The earth i round

the earth i round
prove me wrong
>protip you cant

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>saving the thumbnail

Why should we believe anything you say, retard?

Billnye said its flat.

sure he did

Why would you want to stir this shit up?

because there are still stupid people out there that think the goverment hides from us that the eart is actually a disc

technically, it's OBLONG and extends slightly more at the poles than equator

roundish, I guess

"earth i round"

> Shows a thumbnail of a sphere and a circle. Fucking rocket surgeon right there buddy

Also just google flat earth, doesn't matter what you believe, there is enough smart people that can show proof your too stupid to understand for both theories anyways, the fuck is that going to prove? You are still just blindly trusting the information given to you by another source like its 13th century and you still believe in a fairytale gods with talking bushes...

>smart people that can show you proof the earth is flat

You clearly don't know what the words "proof" or "smart" mean.

Go outside and look
does it look round to you?

Earth's pretty big, you need to get some distance to actually see the curve, but yeah, it's pretty easy to see.

Have you never been on an airplane?

yes because when i im on a boat in the middle of the ocean i cant see land anywhere because its behind the horizon

Your thread is for ants, prove me wrong!

the earth is indeed round.
but thats a fisheye lens nigger, everything looks curved through those.

youre not a ant and if you are i applaufd you for devoloping a brain and the abbility to read and type

No idiot, obviously you don't know what the word proof is. Don't you think we had "proof" 500 years ago regarding all the stuff we do different today? Proof is just the word used for the best fitted and most possible solution we can come up with. Made to look special so special needs kids like you would stfu.

You do know gravity is just a theory while we have "proof" that accelerating at 9.81m/s^2. That doesn't mean shit, it wouldn't automatically make the earth either round or flat. Its just data to keep your small mind occupied while the rest of us can continue figuring out more shit to get an even more accurate, or as you'd like "proofy" solution.

Enjoy licking glue sticks for the rest of your life...

yeah, but you can still see the curve from an airplane, it's just less obvious

How can it be round? Wouldnt the people on the bottom fall off? and when driving you would either drive a road going uphill or a road going downhill. It's very obvious its flat earth

You're the one that claimed people have proof the world is flat

Quit back-pedalling, retard


Yes you inbred, because proof is just a made up word to keep you from realizing your autism.

Your welcome, thats a bunch of fancy science pants who make up "scientific proof" that matches a bunch of holes in the round earth theory and are perfectly okay with our entire vision of science and philosophy. Yet not a single one of them actually believes the earth is flat, they are just trying to make people like you understand how incredibly retarded you sound when you speak without thinking.

Does that glue taste a bit bitter? Might wanna chew on some crayons to cleanse the palate.

This is cgi bro

My Father Literally flies around the World for work sometimes, he is living proof the earth is round.

And what is that proving? It means jack shit, don't you think NASA could afford to fake what ever shit they want? Especially since its cheaper than actually doing the shit themselves. Ergo, more salary less work, sounds like a deal your company would decline?

Flat earth does not mean its impossible to get from one continent to another, you would still be able to fly "around the world". If your father flies that much ask him how you fly from the south America to the south Africa, or any of those continents to Australia. Or why you never cross any of the poles when that would be half the way. Then its all "No our Global Positioning System isn't really global we are just allowed to use it in a small part of the world which would have the same path as a flat earth, no coincidence at all herp derp"

-u- there is just no reasoning with you people is there? sad.

It's real easy peddling your troll theories too 14 year olds on Sup Forums go on YouTube and look at some of the flat earth videos that absolutely demolish every last bit of falsehood that flat earthers conjure up for their own profitable gain. If common sense is what you consider the same as not thinking for your own then your a fucking idiot


Explain how you can fly from New York, across the ocean to Amsterdam across Europe to China, across China to Japan, then across the ocean back to US, if the earth is not round.

Yeah I just went on there and on registration it says a donation of 14.00 is requested too join. That's not at all exploiting mouth breathing fucks is it.

Ad hominem, come on how old are you?

> there is just no reasoning

Ad hominem is not reasoning, you might wanna learn what the word is and make sure you know how to do it before trying to call out others...

They believe the earth is like a frisbee not like a map look up the official flat earth map.

Have you ever considered he's not educated on the subject? And he has enough common sense too know that the government has no actual reason too hide the shape of the earth, so it's not worth arguing with trolls so he's just calling you a dumb fuck?

So what? im to believe Space-Time gets warped just to suit a pseudo round planet?

No silly, you don't fly from south america to south africa by going to newyork, amsterdam, china, japan and then us again. Those names don't even match don't you see? Or is the problem that your assburgers forces you to answer questions with other questions and your poor little mother don't have any more patience teaching you how to grow up?

lmao, ive flown over the north pole before. Hawaii to Alaska to germany

And your once again back to just using others words and ideas against others without actually having thought a single thought yourself, you just advance from Christianity to Islam, congratulations...

No see you result to insults when I bring up the facts. Therefore you have no more real arguments.

If the globe was flattened out, where do you think the north pole would be positioned? Back over next to the moon or in the center of the map?

Considering all the evidence and observations made my hundreds of reputable scientist who devoted their entire lives too the study of the earth. Yeah you should.

