Ask a guy who is on 24 staff duty anything

Ask a guy who is on 24 staff duty anything

That sucks, my battle got it 2 days this weekend.

What are you doing to kill time?

wow cool backpack, I have an army surplus store near me too

My NCOIC let me go to Burger King and chill for like an hour and a half

How many people there thanked you for your service? I know you guys get triggered if we don't

I'll drink one for you tonight man. It could be worse. I got SD on Thanksgiving last year.

Half right face faggot drop and spread cheeks

It's actually the direct opposite. I feel weird as fuck if anyone acknowledges me while I'm in uniform. I just want to be normal.

Hilary or Clinton and why?

Get a load of this guy


What is your name?

Private Joe snuffy

How were the noodles?

notatrainedkillerfag here
what is staff duty?

how many article 15s do u possess

Any foxy wimminz in your unit? ;D

I got a DUI so maybe one kek

is your CO called Lt Dan?

Is dat sum flecktarn?

do u regret joining the army


full body pic on uniform or GTFO

That time stamp is a month old, retards

Are you autistic?

Oops sorry I got carried away

Are you at Bliss?

ITT - ArmyFag answers one question




How's the military life going for you?


do u wish u joined the navy instead

Don't join, sucks balls. No war going on so we just stupid shit that doesn't contribute to any fucking cause they say we support.

Fuck no, semen loving navy

"nontrainedkillerfag" CoD I'm guessing. LOL

do u wish u joined the air force instead

Yell alarm red mopp level 4 really loud

What's the maximum amount of coffee you ever drank doing one SD? I've drank 15. Didn't get to sleep until 1800.

Honestly yeah, they get treated so much better lol


If a higher ranking soldier tries touching you sexually, what do you do ? If you smack him and there are no witnesses wont you be court martialed?

I've drank like 6 cups but that's cause I dipped 1 1/2 cans of Copenhagen wintergreen


Fucking A !

no, as in 'i'm not a trained killer', as in i'm not a military fag. what's staff duty?

How does it feel to know you'll never make it past private you fucking airforce fagt
Yes I know your camo pattern fag
Post rank and location

It's called SHARP (sexual harassment and rape program) you report, they get booted out but a lot of females abuse it so innocent soldiers get kicked out

I'm not in the Air Force, are you that autistic?

You're thinking of multicam pattern. This is OCP, new pattern for the Army because the last one sucks dicks

It's just sitting behind a desk for 24 hours and make sure that the fucking autistic soldiers don't kill anybody

Are you in 1st ID?
Also staff duty is not the same as extra duty you fucking mouth breather . Aren't you the least bit ashamed you got a dui with all the shit the army has in place that's FREE to help you not drive ? Fucking moron . Your lucky I'm not your ncoic you piece of shit

So your special right...
You have different camo then your army buy there
Fucking fagt
Rank and Mos bitch

Yeah the UCP was such a useless pattern

Means it's the "Staffs duty" to kick your ass out of bed in the fucking morning. Also to get any police reports and call the CO/Firstshirt if anyone got "too happy" while drinking and had a little too much "fun" and need bailed out of stockade/ jail. Among other things.

Oooh so edgy Kek what happened? Mommy didn't let you buy the new COD this year?

So if you want to fuck a lower ranking female how do you make sure she wont SHARP you ?

>"Air force fagt"
>Doesn't know the difference between OCP and ABU's
>Doesn't know the difference between MOS and AFSC
>Doesn't know AF rank structure


in which case, sorry op, that sounds like it sucks hefty balls.
you stationed far from home?

Yeah but I like it here, beautiful state

I hated UCP so fucking much. Some asshole in D.C. thought it would be faggy-cool. It didn't work for shit.

Are you genuinely retarded ? Idiot.

It's risky, it you both consent and she reports you for rape it's mostly likely she'll win so when in doubt, don't pull out

Oh shit ladies and gentlemen, we got a wannabe soldier on the loose!

At least it's not ICP.

Though... enough of you meat heads are already juggalos.

This . I've been in for a little under 8 and honestly soldiers are presumed guilty until proven otherwise . So even if you are innocent your career is fucked. Such is life.

are you a fag?

You are retarded. Poor poor little manlet.

Correct me if I'm wrong but even if you win the case, you still have on your record for the rest of your life.

Nah bro

You are probably retarded so

You're probably some super POG

I think it might stick with you until you leave that particular unit. If u get stuck with a field grade it's on there for the rest of your career.

You believe whatever you want little neckbeard. I'm sure your autistic fantasy world is better than reality. Go away now before you get injured

How big is your cock? Cut or uncut?

Straight , uncut and ehhh about 7 1/2 on a good day

Have your "Call of Extra Duty" warriors showed up yet?

>marine spotted

It's my thread how about you get out you double chin looking fuck.

Pretty sure he's it

What are army chicks like in the sack ? Is there a stereotype ? I love fapping over army chicks I always imagine them as the type who would ride your brains out, do you get ultra feminine ones ?

Yeap, 6 of them but we have 7 in total. The one who didn't show up is a complete shitbag and plus he does meth too Kek

wired my gay detector is off the carts. goodbye to cunt stain

No they haven't given me a Article 15 yet

>best and brightest
>can't tell what month it is

At least you're enlisted and not an officer, not that they're much smarter

AF reporting. Enjoying my 3day weekend at NAS pensacola.
Sorry army bro I'll party it up for you tonight

Thanks homie

What are air force chicks like, is there a stereo type? are they like army chicks on drugs ?

Op here, dub decides