Went to college today for the first day, cancerous has it could be. full of retard sheeple. Teachers dont know shit...

went to college today for the first day, cancerous has it could be. full of retard sheeple. Teachers dont know shit. Pointless

Normally this is where people would say you're an edgy idiot. But you're not wrong.

Take the classes, get the piece of paper that 'says' you're educated, then get a good job and shut the fuck up.

exactly. The teachers are trying to teach me shit i already know and they dont have a fucking clue what there going on about just reading of paper they got from the internet.


You sound insufferable, arrogant, and very edgy. Have fun being that guy who always thinks he is a genius while simultaneously losing your friends and youthful optimisim.

no seriously tho i dont think i know everything. i dont know much really but its not hard to teach what they are teaching they are fucking retarded

College is much easier for me than high school. I'm actually quite annoyed that I'm paying so much for nothing but a chance at entering the middle class.

If you're so bright, challenge the teachers. Question what they actually know, tell them how it really is. College should be a piece of cake if you're that smart

im uk fag so its free kinda. and yeh its piss easy so far

Youthful optimism is for the retarded

im not smart at all user im just saying these teachers get stuff of the internet and try and teach it. they dont know 90% of the shit they talk

should i get ip for college so anons can have fun?

I'm sure half of you "aware" sheeple figured that out too. GJ you're so unique and original, no one sees things as clear as you oh enlightened one! But ya, it's called being in public, and it's more noticeable in large groups. People think you're a dumbass too don't worry.

thanks faggot

Last I heard there were no teachers at college

teachers/ lectures... similar thing

>The teachers are trying to teach me shit i already know

You know you're not the only person in the class. And it's your own dumb fault for taking that class. If you really want to do something, quit complaining on Sup Forums and clep out of the classes you feel you already know the material for. Ahh... but I forgot, you'reone of those retards you're complaining about. Lol you must be a narcissistic piece of shit if you can't tell that everyone thinks the same thing about you.

If you're so smart, why are you going to college in the first place? It's a waste of money for the most part. Unless you want to teach or go into some hardcore stem field, you don't really need it, and more than likely won't even use the degree in the end either way


well this is what happens when Sup Forums goes to a community college.

Fucking Christ, how old are you? Kill yourself.

tl;dr: Yeah, this again.
Fellow Amerifag? Yeah at least the first two years of college are all about remediation of skills everyone should have learned in high school. It's terrible. NPR's doing a piece on it right now. That's why you pass AP tests and go to community college first where it's cheap as fuck. Things won't be even mildly interesting or challenging until upper 300 level courses. Do not make the mistake of slacking because it's easy McFly. I put many shits off or didn't do them because it was mind numbing. The head-wall-beating is all part of the process. You must suffer similarly in a corporate environment and largely the value of an undergraduate degree is proof that you can show up on time, jump through hoops, and finish what you started.


learn web development

enjoy your life.

what are you studying?

What you SHOULD be taking away from college is the ability to learn. You're not getting the meat and potatoes, yet. The first couple weeks are just getting people all up to speed. Get over yourself.

Seriously the only thing worse than this guy is the college student after one semester. THEN they REALLY think they know everything.