Please point to your facts sir, it seems like they have been lost between your crying and whining Its a bit hard to actually find them...

> Yet not a single one of them actually believes the earth is flat, they are just trying to make people like you understand how incredibly retarded you sound when you speak without thinking.

If you find reading hard you can try reading the same sentence twice and you might understand it the next time.

>Literal retardation.

Like I said if you think the use of common knowledge is not thinking than I suggest you kill yourself asap.

"The people who survive purely on the money I give them has no reason to try keep me giving them more money so they can survive tomorrow as well"

Your smart mate.

All this is besides the Fact of, What exactly does "learning the truth" about flat-earth really mean? How does it change life? I wholeheartedly and honestly want to know what a "flat earther" believes this holds for the future of science and all life.

Since when did space and time get warped? There is a reason the flight plans are zig zag lines all over the place instead of a beeline.

>technically, it's OBLONG and extends slightly more at the poles than equator

>what are radial forces

It doesn't
It's just profiting off of retards who think you're a sheep for using common sense and not believing in government conspiracies

Oooh you so edgy, I wish I could re-mold my life and become just as cool as you. Do you cut your wrist like all the other cool kids as well?

>Proof is just the word used for the best fitted and most possible solution we can come up with.

>You do know gravity is just a theory
Great, you dont know what theory means in this context either. Please educate yourself.

It doesn't do you even read the comments you response to?

Real earth had good curves unlike fat women

Riddle me this regards. If the earth really was flat, then how the fuck do horizons work? These dipshits don't understand that if the earth was flat we could see a lot farther, maybe even see the next country if the earth was flat because there wouldn't be any of the ground to block your sight.

if dubs, earth is flat

Your comebacks are shit and I suggest try building a vocabulary that isn't based off of buzzwords and Sup Forums slang

rolling for square Earth

Fuck off apologist you're shitty cult is based off of profit and the exploitation of the bike helmet wearing community, they actually believe the earth is a flying space frisbee and poke non existent holes in the years of scientific observation

"No you're the one thats wrong"

"No you're the one thats wrong" x2

"No you're the one thats wrong" x3

Seriously, are you twelve? You keep acting like a kid...

Do you even know how the horizon work? Have you seen the horizon and not the bullshit "it looks like the boat is sinking" bullshit? The horizon is used as a proof against a round earth, ships dissipate and turns right back up when you use your binoculars. Thats the real world for you, why don't you try it instead of listening to everybody else friends friend who was out looking?

Yea i suggest you try thinking at least once a day for the upcoming week. Don't go ahead to fast though might start hurting if you try to much at once.

"based off of profit exploiting of the ..."

You do know what site your currently browsing right? You got it so far up your ass you lost your self perspective completely?

I'm not even going to explain how stupid you are, it's obvious this whole thread is full of crackpot theorists, so I'm just going to leave this cancerous place.

When you quote somebody you're suppose to write what they actually say dipshit. Last time I checked Sup Forums is non profit, I don't see a donation button, I've never had to pay for service access. Maybe kill yourself please

something this

So far no one has provided any factual evidence for why the earth is flat so flat earthers lose again, they have to be getting use too it by now?

how about prove we're on a spinning ball?

It's scientific fact I don't have to it's up too flat earthers to disprove it

>no observable curvature
>no axial rotation
...that was easy

You're field of view isn't big enough too see the curvature of the earth. Idk if you realize how small you are compared too the earth and you have no evidence to disprove the axial rotation of earth so go fuck yourself?


Oh....but we can use the equation of 8 inches per miles squared to test it .
...and it fails all the time

The distance in that picture is only a fracture of a percent of the size of the earth

Explain why you can see the sunset twice in a single day. Earth can't be flat.

only 170 ft in your example....2400 ft in mine

What are you talking about?
Just give up dude you're wrong admit you're not smart or special enough for the government to care if you know what shape the earth is

You have to be beyond the atmosphere to actually see the curvature of the earth

...................At 60 miles there is 2400 ft curvature . Impossible to Chicago from warren dunes on a planet of 25,000 miles

Your sentence structure is weird and I'd like to know which equation you used too find the curvature at 50 miles

8 inches per mile squared....and it's 60 miles

Where'd you find this equation lmao?

from a book

Mathematical equation=science

So , you're throwing science under the bus now?

No but saying the earth curves 8 inches for every mile is the most simplistic interpretation that doesn't take into account the Pythagorean Theorem

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. I came for tha porn. Pun intended.

that's the equation , take it up with that 'black science guy'.

Technically it's an "oblate spheroid". Although it's been said that if you blew up a billiard ball to the size of the Earth, the Earth would be the more perfectly spherical of the two.

Stupid you are to believe in what they tell you to believe you retard

that don't make sense

You can't reason with the unreasonable user.

Yes that is the equation but you have to take into the Pythagorean theorem into account for it

N. america is growing



Doesn't have anything to do with it



No information about the lens used, angle and distance to landmass so no idea of amount of atmosphere the light is passing through. You can't just show two photos without the details.

They don't just point a camera at the planet and take a pic, you know. These images are made from lots of different photographs, with different cameras at different angles and probably several different altitudes.
There is no reason to expect them to be identical when laid side by side.