Any darkweb site you recommend? First time using it

Any darkweb site you recommend? First time using it.

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Yeah, there's one called Go Fuck Yourself.

~ fin ~

Been awhile. Make sure you got your shit covered. If using tor, several cracks that need to be sealed. Darkest site I've ever seen


I would recommend you check the directory out there are a few boards that you can explore the deepweb from, just be careful.

hss3b72fnzguoiwnn.onion this its pretty much the "google of tor"

I went lurking on the dark web before. Found some pretty cool shit like ypa! and those bitcoin commodity sites... But holy fucking shit there's some morbid shit on there.

I'm talking shit that made me literally stand up from the computer, turn it off with the power button and pace around the house for ten minutes trying to calm the fuck down.

Shit that instills an actual physical reaction of horror.

Be fucking careful, user.

example ? out of morbid curiousties sake cos theres no fking way id ever go there, theres nothin there id want to see anyway.

I just love those experiments where they replace live kid's organs with animal organs and see what happens.

ur a pussy

You are on the best darkweb site ever right now.

Stuff like pic related




First day at the FBI?

damn that is some dark stuff

take off your shorts and trousers. You seem to have a nice package.