ITT upload the last image you saved to ""

ITT upload the last image you saved to ""

post results

I'll start



I'm not so sure about this site


Not sure how this works.

Idk canoli's are pretty fucking sexy

I guess it's really only 1/3 porn



good enough for me

its not porn, its just your dick

Certified pornography

>shitting and not realizing it
I'd laugh but I did this yesterday while taking a piss.


How did you even realise you shit then? Did you just pull up your pants and feel a squish or what.



There was a trail of shit in the bathroom from the point I took my shorts down up to the toilet, plus shit on the floor and on my ass.
I was going commando so there was no disgusting pullup moment, I just looked behind me and there was a small amount of shit on me and on the floor.
What's bizarre is I've never done this before in my life, it was a completely sensationless diarea shit.

kek. Haven't seen that pic in a while

You might have autism, you might wanna get yourself checked out.

Its safe guys


Thanks, lori



It is safe. Its not a porn, its a fucking cartoon you fucking autistic weeb.

Who the fuck is lori

Not porn unless normal people jerk off to it


I fucking keked

You ya silly goose




rofl nice

What are you a faggot?


Harambe is not porn. Fucking raciss

CP is not porn then?






Clearly not if the internet porn Gods don't flag it as such



Triggered autistic virgin weeb with no friends irl spotted. Has society been harsh enough on you so far faggot?



What did I miss?

>It is safe. Its not a porn, its a fucking cartoon you fucking autistic weeb.
Once again just for you retard

Op ordered a cheese pizza for delivery

not my proudest fap

I didn't know Dicky was casual. I guess I'll have to stop listening to his music.

Nice load

Projecting much

Whatever floats your boat, you know the truth user. Does it hurt?



You're the best user. I kekd

Why would watching anime hurt him? You're literally making a fuss over nothing.





Trips checked

I'm not sure this works..

mmmm tits

Those tits aren't big enough for that to be classified as porn
Those tits are too big to be classified as porn
This I have no explanation for

Those aren't tits faggot if they were it'd be porn



Clearly not porn, just a nice meal


I went to Nassau community college!

Good god I haven't laughed so much in weeks!
OP not a fag


