Hi friends

hi friends

it's time for Sup Forumsingo

tonight's game is in honor of christopher "moot" poole

may he rip in peace forever

i'll bump with previous wins while the thread is warming up

i don't think i can self bump tho
pls save from the last page



Meh, good luck. Maybe ill contribute once i get off the shitter

its just a pain in the ass keeping these alive until pictures start coming in

shit quickly and with much passion, friend

Ill try, that wendys i had isnt going down without a fight



>Living Animal
My kitty!

I can post a few more, but I'll wait a bit to see what develops, unless you want them

fuckin hell, son

I love fucking Sup Forumsingo man, I miss this shit, needs to happen more often!

There we go. And heres a plant.

cool plant

Forgot pic i guess, been drinking.

Also shitting, i put it on hold just to get this thing.

is ok :^)

timestamp it, fag. write it on some toilet paper or something

My one true love.

well, not really.

Drum in background, phone takes potato quality pics. Sorry

This sufficient for "something on fire?"

Wouldve had some coke a week ago but dont think i can help with that square tonight

No pen. Sorry. Although i am open to suggestions on how to validate.

>inb4 an hero

>Trading Cards
Lots and lots of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic the Gathering

how did you take a picture of ur phone with ur phone ???

it could have been a cooler fire but that'll do.

I actually have a little wood stove in my basement, forgot. Ill chuck a fuckton of paper up in that bitch, lemme have a do-over.

I do have a religious text though

Lol... The world may never know... Or it's my wife's phone. One way or the other

>Shoe on Head
Atleast I hope, couldn't see the thumbnail very well.

spell out Sup Forums with something. or use a newspaper with the date on it like a serial killer.

how the fuck do you not have a pen or a marker or anything

That means condoms and shit, right?

The man is on the shitter, give him a break.

Had to find one. Attempt 2

K stamps

And dead lizard in a jar

religious text in furnace or riot

ur killing it, my man

i had to stretch ur picture out to make it fit. i hope you're happy.

hell ye

I could take another one with it on my dick.


I have a goatee, will that work?

Wow. I wasn't sure we'd get this one. Why the fuck do you have a dead lizard in a jar, user?

Not quite a scar yet but it will be. Counts or no?

i expected the dead animal to be a lot more difficult

go for it

nope, but a pedo moustache would.

Gotta keep them lizard tails for potions

Why not


There's a moth and a beetle as well. We picked them up on a trip to Florida and my wife's a bit odd

heres yer piss

>pedo moustache

Can't help then.

Nah, burning that bible sounds like a pain in the ass. Is this better though?

what happened?

great thanks

cmon man its never a bad time for blasphemy

its 9/3/16 wtf

Girls underwear

Christmas shit in the closet...


Oh, oh well lol

kill it now so we can get the dead animal too

Torn meniscus. I have 3 other scars on my knee from various other surgeries. I've had about 12 in total. Sports in highschool was a big mistake for me.

wtf am i looking at here

thank you for your contribution. i'll add this to my personal collection

this bongo is lame and i could complete 80% of it myself

The wife won't do tits so this is the last I can contribute, my moustache

sex toy courtesy of a trap (me) in another thread

Does an electric toothbrush count as a sex toy? It vibrates



So get on it. Timestamp your asshole user

and i thought the sex toy would be the first in the list if we count the high amount of faggots we have in Sup Forums

Regrettably no. I wish I were half as awesome as grohl

what would you suggest i do differently?

tell her some retards on the internet really really need her to

not when compared to a real deal flesh-and-blood dildo

yeah i know. i fucked up
it's no fun if i know it's going to be completed easily. you wont feel accomplished for it



rarer items. things that most people wont have but someone on Sup Forums would probably have

Just poking fun on this saturday morning.

create your own thread now bitch
we need more of you

last bingo thread i put my teeth in my asshole

Any chance of a new one after this?

Like my dead lizard?

Oh.... hello.


it's a fine line. sometimes people have a signed bowling ball from a celebrity, sometimes people don't have a bag of doritos. its no fun if bingo never finishes.



lolwut. Im not even so long in here.

Now if you wouldn't mind bending over and spreading them cheeks a bit We'd all appreciate it

here's a template if you want it. i've got work tomorrow, but i'll do another one soon enough.

I'm legit shocked no one posted drugs yet

i meant like teeth that i own that aren't attached to my mouth

i put them in my dick too

What, you shits still don't have a flag?

god damn it i fucked up again


Looks like we still don't

This is beyond confusing user...

Belgian here


Time stamp faggot.

no kidding

hivemind af

fuck that fuckin fuck the Sup Forums judas

nobody wants to squat over a camera for Sup Forums? cmon!

Let's not.

Damn only got weed and concentrates

it was just for fun it doesn't need to make sense and i enjoyed it

does it count as illegal if they are prescrip but not mine?

i guess technically, yes