ITT its 1967

so are the beatles gonna break up soon?
or are they just gonna kick out that faggot lennon.

Other urls found in this thread:

dubs and he dies

can other psychedelia bands even compete?

smile will never be released
cap this

Literally no one hated Lennon or wanted the Beatles to break up in 1967 when they reached the peak of their career.


man, rock is real lame now, when are people to going to progress this stuff? Bands like the Wilde Flowers yknow

Bike would be the ultimate meme song if Sup Forums existed in '67

how come noone's talking about this album

literally who

psych a shit
hippies need to fuck off plz?

Because they're a bunch of Zappa wannabes.

imagine listening to james blake in 1967

I just asked the guy who runs the record shop and he's never heard of them and that guy knows everyone



what the fuck is that guy wearing? is this a shot from Star Trek or something?

Man I'm so hyped for this guys, it's gonna change music forever

oh boy I sure hope that none of the music I enjoy nowadays will be shit on and called "dadrock" in 50 years' time by some obscure image board on the Internet! don't know what that is though


what am i wearing? wait till you see this motherfucker

i wish they'd stick with the formula
i need some more fun beach songs

AOTY, find a flaw

Protip: You can't

>Sup Forums
nigger i know kids in middle school who browse this board

why do you know middle schoolers user?
I can think of two reasons and neither makes you look good.......

the flow is garbage

fuck the ny art scene
its so fucking gay
>le dude heroin xd
i hope the fucking faggot hack dies

i have siblings that are in middle school

okay user, I really believe that you're 18+
I really do, but make sure to do your homework I mean, write up your resume ;)))))

what the fuck happened

Fucking plebs, get out.

I've been thinking about writing reviews of rock albums. Should I do it?

In this thread we discuss the artist of the decade, John Lennon! Remember to be nice to John.

it's better than pet sounds
you're just too disappointed to realize it yet

Why is he so woke?

As soon as I hit "Post" I knew someone was going to complain about the word "obscure." Then someone else implied that that person may be a pedophile. This board never disappoints.

I implied he was either a middle schooler himself or a pedophile
big difference from outright saying it

Anybody heading out to Monterey California this summer? There's supposed to be this big music festival and I heard that The Beatles might actually show up and play some songs off of Revolver. I was so disappointed that they didn't play any new stuff when I saw them last year. Just the same old "Hits' They play every time they perform. They have a new album and I want to hear those songs live although I don't know how they'll pull some of them off.

Still though it might be worth going to even if The Beatles don't actually play and somebody is just spreading rumors.

they wont be there man, I hear they're too busy choosing which mansion to live in
fucking fakes