Musical fetishes

>songs that sample old movie/tv audio
>acoustic lead with electric rhythm
>songs with military sounding snare
>smooth jazzy piano with light drums as a rap beat

Other urls found in this thread:

>Big brass sections
>Distorted drum machines

music with panda bear's vocals and none of avey tare's whiney bitchness

My man have you listened to Four Tet's entire discog. Start with Rounds.

Ill do that. Thats famlioli

music with avey tare's vocals and none of panda bear's hocketing EH EH EH bullshit

The other day I was driving, since that's my job, and in the course of my travels I drove past a prison. Two cars pulled out ahead of me, plenty of room.
The second car promptly passed the first one, an old Cadillac Escalade. Tingles
So of course, the Escalade is almost going 10 under the speed limit. No place to pass. It does not pick up any speed. I sit patiently for 5 miles or so, but it becomes obvious what the plan is here.
Mammy and her 4 pickaninnies have just been to nigger university to visit the sperm donor, and now they think it's everyones fault but his.
By now I've crept up pretty close, and my lights are on, hoping sha'queefa will wake up and let the rest of the world get on with it's business.
We get onto town I can see her craning her neck to look at me, so by now I'm flipping her off, mouthing "fucking nigger" at her, totally unlike my usual behavior. niggers bring out the best in me.
We get to the stop sign. It rolls it's window down, out comes it's tiny little paw, middle finger proudly extended!
Well, I guess you showed me!
It turn right and is gone like a shot...
My day remained rotally unaffected after that, takes more than one nigger to wreck my day.
At the end of the day, I'm white, they're atill a bunch of niggers.

>songs with droning intense basslines
>songs with detuned achromatic piano

basically this

>Chamber anything
>Flutes and bassoons making a tribal atmosphere
>Indian classical influence
>Highly mixed bass
>Unique female vocals that aren't annoying

>weatern style violins
>Music that sounds as happy as you would be on acid

music with Deakin's loving soul and none of Panda Bear or Avey Tare's bullshit

>Chamber anything
>Flutes and bassoons making a tribal atmosphere
>Unique female vocals that aren't annoying

Check The Malgaard Suite

Baroque harpsichord solo

Autechre-style glitchy warped production alongside pop/rock songwriting and guitar work
V:D:C and Neon Golden are about the only albums I can think of that have pulled it off

>>songs that sample old movie/tv audio

anyone have any recs

>upbeat music with thoughtful bass guitar

>>acoustic lead with electric rhythm
>>songs with military sounding snare
>>smooth jazzy piano with light drums as a rap beat

You just described 3 of my musical pet peeves

>Obligatory Madvillainy
>TV Casualty by The Misfits (just the song)

Sliding 808 basslines
Moderately compressed rap vocals
Single vocalist's part with extremely wet reverb used as lead melody

>muddy pool of bass
>cymbal filled psychedelic drum fills
>handclaps/finger clicks
>slap bass
>groovy clav based melody
>background chit-chat before song starts (What's Goin On, Doggystyle)

Pink Floyd do this a lot in the Waters era

"PiƱata" by Freddie Gibbs and Madlib, and "Vast Universe" by nooon & smuv

Oh also lofi atmosheric interlude/section of a song