What are you drinking tonight Sup Forums

What are you drinking tonight Sup Forums

Fucking piss beer, mixture of bud light and millet light. Buuuut.... I smoked some top shelf quality herbage if ya get meh drift.....


sour apple vodka soda thing taste like its made made for kids

and Carlsberg

It's the morning and vodka.

Nothing right now its 2:00 a.m but on the reg. Jack neat, or on a chill night, either 14y Oban or my personal favorite Laphroaig

Whiskey sours are my shit rn

^same guy here, im not much a beer drinker but have found I like a black and tan guiness and shiner. Its okay but most people at the shit bars I go to dont have any clue what they are. Do any party pros out there know a good beer thats rich roasted like guiness but not so syrupy and coffee like? Almost like the Lager of stouts.

My medicine

I dont know man, im a pretty big fan of corona familiar

Im gettin drunk Sup Forumsros

I'm currently drinking a shot of espresso with whipped cream.

Sometimes I like to add some tequila to it.

I'll need that in like six hours

I fucking love jd honey.. But tonight beers..

Im tryna pass out


its 4:39 eastern time brah fucking hell mate what the heck bruv

im smoking herb

Im in California

Sazerac Rye whiskey is the shit, super smooth, and 90proof. On the rocks or with coke its perfect.

that sounds pretty good


>drinking the fermented Jew

i figured


from the bottle



SMIRNOFF 100 and grape soda chaser.

You got the right idea here mate!!

i like drinking the hard stuff: vodka (pic related)

Moscow Mules mainly

every three drinks i've been doing this weird shit with cognac, ginger beer, rose's lime, and bitters

Just got some tacos so drinking tequila with my tacos for breakfast on my day off.


Try mixing Honey Jack with Dr. Pepper, tastes fucking amazing