Pedophile Exposed, Pic Related

Pedophile Exposed, Pic Related.
He asks 12 and 13 year old girls in Maplestory for nude pics and if they don't do it then he harasses them. We need to do something about this pedophile scumbag

8064109595 his phone number

live:hunter_horizons421 his skyoe

He plays the world Mardia and he is 21


How can I take this pedo down? I need ideas and help

bumping again

I need your help Sup Forums
inb4 not your personal army

bumping for justice

Any help is needed


here is his face

What's your kik an address? I'll help you OP


OP is lying i know this guy he is a straight up dude

I don't have a kik, I'll make one, just a minute

not your personal army faggot. do something about it yourself

Just give me your address


this, NYPA you raging niggerfaggot. If you have all this infor, you could easily dox the fucker and report him to his local police.

he's a cutie xoxo

Do it yourself and tell us how it went or fuck off, faggot.

>trying to take away from the severity of the situation

What fucking severity, it's some faggot on a game nobody important plays asking kids for nudes

>12-13 year Olds
learn what a hebephile is you retard and who the fuck cares you white knight dipshit

leave you father alone, we already knew that he is a pedo


OP is a faggot. That guy doesn't even play that shitty ass game

Why? He's doing the lords work.

If any of you faggots have Maplestory ask that guy to share pics

share and share alike

You're a faggot for playing maplestory

Fucking drooling tards, you're the reason Sup Forums is full of trap and fur threads now instead of essence. Fuck off to /lgbt/ and don't come back, you lazy excuses of human fucking beings

spotted the pedo

You're the reason fox delivered millions of newfags to Sup Forums

All of that is on you and your type

>Sup Forums

And anyway, at what point did you start thinking it was Sup Forums's job is to deliver righteous perverted justice to this AWFUL TERRIBLE Internet villain?

Nobody fucking cares, do it yourself and tell us how it went, or gtfo


They have computers in mental wards now? No wonder this country is neck deep in debt

>those hurp durp fukking retardeded anons won't act like cyber-vigilantes just because OP claims a random Maplestory person collects underage nudes!!!

Pose as little girl, message him, get evidence, report to fbi

Sup Forums used to do meaningful shit that would be considered vigilantic. EVERYBODY tried to help. Sorry I guess you're too busy "meditating" to furry porn now to help bring down a sick piece of shit

Lol fucking kids I quit MapleStory 2 years ago around this time I called these to kids niggers because they wanted to run their mouth I was a level 220 shade hitting 10mil linea in damage one 2x event I ksed them and they went to live chat to get a GM to come ban me GM told me to leave the map but I wasn't gonna back down from two niggers running their mouth in game so I stayed and got a 1 day ban after I got ban I raid quit the game had a lot of godly decent gear and billions in mesos I dropped or gave away.
I play private servers now once in a while.