Feels thread, anyone?

Feels thread, anyone?

What's up user

Oh gosh. OP here. Me mumz walked in on me telling her husband about the shit she used to pull, and was apparently eavesdropping for a while, cause she was bawling the next morning. I stepped in and all, but it still feels like ass.

Also seven months no fuck. OP is a cuck.

I want to die so badly, Sup Forums. I'm so pathetic and honestly think id make little impact being here. But I don't want to puss out that easily.

I know it sounds retarded, but how do I get myself killed? I at least want any, even if it's a drop, of honor to my death.

What stuff did she pull? And don't worry about sex it's just a thing people just use to brag about

I hate to say this, my dude, but it's likely best not to.
In all likelihood, you have got a lot of honorable traits floating around in you that have yet to be explored.
One ez way to find them? Work out like crazy.

Anons how do you coup with knowing that the best girl in your life is your best friends girl friend.

Assassinate hillary clinton

Every person make a little impact life no matter how big you are it'll just wash over in years but it just matters if you make that impact on some one else that you care for

I just want to leave everything behind

OP here.

After the divorce, she'd try time ant time again to take down the pops. Here's one story.

>be her
>be pissed and drunk
>break in while fam swims
>steal ex-husband's guns
>get cops called
>have thirty mins
>come back and chuck all guns at door while fam stands there
>one is a .44 mag revolver
>nearly kill one of three kids
>ex husband catches
>thank God

If you want to not go crazy over it then distant yourself from them just enough so you don't be with them as much.

Don't let others hold you back. But don't forget the ones that helped you make it this far.

im totally in love with a girl in a long distance relationship. best friend in the world, already spent a year hoping she'd break things off with her boyfriend, but it hasn't happened and I can't do anything about it

Been there, user.

Long story short?
Just come to terms with it.
If you're as young as OP here, you'll get her eventually, and she'll hurt you over and over again, and you'll eventually have to let her go.

She's cucking you. You're her attention sponge, user.

...Trust me.

I appreciate the people who've helped me but I don't feel like I'm moving forward anymore. Maybe it's just cause I didn't do anything really productive over the summer but I want to join the military. School's got everything fucked up though and I'm trapped.

Don't feel bad for telling him that its her fault for not telling him prior to them seeing each other so dont best yourself over it man and if anything just vent to us. Our ears are open Sup Forumsro

Went out last night with a girl from work im crazy about. We went for a late night cruise on some old trails in the woods, it was a beautiful night for it, clear skies and all that. Everything was just wonderful, not another soul in sight besides her, the person who makes showing up at that hell whole all worth it. We were out for almost 5 hours all in all just talking joking and laughing. Conversation started to get personal and she told me that she felt worthless sometimes, and that she needed a night like this to get her mind off of everything. about this time we were getting back into town and stopped at a 24/7 gas station/food place to get a quick bite. we were sitting in the parking lot munching a little bit and she said she always felt like no one cared weather she was alive or dead. so i spilled my heart out. I told her she wasnt worthless, she shouldnt be dead, that she was smart funny and beautiful, and told her how i felt about her. She basically brushed me off, saw a couple of her friends and said bye and thanks for the ride. I sat there heart broken and saw her walk away with another group of girls chatting like nothing mattered.

why are women soulless creatures

It's funny how you can connect with people on such a deep level and then never see or hear from them again.

The thing is, though, he knew.

He had gotten, however, a "revised" version...

I purchased a shotgun and now I'm waiting on the 10 day period to be over. I just want to find peace


That's the beauty of the apparent worst website on the internet

What 10 day period? I was gonna do the same thing a few months ago too. Just wait a bit longer.

Care to explain?

its not worth it user, trust me its not.
but if youre dead set on it, and PLEASE dont do it, use proper ammo. its better to be dead than a birdshot vegetable

Wasn't even talking about Sup Forums but thats true too.

I try but she's the only person that texts me every morning asking about my day. Always trying to get to know bettet me as a person. I've told my friend about this but he trusts me, knowing I'll never take it too far.


When you purchase a gun you gotta wait 10 days before you can pick it up. In California you do at least

There are a number of ways to find peace, user.

Hate to sound like this, but...

Organized religion?

It's the only thing I can do

Didn't mean to reply to that second post

I don't believe in the concept of religion

Why do it?

Honestly I have nothing but respect for the armed forces. And who knows maybe you'll find your purpose in the military.

