Draw fag here. Request something, I'll draw that something. Nothing too complex, please. I haven't drawn in a while

Draw fag here. Request something, I'll draw that something. Nothing too complex, please. I haven't drawn in a while.

Other urls found in this thread:

archived.moe/b/search/text/requesting rukia/

can you draw this cutie plez

Could you draw me a picture of Trump and Sup Forums-tan playing 3d chess(like a transparent cube with each side being a chess board) facing towards the viewer with smug looks on their faces, please? Picture for Sup Forumstan reference

too much work, bruh

maybe, I'll try

How is it to much work to draw two people in front of a chess board?

Please sketch her


Would you mind sketching her? I love your art style.

Is this the new drawthread after the last one capped?
If so, taking meme requests, I don't produce high quality

Draw a human heart, with a syringe being shoved into it on one side and a heart monitor hooked up to the other.

Also the heart is patched up and scarred.

It ain't. You should make it

Requesting this qt in light bondage, lewdness optional.

Can I get a barbarian slicing his way through an army of beasts.

Bumping to give this faggot time to sketch.

Can you draw her?


wow dude thanks thats really good. dont really like the cock in it but you got talent bro thanks again.

Didn't she get drawn in the last thread you thirsty fuck

Not him but
>I missed Scribbie again
Sixty tucking niggers

Yes and the last thread was called thirsty.

Anyway. You not up to the challenge?

Bump, this guy is good

Draw me a sexy girl Chimera. Please

Can you draw Mikoto giving a blowjob

Oh that's a manticore, my bad.
Draw me a sexy girl manticore.

Nice filename

>trying to be a cock in someone else's Drawthread
Aww did user step on your feefees lately?

just to say, we should not hijack this guys thread
Drawthread is over here

Not that abon, but I'm the guy who requested the heart and syringe. I've been requesting that same picture be drawn for 9 years now just so I can have a compilation of different artist's style. To each his own.

Nigger .


No it's not. It's here.


Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Wailmer, or just sitting on it like a small boat

ill delete it but i hope this goes over well, we've had this problem in the past

OP here, I'm on it.

Not doing ?

I don't mind, just rather know if I should quit waiting.

Would you mind trying next?

hi, thread! ive made a new OC!~

looking good.

Fuck right off

g-gee dude~
archived.moe/b/search/text/requesting rukia/

>only 734
im almost disappointed


He has over 400 requests man, what do you expect?

>he wasted this many hours for some shitty doodles
Thank you for making my day, Popopopopopopopopopopoka

that was only since the archive was wiped in October he's got a hell of a lot more rukia spam under his belt

Can you draw this cutie? :)

that makes his percentage of deliveries look much higher than it is

that's a bit mean. :0

make an anthropomorphicized anime character of a construction crane like pic related

It also misses quite a few posts and is sometimes oddly case sensitive so I am better over 5000 at least

>bringing drama into another mans thread
at least take it to the real drawthread

Good morning popo
We should be friends
Add me on skype and we can make fun of lina together then share her lewds

>d-damage control
Shut the fuck up cancer

Anyone making this?? I really need it now

afraid of a little sunlight might put things into perspective for people?

Yo man, do you know where Seed have galleries? Some fag wanted to thank her or something.

Guys the drawthread's over here, this is just a single drawfags thread for him to take requests.

you guys are particularly stupid if you think ruining other peoples threads makes anyone case better
here just go shit on him over here

Will you draw a loli being caught taking her clothes off?


y dont u draw yourself not drawing in a while faget

And let's not forget he has requested in other boards aswell

y dont u draw yourself not drawing in a while fagget

Mind if I toss a request of this character? Anything would be great.

>STILL referring to yourself in third person
>trying to cover up your fat slimy trail

>e-everyone is swordbro
>swordbro is here and listening to us recount things we only say on a daily basis
>swordbro will learn if I keep saying it that these threads are all mine for what I want!
I didn't tell you not to shitpost, I just told you to go do it in the containment thread.

Requesting her


good mornng user, i don't have lewds of lina do you still wanna be friends ?
>don't have her lewds heha eheh..

mmh, dunno about a galery, but i got her tumblr here

man, i just wreckt the thread..

>he's still doing it the absolute mad man
>saying that as you put off several anons from requesting
>people will never notice due to the passive aggressive posts without drawings

Learn your place, cancer.

Ah man that looks like shit. I cant believe I waited around For that. I hope you get cancer in your fingers and your dick falls off.

OR here, I love it. Thanks whoever you are! Ignore all the haters.

OP, are you still taking requests?

Think you can put this roller derby girl in a tight spot? :)

This thread sucks megalodon cocks

Can someone do this please l

Fuck this guy OP, he does NOT have your best interest at heart.

reread my post

This is begging to be made into a gangbang

If possible could you draw faceless figure walking through cemetery entrance?

Get that emo shit the fuck outta here faggot.

OP here, on it.

Anyone doing this please I need it

Can you please draw her naked?

ok then...

OP can you draw figure with wide grinn, unnaturally long limbs feasting on bodies of dead children? preferably in mass grave or something...

use some 34 site, got plenty of that there...

OP, please draw Haruhi getting gangbanged like this please.

Delivery! oke first, I apologize for a super late delivery. I'm a lazy ass and a slow learner, but I never back away from my promises. Here's a series from last year's list?

1. Smogon's mascot being ravaged by an user
2. Arcana getting bigger cock up her pussy than she could expect
3. Flaaffy being sucked off and having his balls played with by
a Female Zweilous
4. Soraka drinking a coffee slowly with a happy look on their face

thank you for the requests, hopefully these will help get ppl interest to pay me for stuff in the future





annd that's all folks, see ya!


Oh baby!


in other words draw an NA miata pls or at least just the front with the pop ups up

OP still here?

i made you a charizard

Movement is quite stiff here, like she does not move at all.

Where can we find you man?