Do you still like Arcade Fire?

Do you still like Arcade Fire?


Yeah but I think Neon Bible holds up a bit better, I literally can't listen to WHOA-OH-OH-OH anymore.

And everything after NB is boring.

this is still a 10 so yeah

yeah that album, reflektors was lame and only sprawl ii off suburbs was good, didnt listen nb. :)

I still particuarly like that album, but besides the funeral their stuff tends to get boring after a few songs

I only like Funeral and a couple tracks from Neon Bible and The Suburbs.

actually revisited some of their stuff earlier today
it was all pretty cool save Reflektor, a lot of boring overwrought songs on that 1

never did. funeral is a 5/10 in a good moode

I never liked them in first place


Their worst album is pretty good and their besta album is pretty great.

New album when?

Never did and never will


I don't listen to them as much as I used to but when I do go back to their stuff it's still pretty great

Well that's what I have done today after not touching them for over 3 years, that's why this thread.

Funeral is of course their best, and I actually prefer The Suburbs over Neon Bible.

fugg, meant to

Sure, they a consistently great catalog of music.

Funeral - 9
Neon Bible - 9
Suburbs - 9.5
Reflector - 9

Never did.


They're total Starbucks hipster core, but I enjoy Funeral once in a blue moon. I'd say it's 8/10.

overrated af desu

Kanye West is better ;)

Is Funeral the best winter album??

Can an album even be a "winter" album????