/prod/ - Music Production General

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Attempting to channel my inner gothboiclique but I dunno if it's working.

I just made this cause I was bored. Just wondering genre it would be.

Great song!

Damn, dude, that was sick.


critique this melody

I know it's shit but you guys think I can make something out of this?


i think it's perfect 10/10, but none of my friends digs it. is it really shit?

This is great, do you have a soundcloud?

Best fm synth? Something with a routing matrix like sytrus. I should just learn sytrus I guess but the envelopes really don't gel with me.

1. Stop listening to crap "music"
2. Stop producing and go learn music theory first

Oh I get it, it's a joke.

I'm a total ignorant about music theory. I'd like to learn something so I could appreciate more (or less) the music I listen to and maybe start making some shit on my own just for fun. Could you guys advise me some resources (youtube, websites, idk) where I can start learning from scratch? (I am searching for something instrument-independent if possible).
ty user inb4 get a course, no money/time





what is your goal here?

>this is a perfect 10/10
what am I even listening to?

Sytrus and FM8

you should definitely get a MIDI keyboard and noodle around it, I think it's impossible to learn theory without it. as for resources, you can even study scales and chords on wikipedia.

ok mr music theory guy. whats wrong with my tune? music theory-wise

a little something I made yesterday


drums are one audio file cause I mixed down all clips through tape to make one file, but now I'm wanting to add reverb to the snare. As best as I can explain it, is there a way to trigger reverb by certain transients/frequencies like you would trigger a side-chained compressor? Like could I make a send for the drum track that I eq out to only be the transients of the snare (but not have this bus go to stereo out) that would trigger the reverb for the entire drum track?

If I want to produce classical music and/or pop music with acoustic guitars etc. that means I don't have to focus on practicing synthesis and sound design much, right?

What should I focus on the most to get a quality sound, then?

a good sounding room to record in, good microphones, preamps and conversion, a pair of good speakers and room treatment for your control room
learn how to record, arrange and mix acoustic instruments

or if you're too poor to get all those things, maybe start with some kontakt libraries and focus on mixing and composition


Thoughts? Mixing advice needed. How's it sound on your monitors familia?

you obviously know what you're doing, this is great. my only criticism is that I would EQ the vocals a little differently personally; it's maybe like the upper mids are a little pronounced, but I understand the sound you were going for

Thanks for the feedback.

>EQ the vocals a little differently

At what parts of the track?

not the backing vocals that have delay on them, I like the EQ on that. I guess I was just referring to the lead vocals, they just are a tad too thin imo

also, because you seem experienced could you get me some recs for mine/the dilemma I'm trying to solve in this

Create drum track with only snare, put reverb on it 100% wet, mix to taste

It doesn't even have to be the same snare, it could just be a similar sounding snare sample

I like it, sounds like the opening to a Metroid ROM hack. I think the mixing may just be mushy


It's the guy who wanted to buy the Rode NT5.
I wanted to start out by buying 1 and recording with it for a bit, before buying another 1 or a matched pair, however i read some customer review on a site, where the person said they will sell their Rode NT5 and buy a matched pair instead once they can afford it.

Is that guy just retarded or is there actually a difference between buying a matched pair and just buying 2 NT5 S one after the other? Seems as though the matched pair is just a bundle.

So I have a lot of physical instruments except for drums. I usually just straight up record my music in audacity and mix it there.

How do I emulate drum sounds? I'm guessing I'm need a DAW and a VST? Any suggestions? I'd prefer a natural sounding kit obviously.

>54 followers on Soundcloud
>that quality

Sometimes I don't know why am I even making music. Of course, I'd still do it do it for myself, but it brings a lot of stress with it too.

It's all about the connection, isn't it?

What do you guys think of Viena and soundfonts? I'm trying to make my own from samples and it's going pretty well. I use Finale Songwriter for most of my music but I've also been importing my Midis into Ableton, to remix them with better sounds, but then the trial ran out and I don't know if I want to spend 99 dollars.


Something I recently made.

Logic Pro 9

lower you bass track volume by a lot

when I first started a while ago, I got a cracked version of FL studio- its beat sequencer is really easy to use


need some opinions on this, its taken from i guess the "crescendo" of the track, thanks a bunch :)

If you want to get Ableton Live, i still have a bunch of Ableton Live Lite codes from gear i bought, which makes the upgrade to Live 9 Suite about 100 bucks cheaper, in addition to that Ableton Live products are 20% off right now, so if you want one, just tell me tbqh senpai.

