Love of my life we use to date when I was 14 first girlfriend cry everyday about her she barely replies dubs decides

Love of my life we use to date when I was 14 first girlfriend cry everyday about her she barely replies dubs decides

get off Sup Forums tbh fam

Why haven't we had sex yet?

Hey i was wondering if you would like to go out maybe have some food and catch up?

You're the Love of my life we use to date when I was 14, you were my first girlfriend, I cry everyday about you. Why do you barely reply?

Rollig for this.

Rolling for this as well.

Lol best one op


I just wanted to tell you the doctors say I have aids. And well you are the only girl I have ever slept with.

Roll for this.

kek lol


Dubs here

Dubs OP.
Deliver, faggot.


rerolling my own bcuz im hilarious


Do it


I want to pee in your mouth and pussy then fuck you bloody.


Listen up you stupid fat nauseating cunt-faced bitch. I'm pretty much ENTITLED to sex from you at this point for all the bullshit I've had to put up with from you and I'm sick and tired of you trying to pretend I don't exist when you owe me pretty much your entire life.

I'm coming over to your house, RIGHT NOW, and we're going to fuck, RIGHT NOW, and if you try to resist I'm going to hurt people you love, RIGHT NOW. Put on something sexy and I fucking hope for your sake there's a cold beer in your fridge for when I'm done ramming your slut holes in.

P.S. fuck you bitch


Op is cry now. Plz abandon thread.


Bruh, dubs was won by For Faggot.

rolling for this


Niggas need to read. won

>Maybe when I have time :)
>OMG thank you :D

No wonder why she doesn't like you that way. You're "just a friend".

Bro, you're looking up at her like a puppy dog. Do you think that would turn her on? You're a beta male. At best, with your behavior, you'll be the guy she settles down with after she rides the cock carousel and hit her 30s and her looks deteriorate.

Move on Bro find a new girl if she really likes you back she will get jealousif not you know you can do better

I have to say something. You probably already know this but I want you to make sure It is true your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply

I cry about you every day because I am a little pussy who doesn't understand that girls don't like wimps like me


OP won't deliver, abandon thread

Send it faggit

Will you Marry me after you fuck a bunch of niggers in college? I will always love you.

Lol here sorry

One, never say that you sent it to the wrong person. Two, say "Alright, let's fuck."


I'm not forest gump

It isn't Im really suprided are you mad