Would a girl be weirded out if I lived in a hotel?

Would a girl be weirded out if I lived in a hotel?

do you play music in your hotel room?

...why would you waste money living in a hotel

Zach or Cody?

Is it a good one?

>Sup Forums - Music

are you referencing suite life?

I like your panties.

Is It A Neutral Milk Hotel


4 star


I'm officially too old for this shithole

It's Zack not Zach.


i like travelling


then you're not living in a hotel, you're staying in one

how do retards get passports?

I have no primary residence you fucking cunt cheese dick machismo

Then in answer to your query it makes perfect sense that you're in a hotel why would they be weirded out unless you're lying to this chick

kys rich bitch

lol, what are you?


that doesn't count as homeless when your spending 500 a night on a room OP is a vagabond or something

homeless escort

thanks I'll sell them to you for $50


this image really made me think about the worth of women and how my trawling through tinder to find nudes really devalues them and ruins potentially great relationships

wow, all that from just one image. autist confirmed.