
>she kisses me goodbye at the end
>next day
>her mom calls me and says she killed herself
>her note said I was the only one she ever loved


damn, that frogger looks really pissed senpai

Whats OP gunna do, try to kill himself to punish everyone in his life for choosing to caring at all?

What a piece of shit, i feel bad for everyone else.



>year later
>after biology
>teacher looks like retired pornstar
>running joke in class is to pretend to grind and dry hump her ass while her back is turned
>everyone does it and gets away with it
>my time has come
>shes talking to a student
>i begin the dry humping
>she sees me in reflection of tv mounted on wall
>turns around crying and yelling about how she knows my mom and is going to ruin my life
>i run out screaming sorry
>write apology letter
>turn it into her
>she starts crying again but says thank you
>she loves me for the rest of the year

Learn the ways of Stoicism OP. As the old Persian proverb goes "This too, will pass."

Slut sending nudes: selinevdwal add snapchat


I would also bestow a pic of my kitten trying to attack the fish in our fish tank

Please awwww and stay alive OP

For real, I almost killed myself a few years ago. Don't. Life changes in ways you can't imagine.

Don't rob yourself of finding out what could be

And for gods sake post the sex tape or your ex's nudes


Cum tribute please

Add slut snapchat: laraaax

its his own decision, let him do it

wtf is up with those pics ITT
new meme?



lol its true. but liberating.

heres a stream some user was posting youtube.com/watch?v=sEedCAcapWs theeeres sooooeonheeed

Cum on this face

Fuck that OP, we all think about suicide sometimes but it doesn't solve problems only removes all chance of things getting better.

Fuck killing yourself, FACE YOUR FEAR.

Yeah your hurting now, but that pain is just chemicals man, fuck them, they aren't your master. YOU CONTROL YOUR MIND.

Set a goal, work each day to achieve it and remember your life is on the line.
Persevere, even if it's only to show them how wrong they were to hurt you.

please dont go op


Wow, fuck man that's heavy

sooo rape this stream or what ?

Of course it's his decision but unless he has terminal cancer it's the wrong one. Emotional pain will pass. Sadness will pass. Depression can be medicated.

you lil fag are too weak anyway

Trips and we get the sex tape and greatest thread ever

Post the tape then do a flip.

This is my favorite bait image. I want you to have it op. May it serve you in the afterlife if one exists.

Have a spaceship wearing a crown

No. OP is cool


Thank you very much for these gifts. If anyone else would like to bestow their final images for me, I would appreciate it.

Cmon niggs don't kill yourself, I was so sad at one time of my life (2014) because of a woman that I wanted that to happen, but I was able to be happy again, with just myself, n o shit in between.
I do have trust issues towards women,but I feel good with myself for going through that.
If I could do it, you too.
Don't choose the easy way, fuck that whore never see her again and keep it on

that's a cool gatsu b8 m8
saved btw



Don't do it OP. Time heals all wounds. Don't let one bitch end all the possibilities your life still has to offer you. Love, a Sup Forumsrother.

post the vid, out that whore

Im also thinking on killing myself dude, but the word HOPE prevents me from doing it

if dubs op kills himself now and streams

I agree. Don't be a fagoot OP, sharing is caring.


get it out of the recycle bin mother fuck and share that shit.