Post albums that artists have never been able to surpass after said album

Post albums that artists have never been able to surpass after said album

Shouldn't the thread be "Post artist's best albums"? Basically the same thing.






your move, user :o)



yeah you're wrong buddy


Wu-Tang forever was ALRIGHT at best

very debatable

No one can defend this one though


Alright maybe for the second disk. First disc is god tier.



Today was one of the rare days where I was off from work and my daughter was off from school. She's only 5 so its important to do stuff together. Anyway I had a few errands to run and what not. Then I heard the most horrific thing ever.....she wanted to go to Mcdonalds for lunch. I tried and tried to sway her mind off of it, but the allmighty TMNT happy meal toy was the deal breaker. Anyway I go to a town I know that has a decent Mcdonalds it is usually nigger free. Well not today, some how a sow from another state found her way into this neck of the woods. She cut up front of this gentleman in line, and her main excuse was that she was a "woman" the guy held his own and talked her down and then she started her whole chimpout. Lots of cussing. I curse a lot but if there are kids present, its polite not too. She went on and on. Anyway the white staff finally threw a meal at her to leave. The guy ordered. I really should have just left, but fuck, Im not letting some monkey ruin my day with my kid. My daughter was totally oblivious to the whole thing looking at the TMNT toys inside of the display case. I havent been on here in a few weeks, but man oh man. These niggers. I tell ya. Just had to vent

Anybody who says weeper didn't peak at Pinkerton is either lying or really liked the white album for some reason


come on man I really hope you're just baiting with that reply



try and prove me wrong kid

Nah mate. It's not even close

no debate

Headless Cross is Black Sabbath's masterpiece

It's different since this thread is looking for albums followed by lots of less good albums. An artist's best is not necessarily followed by inferior albums


Protect Ya' Neck

Da Mystery of Chess Boxxing

Method Man


Shame on a nigga

Wu tang aint nothing to fuck with

Wu Tang forever might have some good songs but Enter the 36 chambers has a godlike list

and on top of the fact that every single song the Wu Tang is remembered for comes from 36 chambers
