Would /b consider getting blown as an act of cheating?

Would /b consider getting blown as an act of cheating?

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Getting your dick sucked by a guy doesn't count, faggot

By pretty grill


Should I tell her?

Any cheating has to pass this test:

If you told the person you're in a relationship in about what you did, would they brush it off and say 'whatever' or would they get upset?

You need to have a girlfriend to cheat faggot.

She'd say whatever but she'd be pissed as anyone would be

This faggot is wise.


How does that work then? Either she gets pissed which takes precedence or she doesn't.

If you want to be an asshole, no.

Yes, but it depends on the relationship.


If it involves putting your penis anywhere near someone that's not a urologist and without your GF's approval then yes.


It depends. If she sucked a dick, would you consider that cheating?


Very much so.

If you want an open relationship then you discuss it first. Otherwise, it's safe to assume that your girl doesn't want you messing around. Pretty simple.


According to Clinton, no.

Then there's your Satanic answer.

I'm just afraid that this act of drunken hornyness might destroy our already fragile relationship and I do not want that. I truly love that girl and getting your dick sucked by an old friend doesn't mean shit.

You're a dirtbag and will never have a happy relationship until you man up.

The only person who can decide if something is cheating or not is your partner. If she says it isn't cheating then it's not, if she says it is, the it is.

Telling her will do two things: 1.) it will hurt her and give you temporary power. 2.) end the relationship (after a lot of drama) which will be a good thing. She can go find a real manwhich will be a good thing. She can go find a real man and put you in the dustbin of her life's history.

not necessarily, satan is the father of all lies after all
OP, if she let a gy eat her out until her pussy contracted around his tounge and she came all over his face, would you consider that cheating? that's the equal comparison, after all

What are you 12, life isnt black and white.
goodies and baddies.
give the guy a break