Autistic detection Test

autistic detection Test



I am now the autism


good job


you stupid fucking retard, the objects in the last row are all a little different to the ones in the first three rows. you cant solve this.

autism test my ass.

it's 4 ya mooks

How did I get 12

found the autist

The pattern is still there. The numbers correlate to parts of each picture. There are two answers, one is the more represented 15 but following the patterns of each object it can also be 4

It's 2 you fuckin monkeys

he might be an autist but hey, you can't get dubs like these.


its autistic

This you faggots

Too obvious, yet everyone ITT is getting autism

am i autist now?





2x3 is 6
6-2 is 4

the answer is 4, I don't see the problems

do the blades in the last line can be correlated to any picture of that in previous line

all these shits are about "what author meant" there might be more than 1 logical answer but since in this case author is a retarded faggot probably official answer is 4

fan = 3 or -3 (both works)

I like 4 more even though I first thought 15

How autist am I?



6 + 6 + 6 = 18
3 + 3 + 3 = 9
3 * 3 - 3 = 6
2 * 3 - 2 = 4

hello , my name is author and i am the author .. what i really meant was that you gomad over this all and post all your GF nudes here ,all credit card details of your and then cut off your balls and post them online


(-3) * (-3) - (-3) = 12 retard
(-2) * (-2) - (-2) = 6

ITT: unintelligent people.

If you said 15, you have poor pattern recognition.

give this faggot props for understanding the third equation has two roots. +2 autistics



Its either 15 or 20 considering the "fan equation" has 2 separate roots, 3 and -2

[(the number on the clock) * (the black parts on the soccer ball)] - (the number of blades on the fans)

(2 x 3) - 2 = 4

Purple, because ice cream has no bones.

its 8 you fucking mongrels

7. Prove me wrong fags

you got the roots wrong retard learn to use grade 10 math

Ball= 6
Clock= 3
Fan= 3

3*6 = 18
The fan has 2/3 fan left so
18 - 2 = 16

(-3)*(-3)-(-3)=12.... so -3 won't work for the fan.

ITT: stupid niggers



9 - (-3) = 6 you fucking retard

It's 9

I take it back it's 3 the soccer balls are different

ball = 6
clock = 3
fan = 3 OR (-2) -> quadratic equation

Last row:
The clock shows 2 so, from now on clock = 2
The ball is practically the same, but shown form a different angle, ball = 6
The fan has lost one blade, so fan = 2/3 fan

2x6 - (2/3) x 3 = 10

2x6 - (2/3) x (-2) = 13 1/3

Am I autistic now?

Oh wait it's 4

9 plus 3 equals 6?? Nice job moron kys

6 + 6 + 6 = 18
3 + 3 + 3 = 9
3 * 3 - 3 = 6
3 * 6 - 3 = 15


The amount of blades is the number it stands for. The black spots on futbol is the number it stands for. The number that that the arm is pointing to is the number.

The pics in the last one do not match the pics in the equations.

If they did, there would be 2 solutions - the fan can be equal to 3 or (-2).

So it would be 15 or 20.

It can be both 20 & 15 because the lamp equation is quadratic (x^2)-x=6

X can be either -2 or 3.



If that's just a soccer ball, but from a different angle, then that's just a clock but in a different hour, and that's just a fan but with 1 blade less.

It's 4.

Check the features on each object. The first footballs have 6 spots visible scoring 6 by the equation in line 1. The fans have 3 blades on line 2 and score 3 each, again confirmed by the equation. The clocks are set at 3 and score 3 each. In the last line the football has 3 spots showing, the fan has 2 blades and the clock is set to 2.
2x3-2 is 4.


it's 7


The answer is 3, you guys are retarded.

> 9 + 3 = 6

>3 people give the right answer
>a bunch of autists say 4 or that '' you can't solve this''
>they don't stop

Cant be solved since we dont know the variable for the clock in the question, it shows 2o Clock in the given variables its 3o Clock.


nice QUADs


dun dun dun dun dun datta dun dun
dun dun dun dun dun datta dun dun
dun dun dun dun dun datta dun dun
dun dun dun dun dun datta dun dun
it's autistic

Jesus, you guys. Did any of you realize that the test wasn't about finding the correct answer, but rather whether you would try to find an answer at all?