It's pretty cheap at 390€


no mixing done, low volume mix,, thoughts?

I do it to touch the hearts of select individuals that can appreciate my music. That's all that matters.

Has anyone had any experience trying to make samples from scratch in Audacity? Like starting with the noise / tone generators for base sound and messing with effects and layering them to try to create a sample? I really want to create some good dark wave synth samples.

This is song?


What song is?


Sorta new in music production ..


What do you think?

What vst should I get for hip-hop production? [spoiler]Links to torrents would be greatly appreciated

I was playing with Diva and while composing a short motif to be played while I tweak knobs, this idea popped up in my head.


Spent 30 minutes on it. Does it have any potential? Didn't change other default synths so they don't go very well together atm.

ayoooo hol up
*bumps thread*

I fucking suck at memes.

Guys, any good links for some free drumpacks/essentials for deep house?

[spoiler]Does anyone know where I can get some vengeance packs, most places I look are empty[/spoiler]

So, I'm studying controls of one synth and advanced synthesis in general and I have to ask a question.

Do you guys know exactly what will happen when you twist a certain knob, or is it always just an experimentaion to some degree? E.g. now I can know what every parameter of plate effect does, but I don't know how would I be able to know exactly what to do if I want to achieve a specific sound other than just trying everything out.

might as well listen to the 150.000 other times this chord progression has been used.

is the sample too noticeable?

was going for a nu disco/deep house vibes kind of thing. I added the white noise for effect

they actually check the membrane and pair two which are similar. So it's not a bundle it's a pair with similar frequency response. When you wan't to do stereo Recordings i would highly recommend a matched pair


use a synth?


finished this yesterday, would appreciate some feedback

Knowing what every knob does is just the beginning. After a while you will know how things sound. To stick with your example knowing how a plate reverb will effect a sound. It's very similar to classical musicians who can hear a composition in their head even if they just read it on paper.



how do you into """"future bass"""""""?

opinions on the new standalone MPC?

can't crack hardware
Akai devs are geniuses

other than that, i don´t care

I don't understand why would you tell me this while there still is a ton of music with that progression along with all the other ones. That doesn't mean it is automatically generic just because it uses the same chord progression.

If the melody is bad, that's a whole another thing, but it's stupid to bash something because it uses a popular progression.

I mean, I don't care about this 30 minute draft, but only I managed to get this kind of response 2 times here.

little update.

i'd kind of like a standalone sampler but not one that costs $1300

You've summed up why so many people get impatient once they've learned all the stuff, and it's because ear training and familiarity with sound can't be crammed like studying can.

You'll get there, but you have to start listening now.

I'd buy it if they made a version that looked like hospital equipment again

can't stand the way that one looks, looks like some BEAT KANGZ shit

How do I into creating songs without sampling other songs and using instruments?

what's wrong with this my babys

do you mean without sampling other songs and also without instruments?
cause that's a cool thing a lot of people do. u can get a zoom recorder and hit things with sticks

kek that beat thang looked like shit

What synth is it? Manuals tell you what the knobs do but it rarely tells you how they interact.

Like for example, if you make OSC 1 a saw and OSC 2 an inverted saw you saw-PWM. Or if you have a filter with the resonance cranked up, you change how the resonance sounds by turning down the oscillators volume then obviously turning up the master volume to compensate.

If you're not feeling imaginative, synths can seem like boring pulse wave generators. If you actually start thinking about what you want to hear and start tweaking you can achieve stuff you didn't think the synth could do.

I like to watch this guys synth demos to remind me what synths are capable of.


>looks like some BEAT KANGZ shit
i was thinkin the same while watching this demo: youtube.com/watch?v=LIuCk9abpGI

>Vintage Ramsa 18 channel 4 bus mixer
>Panasonic MDA-1 8ch ADAT recorder
>Vintage JBL monitors

Got some effects racks and stuff. Anyone work primarily on ADAT still? Do I just need to stop fucking around and get a standalone DAW station already? I'm just trying to make demos and stuff..

Will check out those videos.

