Too many words

too many words

>and I can't hear them

slowcore thread?

Other urls found in this thread:!wodxzS5A!VzxfDCeTzI0gds1sWixwQA

alright, I'll start

I think The White Birch is one of the only albums that comes close to I Could Live In Hope or Long Division in terms of the sheer relatable suicidal depression I experience often

>thinks that evil's on her side
>gets rid of things that don't matter
>she used to let me cut her hair
>she used to let me cut her hair
>she used to let me cut her hair

ok fine

no wants to talk about slowcore

let's talk about slowdive

what's the best way to into slowdive

fuck I just want to die

This album clicked for me one morning when I woke up hungover as fuck, I had done some stupid shit the last night that I regretted and I just put this album on and watched the light pour in from my window. It was really a wonderful/depressing experience.

Souvlaki but I'm not a huge Slowdive fan desu

there's not enough it's not enough ther's not enough it's neoughe veouth there's not eveough tofr TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>sarah you're lazy

hey man don't die low isn't half bad

this record has always been a favourite of mine

I love you

This is secretly their best album

Is there anything else like this?

it's called by secret names

(seriously though it's great but behind I could live in hope, long division, and things we lost in the fire)

have you listened to the albums named in this thread?

the sea

is a long

long way

all great albums too. really all of their albums are at least decent. they definitely have an underrated discography. one of my fav bands for sure

it's kind of maddening how little they are talked about. even ones and sixes was top 10 for me in 2015 but no real hype. oh well.

>out of control

Yeah but idk, none of them really give me the same spacey chilled out feel. I know this might be blasphemy but I don't like the singer for Galaxie 500's voice.

Curtain hits the cast is perfection

>no Down Colorful Hill yet

for some reason I don't think of RHP as slowcore

I adore this album

captures depression better than literally any music I've listened to

anyone else here dig bluetile lounge?

I love you user.
I adore this record.

Have some Love, Claire people.

I love Low but personally I just don't think there's that much to say about them. It's music for listening to in my room, on my own, when I feel somewhere between 'melancholic' and 'suicidal'. They haven't really changed their sound a huge amount throughout their career. Their 2 most popular albums are their best but pretty much everything they've done has been good. Lullaby is still their best song. Now I'm gonna go feel shit about myself. Have a nice day user.

P.S. Slowdive are awesome too, check out their EPs if you haven't

not really, but bedhead and the new year might be down your alley!wodxzS5A!VzxfDCeTzI0gds1sWixwQA

>all of it

What's moo's opinion on this? I've been hooked on it recently, I love Jenn's vocals. They'll Only Miss You When You Leave and So You Wanna Be A Superhero got me fucked up

it's the epitome of slowcore

It's dramatically sad to the point of self-parody but a few songs really do hit hard. I do like the vocals and the use of piano/strings.

where do i go after i could live in hope

to the actual superior albums, The Curtain Hits The Cast and Secret Name.

fun fact: they supposedly stayed in louisville for a while to write this album after hearing slint and some of the other louisville post-rock bands. which is weird because I always thought frigid stars had some songs that were eerily similar to spiderland (especially cigarette machine), despite coming out slightly earlier

Fell in love with it the first time I listened to it. It's probably gonna end up being one of my all time favorite albums. Her voice is so fucking enchanting. And yeah So You Wanna Be A Superhero hits me hard too. It's scary accurate.

not like it per se, but i bet you enjoy this
posting the superior Codeine release, Barely Real
>on a quiet afternoon...
listen to contemporary movement a couple of times and hopefully you'll realise that it's a better album.

thank you for turning me on to this

i think

This album is so great. I can't listen to it too much, because it breaks my heart.
>If you're hearing screams, come back child
Souvlaki is the obvious entry point, but take a look at Blue Day too. Then Just for a Day.

Leave Pygmalion for the very end and be warned that it is different from their other releases. I love it but it is much sparcer and eerier.

pop album for normies

That's the order I'd go in, but why Blue Day? That's just a best of album

This is the closest thing I've found to duster.

Ah wait I was thinking of the Catch the Breeze compilation, Blue Day is the EPs. Their EPs are probably my favourite Slowdive songs. Also be sure to listen to the demos after you've heard all of their releases. Songs like Hide Yer Eyes and I Saw the Sun are really beautiful, have no idea why they didn't put them out officially.
