How does it feel knowing he's going to get 2017 xxl freshman

how does it feel knowing he's going to get 2017 xxl freshman

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who gives a shit

Shit I don't know why you're asking me I didn't give birth to him.

Yeah these
On the bad side I don't like this guy
On the good side I don't give a shit about xxl and will probably only hear about this guy 3 times more tops

Weird times we're living in

it's weird that p4k cares about him, this guy is like if Bones was even more boring yet they never posted about Bones

was about to post almost exactly this

my guess is it's a Post Malone situation, some of his tracks and videos have rapidly accelerated in terms of production value

> falling for the xxl freshman meme

no thanks

can you honestly name 3 people from the 2014 list that are still half as relevant

I like the way he looks in this photo

I actually can't, was that the one with Lil B and Kendrick?

Ended up listening to his mixtape and usually I end up turning this shit off within a song or two, but I'm gettin sucked into it. Are there other rappers out there sampling stuff like a random acoustic version of a blink 182 song? Cause I don't know of any. Honestly would like to hear more like this.

Chance The Rapper, Rich Homie Quan, Isaiah Rashad, Ty Dolla $ign, Lil Durk, Kevin Gates, Troy Ave, Vic Mensa, Lil Bibby, Jon Connor, Jarren Benton, and August Alsina.
i blame it on the fact that these guys are usually established by the time they make the lists and they dont really take many risks

nothing nowhere and yungjzaisdead. he literally sampled a hawthorne heights song.

like wolves said, who gives a shit? you retards eat up garbage hip hop like raccoons. it has nothing to do with ability, hip hop is a gimmick based genre now because white surburban peons are embarassed that they are uncomfortable with black culture, so they back anything that they hear to make sure no one thinks they are racist. or their taste is awful, either way thanks for making it suck you fucking mediocre faggots.

>he thinks this is why people like hip hop

maybe its just fun good music? idiot lol.


get the fuck out of here

hahahahah right, you should def stand tall and defend liking and buying and celebrating whack musicians, its so chill man, like who cares if they suck dude, smoke bud and listen to the cliche banger beat and terrible mumbly auto tune lyrics, so chill man, chill chill chill chill chill, fucking peons make me sick, giving a shit about musical quality is impossible to argue against you fucking retard, just stop fucking up the genre, music must be done by talented people, fuck having fun you childish bitch, play a video game instead.

feels like troll, but whatever. this is what you sound like

well since its all typed out than i don't really feel like that makes sense, but keep trying to get me you insecure bitches, i mean keep trying, it's worth your time and effort for sure, like im for real, and your a sugary little bitch b tee dubs

ur autistic. u needa smoke some weed and chill man. listen to some dope beats and smoke some weed lmao xd

lel, will do

He's not a rapper he's a emo

> unironically defending garbage hip hop by saying "lol it's fun hahaha :^)"

why are rap fans such cancer

why are you such a try hard edge lord. hip hop is the most popular genre in the world idiot lol.

Daily reminder that emo-trap haters are just projecting their own self hatred and are usually pretentious fedora lords that listen to Swans unironically

another day, another trip fag who should neck themself