If you didn't try to find an answer to a nigh impossible question posted by a stranger on an anonymous-ish image board, congratulations, you're not autistic.

Otherwise, I have some bad news for you...

Ita 4 you autistic pieces of shit.. its not that hard. Did you now at least realize that theres a blase missing. FUCK



Are you all that fuckin retarded? Your low IQ is showing guys...

ball has 6 black spots = 6
clocks shows 3o'clock = 3
fan has 3 blades = 3

Now last line
clock show 2 = 2
ball has 3 spots = 3
fan has 2 blades = 2

answer = 4

You are so fuckin stupid people, it's incredible. You must all be niggers.

It's not impossible you retard. It's a simple IQ test question. You saying there isn't an answer kinda proves that your IQ isn't that high.

Finally another user who isn't a low IQ nigger.

Only autists will waste time with this shit. kthxbye

The answer is 5.

It 3:00 = 3, then 2:00 = 2
If 6 visible black panels = 6, then three visible black panels = 3
If three fanblades = 3, then one fan blade = 1

2*3-1= 5


nice TRIPs
but only 1 blade is missing from the fan

2 bladed fan value is undeterminable. Need more info. If you guessed a number, you should pay attention more...

(2)o'clock x (3)Spots - (2)Blades



Each fan blade is worth 1, so

3 blades x 3 blades - 3 blades = 6

Final sums fan has two blades so = 2

final solution apart from jews is

2 x 3 - 2 =4

first check'd

>first part is x+x+x=18 or 3x=18, 3x=18 > x=6, there are 6 black spaces on each ball, X= black spaces on ball
>second part, y+y+y=9 or 3y=9, 3y=9 > y=3, each clock reads 3 o'clock, y=time on clock
>third part z*z-z=6 or z^2-z=6, z^2-z=6 > z^2-z-6=0 > (z-3)(z+2)=0 > z= 3 or -2, since a negative number is irrational for this problem we are left with 3, there are 3 blades on each fan, z=blades per fan
>part four is y*x-z=??, the clock is at 2 o'clock, the ball has three black spaces and the fan has two blades, 3*2-2=?? using PEMDAS you first simplify the multiplication (since there are no parentheses or exponents) which makes 6-2=?? which makes 4=??
>therefore ??=4

all the linked are autistic more will likely follow these

top row - there are 6 black segments on the ball, which corresponds to 6+6+6 = 18.

middle row - The clock is at 3 o'clock, which corresponds to 3+3+3 = 9

third row - There are three blades on the fan, which corresponds to 3X3-3 = 6.


Clock @ 2 x 3 black segments - 2 blades = 4.

How the fuck is this even an argument at this point.

How is this an autism test? This just shows you whether you are able to solve basic equations.
There´s nothing autistic about attending school as a kid.

16 you fucking morons

football = 6
clock = 3
each fan blade = 1
clock(3) x football(6) - 2fanblades(2)
= 16


fixed the pic so it wouldn't be so obvious


>autism test
>actual autist shows up

bravo, OP

You sir won this thread. Also thank you for sharing.

Why would each fan blade have a value but not the fan base? It doesn´t really make sense.

It is 9. This thread is full of autism. Full of it!!



The answer is 10

>i have autism, that's why a soccer ball turned has a different numerical assignment.
not even autists think this way.
it's 15, or you are fucking stupid.


Thr answer is 10. Replied to the wrong post.


Am i autistic?

The answer is 3 you dumbass.
In the original image it was 4.

Yes. The correct answer is 4.

Each ball has 6 blacks thus 3 balls gives 18 blacks
Each clock display 3 o'clock or just 3, 3 clocks give 9
each fan has 3 vanes, 3*3 -3 gives 6

Finally 2 o'cock times 3 blacks take 2 vanes gives the result of 4

Some might claim that once blacked never going back