It's Diva btw.

MKS-50 is the same as the Alpha template preset in diva, MS-20 in the video is the MS rev1 template preset FYI

I understand racks and other hardware (I own some myself) but I see ADAT as a speshul snowflake thing. I don't see why would anyone use it over any DAW. I mean unless you actually like it and are so used to it, that it would affect your workflow to switch to a DAW. But if you're fucking around and don't feel attached to it, get rid of that shit

work in progress
probably not very good but im tryna just learn production through trial and error

im using renoise and it glitches out majorly (not in this clip tho) when i layer too many samples. is this normal

damn this is real nice. what is that synth playing that main backing melody
what do u mean by too noticeable? i think i hear some kind of vocal sample in the background that i wish was higher in the mix. i feel the nu disco vibes
hmm not feeling it 2 be honest. sounds too familiar if you know what i mean
this has a real neat atmosphere
given the dreaminess i think it's be appropriate for ur vox to be more reverb/delay heavy

what kind of drive are you running on hd or ssd and what is your audio buffer size
one of those may be the reason why youre getting audio glitches


my new laptop broke but I created this bomb beat on my old laptop

problem with my old laptop is there's a mic delay when I rap or sing

The day my new laptop broke, my midi mixer and mic with stand came in

I accidently spilled soda on my new laptop

but oh well

gonna get a new one next month so it doesn't really matter

What we learn from this is that music is music
No matter how rich you are or how poor you are

Music knowledge and wisdom is the important thing that matters

>I accidently spilled soda on my new laptop

sucks man it does

Hey prod can I get some feedback on this: clyp.it/0e4cx3dm
Bit rough but pretty much there

Guys how do you measure progress?

Should you even measure progress?

How do you ensure progress?

I'm trying to avoid a flatline at the moment

I've been producing for a little bit over a month and i feel like my stuff has gotten better but at the same time i'm not really pleased with it

Does my stuff sound shitty for a month of producing or is it okay?

heres two of my latest beats



>been producing for a month


A month?

are you a pleb or something kek

I know for a fact every beginner producer suck dick man unless you practice everyday and learn the producer way of learning how to mix and process audio

What's the best way to remove audible clicks from a pluck running through a comb filter?

I've tried dialing back the attack on both the amp and filter envelopes, but they're still present

i do practicing everyday...

i spend about 4 - 5 hours a day doing it

i know it takes time

i don't expect to be great overnight

do my beats sound alright for a month or producing?

Thats good man

First track pretty trippy

second track
ehh its okay

For a month thats pretty good

Keep up it man

I enjoyed this, there was definitely melody in there it was drowned out by the heavy buzz drone tho unless that was what u were goin for


i like your slow jam beat btw

its hot as fuck


Can I have some critiques on this? First song using a MS20.



Here are my tracks from 4 years ago when I was just beginning music

each have over 1000 plays

here's recent music to my doomsday mixtape


85 plays in two days is okay for me

is this even music?

theres nothing melodic about it at all

it sounds like a computer having a seizure

maybe it would be cool as an intro or outro

but fuck 6 min of this? seriously

how do you promote your music and get followers/listens?

Well ima make a website soon and do search engine optimization

How do I get plays?
no idea lol

does anyone know how i can send a track recorded on reaper through my mixer's aux sends?

I'm using an alesis firewire 8 and can't figure out how to map it to that output. I've tried a few different configurations, but all it does is isolate it to either the master out or control out instead of Aux A or B.

There's an option for choosing which output it uses, but nothing for the aux/FX loop, and I can't find it in the alesis settings, either.

What do I do? I'm trying to transition from recording on tape to using a computer and really want to use hardware effects since I can manually manipulate them.

Basically what I want to do is record a clean track, send it through the aux, and then apply effects that way instead of being forced to record a bunch of different tracks for each type of texture I want. It's easy on tape, why is it so difficult on computer?

I have an idea for how to avoid latency, though, so I guess that's a plus.

There's nothing happening here, you need to introduce other instruments, change the melody, do something. All you have is a dissonant melody that doesn't change for 6 minutes.

How much time did you spend on this?

like the joy division vibes mane. Lyrics are good, singing a bit hit and miss, maybe mix the chorus some more. Good songwriting

theres something about this thats really charming