Bulls on Parade

>Bulls on Parade

Is Zach, the vocalist of RATM a cuck?

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They're the bulls. My gf fucked them all and sent me the video.



>rails against capitalism while being a tool of big business in an attempt to benefit from capitalism
Everyone in that band is a cuck

>nah bro they're using the machine to voice their own political beliefs bro!! yeah!!!
>lives in mansion

Rage Against The Machine [Epic, 1993]

metal for rap lovers and opera haters ("Wake Up", "Know Your Enemy") *

Evil Empire [Epic, 1996]

Three years late, it's the militant rap-metal everyone knew was the next big thing. Zach de la Rocha will never be Linton Kwesi Johnson, but collegiate leftism beats collegiate lots of other things, as well as high school misogyny, and it takes natural aesthetes like these to pound home such a sledgehammer analysis. A-

The Battle of Los Angeles [Epic, 1998]

if only it promised as much for the future of rock leftism as it did the future of rock guitar ("Guerrilla Radio", "Calm Like A Bomb") *

Renegades [Epic, 2000] :(

I hate this pretentious cuck so much.

If you listen to RATM past the age of 14, you just need to give up on life entirely. I don't know what else to say.

This band is almost like a contest to see how many stolen Black Sabbath licks you can put in one album.


I'd like to know where I can get a Rema Rema t-shirt

>implying they actually hate capitalism
their fans are the cucks in this scenario. and any bitter anti-capitalist who calls them out for being on a major label and delegitimizing their cause

I don't get his rating system


>hurr we're so edgy we haet capitalism
>as we're signed to Sony and our videos are playing on MTV all day every day surrounded by Pepsi commercials

These guys were laughing all the way to the bank at the suckers who bought their albums.

>people still posting "RATM WURR ON SONY LE CAPITALISM MEME" in 2017 as if it was a valid or interesting point in 2007

Sup Forums when did you turn into r/music

Nothing. Just saying these guys were some fantastic con artists. :^)


Based Chrisgau

Rage were ancient history by that point. They broke up in 2001.

idk m8s, it just seems like a trite oversimplification. there's no doubt that RATM have benefitted greatly from 'the machine' but a lot of that is to do with the era they were active in, the 90s were just a fantastic time to be in a rock band because every major was willing to bend over and take it up the ass in search of the next nirvana, which is why you had all sorts of utterly bizarre shit getting deals (you honestly think Primus would ever have been one tenth as successful if they came along just 10 years later? you think Melvins would've got a major label deal at any other point in history?) RATM were just lucky to be in the right place at the right time, no doubt about it, but the idea that you're not allowed to make any money if you want to voice any kind of protest is fucking ludicrous. that train of thought is something the extreme left and the right have in common - the latter using it as a cheap way to 'catch them out' and the former thinking their ideological purity has been totally sullied by accepting any financial reward for their art

as for 2007, i'm just saying that people have been making this exact same glib point for as long as I can remember and I'm sure long before that. it's dumb, and everyone who types it with that predictable smug air of condescension is dumb. if you disagree with their political views or you dislike their acual musical output that's one thing - criticise that and engage in actual discussion. don't just be another cunt making the same old shitpost that was never insightful in the first place

user pls, we can't be sensible on Sup Forums.

fair point, i forgot where i was then

They're no better than all the other celebrities with 3 mansions and 15 cars bitching about social spending and activism. If they cared so much why don't they donate their 10s of millions of dollars to their cause? Because they don't, they're posers. Zach De La Rocha says nigga in his songs and bitches about white people. Look at him. Tom Morello should stick to playing guitar and keep his mouth shut when it comes to politics because he's just as bad if not worse. They are decent musicians but complete posers and that ruins them for me and a lot of other people.

>oh, you hate capitalism but still use money for goods and services?!? check and mate, cucks!!!

how dumb are you people?

i actually can't believe you responded to that post with this garbage. do you seriously have any idea what they do with their money? do you have the faintest clue how much of it does or does not go to charitable causes, activism, etc? do you seriously think if someone makes 50 mil they should donate 49 mil to charity and live the rest of their life eating frozen pizza in a 1 bed apartment? the naivete here is astounding. if you have cold hard facts about the amount of property they own and evidence of lavish unnecessary shit they spend their wealth on i'm more than open but just posting this shit without sources betrays you as a fucking moronic teenager

i don't claim to be an expert either but i'm not the one making ridiculous claims about the way the band members conduct themselves. i do know that de la rocha's political activism credentials are legit, and that seems an awful lot of time to dedicate to something you don't truly believe in

"I'm a communist in ideals, a capitalist in practice."

