Welcome to my room

welcome to my room
please join us

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I appreciate this. Can you explain it at all?




what's happening?

I just want to become a isolationist and move to the middle of butt-fuck no where, live the rest of my life without a job or social affairs.


There are amazing OP, did you draw them? I've always wanted to live in a room like these




what the fuck happened to japan that made them so cozy?


Asian people live like caged animals. I could never imagine living in a little box, apartments are for shitskins and white trash.


they got repeatedly nuked, dumbass.


Large houses are too much maintenance

out keep?

You know these are drawings, right? They aren't actually asian homes, you know this right?

I don't think he knows this.


Really? Looks like you have to do all kinds of creative shit to keep your stuff out of your way. Plus, move anything, and you have to put it back immediately. Sounds like more work.


False. All Asians are big eyed cartoon characters who live magical lives.

Ah yes, the Asians. Known far and wide for their spacious houses.

It's art imitating life


If I left a canvas blank, and titled it 'The Mind of the Poster of 702624220', that'd be art imitating life.

test post 7

is Sup Forums and Sup Forums working for you guys?

Nah man not everybody is a fat American. These houses ITT look comfy af

A big house means more cleaning, more spent on heating. A small living space means you have everything within arm's reach.
And who doesn't like being creative?


was han solo the first space neet?


It works again.

Wtf was that? SHILLARY attack?


everything was just down, blame hiroshima.





i have no idea what this is but it's pretty interesting


youre the person who bring the veggie platter to parties


please go back to Sup Forums


I'm right here with ya Sup Forumsros

No wonder he's never had a girl in his room.




Is this good?




I could live in a really small apartment. If it's cheap.


Very good

good lord







I like to think they shove the rockets behind the tv up their puffy young pussies.

What an interesting thought






"As you're leaving the cockpit, you head down a walkway and enter the first entrance to your right. On your left, you'll first find one of two triple bunks. After that is the head. "The Head" aboard any ship is the bathroom."



I would do the same, but damn: no Internet


Triple Bunks and 'Head' are miss from:




diagram must be wrong then





Nigga those are tank shells.

Still blow their minds all the same.




