I think this is the perfect bodya girl/woman can have. Do you agree with me?

I think this is the perfect bodya girl/woman can have. Do you agree with me?

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Why not?

If you were a degenerate cuckold that is

Saggy tits, fat (=saggy= ass), fat belly.
You can tell that this bitch doesn´t work out, but instead eats all day long.
-5/10, would never bang.

No, that is a fat degenerate pig, people who has that amount of body fat is often emotional wrecks with lots of self hate covered up with fake self love that just comes off as bitchy attitude

But that's not Yanet Garcia

She works out though

Where do you see her excess that makes her look like a pig?

Please stop projecting.

Skinny bitch

Not "Perfect" but THICC, soft and feminine.

Would enjoy my time with a girl of that shape.

I know you got more, so post em.


I do not agree with you. She is clearly overweight.

Where do you see her excess fat what makes her overweight?

I mean, being a wife that's given birth to a few kids and is now in her early 40's is excusable for that sort of shape. Not someone in their late 20s. Just means she's gonna let herself go worse with age.

Post all you got. I'm saving.

Ugh! Man the harpoons. Let the black dudes have her. I just lost my breakfast looking at that. Thanks OP.

She just have a little belly. it isn't bad at all right?

she's ugly.
ugly face.
horrible body and tits.
she's ugly.

What's wrong with her body?

Her body looks fine to me but her hair and tattoos make her look so cheap and fake.

I know user, she's warm and cuddly and maternal.

But, and this is a bug but. Once she gets knocked up or married. She's gonna balloon right the fuck up and go full honey boo boos mom mode.

Keep posting.

Why do you think that?

I prefer hot dudes and fat cocks

Could be a good fixer-upper if she's willing to commit to a diet. Seems like she likes to party and gets a lot of excess calories form alcohol.

She is simply fat.
I had a gf like that years ago.. exactly same body but better face. Bodyfat % around 35. Way too high to be a healthy human. Also getting her in normal shape will take a year of 3-5 weekly gym and strict diet. Too muh hassle.. just dump and look further.

>upper arms
She's chubby.

Where do you see her excess fat then?

She's not in shape now and once she gets comfy and settled she'll deteriorate to a fat blob.

However I do like the thick and chubby types.

Here's my ex. Since you've been so kind in posting your whore.

How do you see it's from alcohol?

Refer to

Would you consider your ex as chubby?

Yeh looks like that wokring out thing isnt working out

I feel sad we live in a world where i can say what i said there and people will think it's strange or that i'm projecting

>flamboyant red party dress

I've dated the exact same girl. Bubbly, fun, confident and drinks a lot followed by bad food. Which she thinks she's burning off with half an hour of spin or TRX.

As soon as my ex stopped doing coke, she blew up. If she has to work to keep from getting fat, stay away.

I'm that girl's friend who sells weed to her and her other, just as equally average looking friends.

Doesn't really show but one of her ass cheeks was the size of 2/3 of my handfuls.

Post more of your whore or sauce.


Here's my ex, stay fucking fat landwhales you ugly fucks. projecting my ass, somebody says something that hurts your feelings doesn't mean they're projecting

But she's not bad by most standards

And would you consider her as fat?


Me, personally. No, I'd consider her THICC, voluptuous and curvy. Have lots of amazing wobbly sex with her, then leave before she traps you.

If you're an alpha you'll do what you want without others approval if it makes you feel good.

Keep posting, for the love of God. Or even better sauce.

Only boys(I'd say men but no self respecting man would even consider that gelatinous mass of thunder thighs gone wild) who live eternally in the friend zone stoop to shit like that.

"if you're an alpha you'll do what you want without others approval if it makes you feel good"

you just described the actions of a manchild, an alpha is a leader. Stop these bullshit terms you can't even use you fucking retarded thirtheen year old faggot

Keep living your sham of a life you fucking cookie cutter.

I'm willing to bet you drive some boring ass Honda Accord type car and work as a wage slave drone in an office somewhere.

Venting your frustrations and failures on Sup Forums is a lot cheaper than a psychiatrist I suppose.

spoken like a true beta being internet TUFF

Here's something I don't understand.

Everyone knows women get fat after you marry them.

So why don't you have them just tone up? You'll end up with a THICK wife, because she has enough muscle to keep her fat firm.

muh alpha do what i want muh yolo no approval le edge


That's it my child. Meme it up until the pain subsides.

Don't stay up too late now. You've work in the morning, putting numbers into boxes.

maybe if her tits were a bit more perky, but pretty close.

>women get fat after you marry them

Not necessarily, I've heard that if she has a fat mother shell get fat and vice versa. Seems sorta true with my classmates of 06 and their wives now.


>those arm tats

nope. she's awful.

Muh nigga

I'm just saying it's good to prepare. You can have a sexy THICK wife.

I think a THICC wifey is easier gotten by marrying a muscular/athletic chick and letting her fatten up a little bit.

This bitch is already nigger THICC and is more likely to give up the gym when she's settled.

Sound reasoning.

A fit woman's muscle-tone will keep her THICK when she likely gains weight.

Though I would encourage her to get a very buff butt, so when she puts on the pounds she gets a thick ass.

That's the dream user.

Looks like thread is about to die without op posting more of his thick bitch.

It's up to me now.

PAWG thread.

No point in freaking out about your wife's aging process. Just use it to make her THICK.

A lot of marriages would be saved by this.

It has something to do with the whole "is my ass big in this" meme where women think big butts are unattractive.

That is not the perfect body. But I would fuck the hell out of her.

better than tinder! plenty of horny bbw of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/changlz.html