Sure. He had heard some of the stories about the things she did to us kids.
What she had done is made it look like she was trapped into doing those things precisely.
My dad had a wandering eye. Made her feel unappreciated. But she did shit that really scared the three of us, and she absolutely had the option not to.

If you're dead set on doing it, please don't use a gun. I found my friend after he shot himself in the head with a shotgun. It really changed me. Use helium and a mask. It'll look like you're sleeping; you'll just slowly drift away.

School is the problem though. If I don't waste another year and a half being miserable finishing it, I'll have to do it later in my mid 20's. I fucking hate it, and I want to join the military now but my future options are shit if I don't finish school. What should I do? And please don't say "just finish school".

Im tired of sitting around hoping something good will come along. Things won't get better. I don't believe they will

I don't want her. Heck, three months ago we were mortal enemies. Now it's like I can trust her with my secrets. I fucking hate Succubuses.


So what I'm getting at here is that you didn't do nothing wrong, don't bring yourself down because you hurt someone, if anything use as leverage

Then stop sitting around and do something to make your life better. You just summed up your own problem and you're apparently too blind to realize it.

Fair enough, though I'd encourage you to reconsider.

Just don't hurt yourself, that's the opposite of what you want.

Maybe try to find a nice playlist you like and just ruminate for a little while.

I am making my life better. This is what I want

Leverage how?

Well step one is believing and when you completed step 1 the rest should just come to you, it just takes time boo so keep your head up man.

I took you seriously at first but now you just sound like a fucking pussy. Good riddance.

Not everyone gets to be happy

Give yourself a ego boost by thinking you're better than that person you just hurt because since you think you're trash what makes them?



Not everyone tries either

The American education system is complete garage. Honestly the best way is to distance your self from it. Get a job, find hobbies, anything to make school less important. Trust me alot of school/ communities offer opportunities and options to help purse careers or hobbies. So make the best of the time you have left. Because it doesn't get any easier from here.

Fair enough. Thanks, user!

Want some more stories, just to make the long night go faster, Sup Forums?

serious question regarding this... is it really worth trying

Did that actually help? Not being sarcastic btw

To a degree, I suppose.

Story time.
Reply when ready, cause it might be a minute

I'm in Canada and I need my highschool diploma.
>inb4 underageb&
I missed out on a couple years of school because of problems and now I'm paying for it. I want to join the military now and do something that I want to do instead of wasting time in shitty schools trying to catch up. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion and it sucks. I'd join right now but then I wont have many options for careers in the future and I won't make decent money. Should I just join the military and finish highschool when I get out?

Ready when you are

My only wish in life is to have a child of my own but I'm medically incapable. I got a job at a day care and it cheered me up at first but a few months later It's making it worse. I feel so lost knowing my only wish is impossible.

Please try this

Why the fuck would you want a parasite?


>be me
>be 14 at the time, maybe younger
>mother is alcoholic at this point
>not wonderfully close with stepdad, but I trust him more than her
>it doesn't always show
>they get drunk and argue almost every night
>hate this shit
>feel the need to listen in every time
>by 14, they know it's a habit of mine
>have to keep on just in case
>she gets toasted one night
>feel it coming, they're gonna kill each other
>they fight like hell, she comes inside and pouts on the couch
>try to cheer
>end up arguing
>she throws me to bed
>sister comes out
>talk with sister
>crying a little
>we listen at their door for a bit
>tfw mother refers to me not for the first or last time as little asshole

That one was mild as hell. Another! reply when ready.

You really should adopt. It's obviously not biologically your own, but you can completely change the course of a kids life.

Agreed with OP #2.

It might not feel like you want it to feel, but you'll be giving a future to an otherwise destitute existence.


They're special parasites to me. And I could do so much better with them then 90% of parents.



I can relate to that, my mom still to this day calls me a disappointment and a disgrace after she drinks and usually argues with my dad but hey that's what these threads are for

I'm definitely considering it. It's better than nothing.

Rocks - feel bumpy
water - feels wet
Vagina - feel like an uncooked chicken cavity
cats - feel soft
orgasm - feels good man

>Vagina - feel like an uncooked chicken cavity
Fucking kek

I wish I knew what you meant

You can't stop a trainwreck, you can only delude its passengers into thinking they could be saved



Im glad i found a feela thread.
I'll share. Women are heartless creatures as one user had mentioned. Well a majority of them. I'm probably gonna end things with my girlfriend soon. It fucking sucks that it's come to this point.

