Post images, personal stories and inferior races that really piss you off.

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First off, I hate transgender mentally ill fuckwits. I think they should be erased.

But, let's be honest.. it's a fucking college. They aren't "little girls" or "children". I think the author of the article should be erased, too.

That's fucking stupid.


>implying college premises aren't regularly used by third parties
>implying there aren't 15yo attending college
>implying this only happens on college campuses and isn't representative of a bigger trend

Lol why does this piss you off? It's fucking hilarious. People making a mockery of the system because it stupidly passed some equality law that doesn't make sense. I don't even care if they're doing it legitimately or not



Colleges typically have nice pools and they hold events that accommodate more than just the students. I used to take swim lessons at one as a kid.




Good god please be fake

It's the fuckwits enabling this that piss me off, not that sub-human tranny trash.



This, but at the same time people who are in their 30's like the dude op posted arent going to be allowed to change with little kids no matter what gender they are or think they are. Obviously they are with a swim team/class or whatever with the same age group.



Let em paint themselves into a corner. This whole trans thing will blow over in a few years, or they'll actually get a "pan-gender" bathroom/locker room that just covers all the retards that want to change their skin.

No, teach women to throw more babies into dumpsters. If you're trashy enough to think about killing your baby, you definitely should do it, because you should be removed from the gene pool.

having open locker rooms and shared bathrooms in the first place is fucking bonkers to be honest, should have been individual stalls across the board from the start.

for example, ever been to an older sports stadium? they have fucking troughs in the bathroom; a shared urinal that is 10 feet wide and you have to stand in piss next to drunks swaying back and forth. Not cool.

What a lucky ass kid.

this is the essence of modern society

head for the woods, folks. the west is done.


Why is she holding the metal

We had a stock image thread with shit like that up a couple of months ago.
Was fucking hilarious. Impossible to imagine how photographs imagine how people imagine how the tech industry operates.


How does a female rape a 1 year old male? Dildo up the ass? Pretty sure anything could be construed as simple parenting. The damn thing couldn't even form an erection, even if you gave him a splint.

Is there a better version of this? Possibly a PNG version that can be uploaded to mega, or something?

you always hold the hot part, and you solder the tops of things not the contact points

Because she's never actually used a soder tool before.

mousewheel click to open in its own window, then you can zoom better than Sup Forums will allow

She really can't contain her speech, but then crying over "racism" when she is getting shit from trolls. Worthless cunt.

If cripples fags and dyke's make up ~5% or the population why are they aiming for a 16% representation on tv?

Isn't over representation something they hate?

>ok you white girls are starting to look alike like a mutherfucka

I agree with you, we shouldnt have kids showering together in a huge open room, whose idea was that. Even at camp as a youngin we had showers with individual partitions and curtains. As for the public bathroom ordeal, ive pissed in front of cops for years in a room full of mirrors i can piss anywhere.

They have no idea what they're talking about, that's the issue. Also they don't hate over representation, they hate whites.

Uncle Phil?


It was the gradient image in the top left that made me think the entire image was that fucked up. If I was home I would re type it.

same thing with blacks on american TV, in ads, etc.... they want there to be a black man and a black woman and a white guy and a asian guy and girl, etc, but realistically in a room with 5 people, 3 would be white, 1 would be hispanic and the other would be a mixture of the remaining races. Blacks only make up 12.5% yet people expect them to make up 33-50% of actors and shit.

My flatmate was robbed and almost beaten to death out of nowhere by blacks. Everybody should be afraid of them. Never relax around the blacks.


I'm half black and this enrages me. Ugh..


>grow beard
>wear a suit
>but a nice watch
>visit jew york
>go to starbucks
>wait for the server to call you 'sir'
>erupt in a ball of rage about being misgendered because you're actually a woman
>collect shekels
>visit next coffee shop

I was robbed by a mexican who looked white i watch everybody here in CO

It makes me mad that a worthless beta like him is allowed to breath the same air as real people. Can you imagine who much this faggot bothered her? I've read 15 lines of him talking and already hate him.

wtf does this even mean?

It's obviously just a matter of representing that bullshit. 90% of the "genders" aren't any different to one another, so how would you go about painting an image of it.

One of the big arguments for white privelige is seeing white people everywhere, "when you turn the TV on and expect to see a white reporter on tv, that is white privelige" but thats total BS because if i went to africa im sure i could expect to see a black reporter on tv and see way more black people than whites.

kids can get boners

I identify my whole body as a man...exept this leg.

Do not click

That might seem like an argument against this bullshit, but it really isn't, because it strengthens their "representation" bullshit.