-- Pete Townshend

t. butthurt communist who got taken advantage of by ratm

would you care to explain how someone who's never paid for one of their albums or been to one of their shows has been taken advantage of?

nice false dichotomy, but I don't think "using money for goods and services" is quite the same as generating millions for a shitty corporation that has close ties to the military industrial complex

I agree, I wish all bands were as authentic and DIY as household names like Fugazi

except wait, the only people who have heard of Fugazi (bearing in mind this is the _most successful example_ of a totally independent band) are people with a specific interest in the genre of 90s alt rock

meanwhile every random pleb has some idea of who RATM are and their message. Their reach dwarfs that of even _the best possible outcome_ for a DIY approach. once again, your bizarre unwillingness to engage in any kind of ideological compromise at all betrays you as either an alt-righter who thinks he's making a super clever point, or a far-left nut who doesn't understand how politics works at all

>If they cared so much why don't they donate their 10s of millions of dollars to their cause
Got any specifics about where they could donate to "their cause"

name one

dude, you're responding to an argument I didn't make.

whether you think ratm being on sony is a bad thing or not, comparing that decision to the basic idea of "using money for goods and services" is a complete false dichotomy

and this
>I agree, I wish all bands were as authentic and DIY as household names like Fugazi
is a strawman

but keep going, you're clearly very intelligent

be fair to the lad, 'heavy rock music act sounds kind of like sabbath' is somehow even less insightful than most of the shit itt about their so-called political hypocrisy, he's probably a bit simple

the lick of DOOM

>you're clearly very intelligent
i'm not the one reeling off fallacies like i've just discovered the concept of debate, but hey ho

basic premise is exactly the same thing, it's all about preserving a vague notion of ideological purity in the face of common sense

>it's all about preserving a vague notion of ideological purity in the face of common sense
only if you seriously believe that being on sony and being completely independent/diy are the only two options for an artist

i mean, if the label doesn't compromise their creative control or distribution in any way i struggle to see how it makes any sense to deny the best publicity possible. music is all marketing, if you want to be heard then you need to be sure you're gonna be promoted well. i don't know what other offers they were getting tho. if they had signed to a small indie label and the debut had flopped, would we still be talking about them today?

It's all the r/the_donald transplants that came during the election

trump supporters should, in theory, be absolutely fine with muddy/grey ideology for the sake of publicity and self-promotion tho

sony isn't the only major label, and sony has notable military industrial complex ties. sony and a "small indie label" aren't the only two options

>if the label doesn't compromise their creative control or distribution in any way i struggle to see how it makes any sense to deny the best publicity possible
I don't see why sony, specifically, provides the best publicity possible over other major labels

I'm not going to get into major vs. indie because that was never my point - just pointing out that criticizing ratm isn't inherently dumb or the same thing as saying people who oppose capitalism can't buy goods or services

so in order to criticize something you must have no attachment to it or benefit from it? Otherwise you're a hypocrite and therefore your argument is invalidated. Marxism is pretty simply undermined by just saying Engels was a capitalist then. nooner nooner. no need for a fancy argument. wait, no. you need to attack a premise, hopefully premises, showing it/them to be either false or that they are being interpreted incorrectly. ie: x says y is bad, but really it's good because...but usually these ratm circle jerks are the same old "they bitch about capitalism, but made a ton of money. Lol, dumb-asses". I think what anons like you are really saying is something like "boo hoo, these guys did something really innovative and relevant that will almost certainly outlast anything I could ever dream of doing creatively". as often as this bs comes up about rage, it's clear that there is a market ripe for a band called rage against rage against the machine or at least a song. make it happen. also, pretty sure you mean false equivalency.

>so in order to criticize something you must have no attachment to it or benefit from it?
no that's not what I said or implied. if that was my argument, I wouldn't be calling out the false equivalency (thanks for the correction)


this is fair enough, but once again i do not know what other kind of offers they were getting - it seems like they did get multiple offers and generated a bit of buzz, but who knows what labels, the terms of the contracts being offered etc? all i'm saying that for an up and coming band to deny a massive chance to break out and actually get some serious airplay without having to compromise their art... well, it would be totally crazy to deny that opportunity.

i don't think criticising RATM is inherently dumb, i'm just sick of seeing the same one liners after all these years without any compelling argument or evidence to back it up (we're 50 posts in and still no-one's posting evidence of de la rocha leading some sort of playboy millionaire lifestyle)

I'd hit that

Jesus christ can everyone stop using this fucking word? It makes everyone sound like a cheeto-fingered fox-hoodie wearing faggot on reddt.

>ah, so you say you hate capitalism, yet you use money...
checkmate athiests

t. cuck


You are a jobless, no-skilled faggot sitting on his fat ass in the basement of a rundown house in the middle of bumfuck, while your faggot father cries upstairs because he just lost his job. I can't wait to see you in a few years crying outside a Burger King asking strangers for change while robots smarter than everyone in your kool-aid lipped lineage put together flip burgers for me.

>blah blah blah im a cuck
t. cuck

More like
>you each make hundreds of millions and you don't put it back into the system like you say everyone else should
Checkmate commies.

make that 55 now



are you actually serious? do you even understand how money works?

I don't think anyone who even owns a computer should be a communist. I think at that point you've accumulated too much wealth and you're living in luxury while stomping on the lower class. No doubt he's doing the same.

>"they bitch about capitalism, but made a ton of money. Lol, dumb-asses"
You're misrepresenting the argument. It's "they bitch about capitalism and PEOPLE WHO BENEFIT FROM CAPITALISM (i.e. them); not only that, they criticize Hollywood celebrities and other well-meaning elites for not doing enough to help the poor (even though they fucking do and have the same retarded politics that Rage does)

tl;dr their cardinal sin isn't necessarily their hypocrisy, it's their pretentiousness