Fights thread

Fights thread








Truly pathetic







Clean as fuck


slamming people is worse than cheapshots to me. fucking lame


Nigger detected



who cares what you think fagget, a fight is a fight







did they both knock each other out? lol


Truly pathetic


lmao yes



If you assault me I am instantly taking that shit to the ground. Fuck stand up - fuck sucker punches. I will out grapple you any day.




This isnt a fight.
This isnt combat.
This is faggotry.

man those fucking bitches.

the white kid put him down even with his punkass cronies pecking at him.

Fucking kick of justice




not a fight

>equal rights
>equal fights

It's impressive that the cunt was still conscious






None of you guys are the kinds of retards that have retard strength. good luck with your fantasy bouts.

so satisfying.
fat kid wins even without knowing how to fight.



Why would you even agree to this?
Either you beat a girl, which... you know whatever.
Or you get beaten by a girl.

He said ok im going to join the kkk now and voting for trump.


No honor among niggers


Thanks for your two cents user


its "equal rights, equal lefts"

this video is longer.
he ends up knocking the nigger down multiple times. not just once. nigger goes full ape mode and lets his adrenaline take over and gets his ass dropped.

It's a spar
Grappling only rules
Boy still gets RNC'ed the fuck out


Truly pathetic


Holy shit that fat fuck is a boxer

lol say it to your enemy while in a battle

I'm curious, what's your problem with slamming? To me it's the ultimate display of strength and dominance over your opponent.

what a faggot
put her ass down

he should of beat the fuck out of that bitch. Equal rights rite? want fucking respect earn respect want to fight like a man get beat like a man.


That spic fucking died



staunch as

thats not a fight

It's too bad that you can't actually fight
>fucking nigger faggot bitch detected

people will call you a pussy either way.
its a lose lose.

Bubba Sparxxx is that you?



Niggers dont know the meaning of 1v1. Fucking dirty gorillas

Wtf that's some jason bourne tier shit.

> retard strength
I literally train 3 times a week to control people's retard strength.
Blue Belt BJJ here - 1.5 years and counting.
I've taken 6'3 280+ lbs, brought them to the ground, and held them in submissive positions.
It's not a fantasy when you actually train, it's preparation.

Beast mode!

A fucking real man!


guy in the blue shirt probably deaded

not that guy, but it sickens me.
in the same way that banging a guys head on the ground sickens me, or kicking someone in the head.

its the certainty of brain damage. its permanent quality-of-life diminishment that lasts well beyond the extent of the fight. you never know if the person you're fighting will have the respect to not put you into a fucking coma or a casket, so you have to make sure they don't get the chance.

does anyone have the video of a black guy and a white guy beating up another guy in the hood? its taken from a camera on a pole up above them. they knock out the guy and throw his head on the ground twice. you can see his body spasm with each impact.


so they give hand jobs in african boxing?

i just think its lazy. like a shortcut to end the fight. but i guess thats the point right? idk man.



I know birds can be a right pain in the arse...BUT fuck me don't fucking blacks just love chinning them.

I remember once upon a time a bloke hit a bird and his arse would be kicked senseless.