On it! Here's a real nigger of a story.

>be my dad
>be freshly divorced
>have full custody bcuz wife has 200 pg arrest record
>watch kids swim
>go inside for a sec to towel off
>ex waifu is asleep in bed
"What are you doing here?"
>she sits bolt upright
"Sure, alright. Do exactly that. I'll be right back."
>go outside with phone
>call cops
>tell them
>go back inside
>hang up
>walk away
>cops come
"Femanon user?"
"Come with us. You did exactly what he said you would. You're under arrest."

Victory didn't last, though. Want that story?

This is gonna sound super fucking lame probably. But I came back to my home town for labor day weekend. Tomorrow I head back. Been dreading tomorrow all day. I dont wanna go back. Like fuck I already miss my mom and I haven't even left yet.

Keep sitting on your computer every day doing the same pathetic nothing and complaining about it, that will get you out of your depression

She probably thought you were a loser. Which is why she conveniently ran into her friends at that parking lot

Keep it commin

I don't have to social capabilities to make friends or even talk to people. I get scared when I have to talk to someone for even a second. Like when i go through a drive-thru or to talk to a professor I get really hesitant, I don't have any hobbies or job mainly because of school. I don't know how to fix it.

I love her, but I'm not in love with her. I know that the last month has been rough, and it has dampened my view on the relationship. But I won't be deterred by that anymore, I want to see if it will work

You can finish school in the military. They encourage it. It helps you get promoted. Go talk to a recruiter

Yeahhh. You probably dont want to hear this, but she most likely views you as just a friend, and was confiding in you as a friend. And then you "spilling your heart out" most likely weirded her out and made her feel awkward. You know since she doesn't feel the same, and most likely doesn't want to embarrass you or upset you. Thats probably why she just tried to brush it off. I mean she did handle it pretty shitty, but she wasnt probably trying to be a cunt.

On it.

>be mother
>be blowing lawyer for fre labor
>get massive settlement from divorce
>blow that too
>ex-husband is outta kash
>shh nobody tell him he has to submit a dossier of what evidence will be produced
>he shows up with 200 pg arrest record on you
>watch him sit with thumb up butt

Oh, and
>get joint custody.

I feel you user. Unfortunately for me, my relationship cant be fixed. I felt like it could for a while and it's sad but I've given up hope and I'm probably calling it off soon. Fucking women.

It isn't easy for me either right now. Stubbornness runs in my family, and I will be damned if I don't go down fighting for her. I almost lost her once, and the thought of that happening again hurts. Fall down seven times, stand up eight man.

No trips required. This is TRUTH!
So imagine you're hanging out with one of your bros and you just get to talking about life and philosophy and shit, and then you get down on yourself, and your bro is like, "hey, no way man, you're awesome." and he just goes on about how great you are and then he starts talking about having feelings for you and then you realize he's gay and he wants to suck your dick.
How would that make you feel?

Yes, I know that's not exactly the same thing, but up until that point, she just viewed you as the bro or buddy she could confide in... and then you started talking about how you wanted more than that.

She wasn't ready. Unfortunately, she never will be, nor would ever be regardless of your confession. She's just not the one.

>Be me
>Be 15
Really depressed, think about suicide daily
Parents say they love me but I'm not sure
They never let me have my own opinion
Everything I do is blown off
2 friends
One lives in california
Other one goes to my school
>Be at football game
>Be band nerd
>Be (friend) with juniors and seniors
All my jokes either aren't as funny anymore or people hate me
No one listens or responds positively to me
Section leader treats me as a secondclass citizen
Fall of freshman year
get QT gf with nice ass
on 5th date with her
put arm around as normal
she laughs at me like im a betafag
End that relationship
next school year
ex gf tells me sorry and wants to get back together
1 week later
ask on date
>user, your an asshole for ignoring me over the summer. Fuck you.
teh feels are too powerful
go into depressed state
past 3 days ive been drinking heavily
Last night I was one drink away from passing out(extremely close to alcohol poisoning)
Dad threw out all the liquor today

I probably need to be on anti-deppresants
Normal therapy isn't working

Keep that fight in you man, I'm happy you're hopefull.

I wish I could be the same for myself. A lot of shits happened the past few months and I'm just emotionally and physicially exhausted

Join military and fight for honor


Also, just try to be happy you dodged that bullet. Girl was a biiiiiiiiiitch