Why is Robert Wyatt never discussed here...

Why is Robert Wyatt never discussed here? I've recently found interest in a lot of his works & he seems to have played an extremely prominent role in British music overall.

Anyone else a big fan? I'm trying to find similar music also, so far I've only come across David Cunningham & John Greaves

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trade union, trade union, trade yoon-ee-yon
trade union, trade union, trade yoon-ee-yon

need more music with socialist themes that aren't so evident

RW is too patrician for these kids

this, Wyatt's face doesn't belong next to over half the bullshit Sup Forums is impressed with. Majority of Sup Forums is still in highschool OP, keep that in mind.

If you haven't looked into it yet, you should check out the biography written on Wyatt, it's really good, especially if you like the political side of him.

def an key player in biritsh art rock and prog rock

I need more like this or underrated pieces by him... I haven't been this interested in a single musician since I found Jacques Brel, Gerard Manset, & Serge Gainsbourg during my french listening phase.

this thread gonna die op, you are actually too patrician to be here lmao

Where do "patricians" go to talk about music

[spoiler]use a spoiler so the highschool kids don't see[/spoiler]

Thanks, I guess, I haven't been really visiting Sup Forums often since maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I got sick of boring music discussion & uninteresting artists. I'm sure that can be blamed on the younger audience, but I expected more from this thread...

no patricians on Sup Forums

>never discussed
lmao he's literally a meme around here kid

I haven't been coming here lately in recent years, but I dont recall ever even seeing his name when I was constantly here.

Do you have any similar suggestions?

Rock Bottom is his only good album

Moon in June is okay

Why does Robert Wyatt look like a marxist philosopher?

>I haven't been coming here lately in recent years, but I dont recall ever even seeing his name when I was constantly here.

he is virtually never discussed here. he's certainly not a meme. no idea what is talking about

Sup Forums is weird about artists that scaruffi likes a lot. most of us know that scaruffi makes great recs but others will reject any artist that scaruffi rates highly

it's almost impossible to talk about lisa germano for the same reason. even though she was probably the best female artist of the 90s

We all left, all the intelligent people
I never post here any more
Apart from now obviously

A similar thread was made 2 years ago mentioning how absurd it is that Rock Bottom isn't popular since it's on Scruffis top 10.

A short while later Rock Bottom started appearing on mallgoth/dadrock/avant-teen lists.

Can't you see what you're doing?

he is. soft machine and robert wyatt are posted relatively often, for prog anyway

I don't know why you faggots can't just make threads about stuff you like without a prefacing complaint about how no one ever talks about them

you should check the 1969-1975 albums released by Kevin Ayers (ex-member of Soft Machine too)

>Gerard Manset