The real arguments against is is that it simply doesn't matter and race shouldn't be a factor in filling a position, because that's racial discrimination.

Thats what im thinking. But then again I did get boners / jerk off around 9 years old even though nothing came out.

But the babys dick has to be like 1cm or some ridiculously small size so he couldnt of been inside her for the rape. Maybe she shoved fingers up the babys ass? pegging would kill the thing



by bbc u mean big black cocks yo nigga

no tumblr....

I don't get it, are you trying to defend a child molester? Obviously the writer of the article choose the word rape to sensationalize the abuse because the word rape has a harsher tone than molests.

means your leg is a faggot but the rest of you is ok


Is that some sort of weird euphemism? I have literally never heard this phrase before.
Or is she literally trying to crawl down peoples' chimneys?

Thank you


I think it means she's going to finger their assholes while performing feminist style fellatio.

This can't be real

it just shows anything that requires an actual brain is done by women.
checkmate mra scum.

I have 2:


she has, honestly, the shittiest humor i've ever seen. it's bad. i mean, dispicable. i simply don't understand why she is famous. she's fucking stupid, ugly, and about as funny as being fucked by a cactus.

that's an example of the "funny" that black female comedians possess, keep in mind they hired her as a direct response to being called out on not having black women on the show. She continues to demonstrate why. Plus Keenan Thompson (black guy) straight said black women arent that funny.

what? do age-specific locker rooms even exist?

I think it's supposed to mean mind. I doubt she could fit down any chimney that doesn't involve nuclear energy.

no it just means she's prepared to go into the oven where she belongs.


Long story short, we are living in a society where special snowflakes want attention cause mommy and daddy didn't spank them and tell them they were a boy or a girl growing up. There's only 3 fucking sexuality and 2 genders. Gay, Straight, and Bi. ANYTHING else is bi. You're "Pansexual"? No you're fucking bi. Get over it. Male and Female. Stop trying to say there's a 3rd or 12th option. NO. You are not. You are what you were born. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for CIS in a matter of speaking. HOWEVER this does not mean it's a bad thing. I want people to be comfy. By all means. But before you go chopping off your dick and wanthing to be a girl, you need to get therapy for this. Just cause you get therapy does not mean you're ready all fucking call. You could have all the training in the world, but you're not ever going to be ready for the hate that comes with it. You don't want to be judged, you don't want people caring about you, or what you say, then don't be fucking retarded.

I'm all for it, but I'm also against it. How can this be? Think of it this way: I can respect your decision but not be apart of it. I think everyone in the world at some point has asked themselves, "what would it be like to be the opposite sex for a day?" Not wondering "OMG I WISH I WAS A BOY!" There was a story some time ago, where this little boy got upset that mommy and daddy didn't dress him up as a little girl, that he wasn't allowed to play with girl toys, and all this shit. AND HE WAS LIKE FUCKING 7. Holy shit, at that, you don't even know the difference between a penis and a vagina. You don't know what a girl is, cept that's what they girl another child that has long hair basically at that point and has a high pitched voice. I feel sorry for these parents, they more than likely didn't spank him, they more than likely gave up after a few tries and said "WE TRIED LIKE NOTHING MAN AND NOTHING WORKED!" (See the simpsons where Ned was a spoiled little brat)



nice dubs though


I had very similar happen to me. Several times at several different schools.

It was always, somehow, my fault. I was always in the wrong.

> They wonder why white boys shoot schools up.

>implying custody is 50/50
Pics or it didn't happen. 2013 it was EIGHT percent of single parents being fathers.

thank you user. But please read my rant. I wrote it for you Sup Forums :(

except the highest levels of mathematics, engineering and science, guess you missed that part.

Name one woman who started a company that is a top company today. Sorry, Betty Crocker never existed so it's going to be hard.

Now name a man who started a successful company. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk. The list is very long.

Checkmate, fruity pants.

Btw, speaking of chess, men dominate chess as well, guess women don't have the brains for it :(

"Knobsocket" hahaha

What is this nigger talking aboot?

Yes I'm Canadian so FUCK YOU!

pls respond

>means your leg is a faggot
...you mean a ....a "leggot"?

Sometimes I think we should just let muslims impose sharia when I see shit like this.

Daniel Crohn-Bendit

Fuck this shit. I fucking hate greens now. Fucking what the fuck why don't cops arrest this fucker.

Le faggot

>and the BBC never aired anything of value again

>I can respect your decision but not be apart of it.
Pretty much this. If you choose to play pretend until you eventually kill yourself instead of getting therapy and medication, I have no say in it, but for fucks sake, don't force me to play along.

>about as funny as being fucked by a cactus
That can be pretty funny...

not even 10% thru my folder