Thoughts on pic-related?

Thoughts on pic-related?

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He's a creeper1

I would love to do what he does but I don't have the balls.

Yh thats pretty creepy but hes not at all a sexual predator, he could have loads of different possible reasons

Happened to me. The girl thought I was taking pictures of her and came up to me calling me names and shit. Turns out my phone was pointing toward her because of the way I was holding it while listening to music.
Fuck these cunts. My theory is that they think so high of themselves that they think everyone wants a picture of them.

Is she naked in her profile pic?
Isn't she taking a picture of him too?

Maybe he was just taking pictures of her taking pictures of him so he could put a sexual predator warning up on facebook about her.

> creep takes a pic of me
> I know, I'll take a pic of him!
>nobody calls her out

Boy, I sure do love equality.

Why would a girl want a picture of an old man?

In her defense, if someone is taking a picture of you they can't have any expectation of not having their picture taken. That's like the paparazzi getting mad about having their picture taken.



That is literally what she's doing. And personally, i.dont care. Everyone has a camera in their pocket and should expect people to take pictures.

What upsets me is she is doing the exact same thing to him and doesn't see the iroIn fact, shes so deep in her hugbox she doesn't see or hear anything wrong with taking his picture without his consent.

Girls didn't even talk to him, just assumed she was his subject and not the poster behind her or whatever else may be nearby.

she looks like a twat

Does she live on those shitty fucking trains or something.

i know the girl her real name is tayna
facebook com / taysharna.berger

This is now a creep shot thread

Is she a grown woman? If so then wtf lol so what I would take it as a compliment if that were me


Also she literally shamed him in front of 1000's of people on the internet. What he did was pretty much victim-less crime and she's basically trying to ruin his life over it.

What if he she's a drop dead gorgeous girl and wants to show his friend a girl he fell in love with.

But he was on his way back to his £1.2m house to dine alone again because no matter how much he has, he has no one to share it with.

Meanwhile you go back to your shitty house you share with friends struggling to earn more then NMW because you want to be famous.

Fuck you loser. That's me taking your pic

Stfu it's not you

wait wat

U know only perverts whatched that whith no comments and 11,000 views

Thoughts on this?

Also how are you supposed to compete with this?

Natural selection

You know her or you got her name from the pic posted?



pic is australia

You're not a pervert?

apparently he also snatches children

by not being black

go on...


Well that is what I do when I'm pretending to not take far it has worked for me.

Let me know how that works out for you, whiteboi.



omg what a creeper


Guys we need to do deeper, Its a picture of her taking a picture of him, taking a picture of her taking a picture of him.



Reminder that you will NEVER experience this.

can you get a life

Most likely a generic slag then, should be thankful for the attention.


Is it? What part of Aus, I only know what the Sydney trains look like

>acne covered with makeup

no wonder she doesn't want her picture taken


lmao stay mad whiteboi

Well that's good
I don't think anyone would want a dick that looks like literal shit


Probably some fag off Sup Forums. Come on user, you've been exposed. Come confess to your crimes.

Go back to your own board Sup Forums

take it to a scat sucking thread please

You had better not be the one who blocked out all of the names.

I am, why you need names?

His house, if he has one, still has a value that can be expressed in pounds, no matter what the local currency is.

I think she acted right. If a creeper take my picture, I would destroy his smartphone. Thats just creepy and annoying

It was pretty obvious that that user thought this was Britain. I was just clarifying you fuck.

Because your kind is always posting screenshots of bitches being retards, denying the rest of us neckbeards the opportunity to "shame" them the way they're trying to "shame" others.

ok user, kmu

>mentions pounds and NMW
>that sumbitch doesn't know the difference between bongland and the australian desert
>must respond

thanks user

Report this child predator please


This is how you shame her?


lol that wasn't me who posted that

she shames herself with shit like that

>this is a picture on her profile, dumbshit.


>Be me 3 years ago
>Saw very cute/beautiful girl in subway eaach day on way to work
>One day sit in line with her
>she wears a skirt (actually not much too see,but the bare calfs)
>decide to take a picture anyways
>take picture
>forgot to mute
>phone makes the typical "click" shutter sound, volume all up
>3 people, of course including the girl, look at me
>hit the shutter button 5 more times pointing at the floor to make it look like it was the sound of a game or a message
>leave the subway 3 stations early and walk home

Did you fool them?

I don't know, I'd give you a maybe.
She didn't seem to care. She just looked away again and kept reading her book.

I'm furiously masturbating to her pictures and laughing my ass off at the same time

Yeh guy is actually cia and just gathering intel on known sluts.

The government watches us...are they sexual predators?

I use to work in a cctv monitoring desk. Could always see a tit here n there...the zoom on the, things is legit

that's me

my biggest fear
I'm not into creepshots tho, I just like to capture people's finest in random places at random times :c

Only take shots with headphones plugged in, problem solved.



At least the cops had some sense

why would they want her to report again

You're in public; your visage is not copyrighted nor is it against any rules or laws to be photographed.

Stop being an attention whore, you whiny cunt.


Well, YOU'RE a retard.

Acts like one too.

Do you know why she's holding it to him at the base?

Because it's faker than a $40 bill.


What the flying fuck is wrong with those fucks. What about no self-justice? Cheezs christ

That looks identical to the trains we have in my state, including the yellow ticket validators

get a gf faggot

SAPOL, fuck, it is an Adelaide train

You're raping her

Adelaide train

Fucking have mutual friends too, I know who I'm deleting

Yeah, I noticed! I'm in Adelaide myself, seems odd to find something relevant to Adelaide on here

Maybe he was taking a picture of her because she was taking a picture of him!1!!!!!! and maybe he's posting that on Facebook!!!

You have to realise that makes no sense.

>an old man
Holy fuck how old are people on this website nowadays ??