I'm sending my girlfriend to an older man's house to be his slut for the night

I'm sending my girlfriend to an older man's house to be his slut for the night.

Any stories of similar? Or porn related to it?

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How do I meet people like you? So I can fuck their wives/gfs.

Why would you do that?

Also, Post more of her your gf.

I think its sexy, and we are both in a solid relationship and into sharing.


you can find us all over

What are I pu getting out of it, his wife or gf?

I'm getting a nice blowjob while she tells me all the slutty things she got up to

is this your gf? how old is she? how old is he? and have you done this before?

How's it feel being a beta faggot?

Is there a site? How did you meet this man? And where are you from?

I mean, I still fuck the shit out of her and we arent in any sort of cuckold situation. More of a swinger relationship.

I get tons of pussy from friends she brings home, so maybe you are the real beta faggot?

not my gf, but very close body-wise to her. we had a threesome with an older man, she is 23 and he was 50.


why do you want her to fuck older guys? was it you that originally suggested the iddea and how did she accept it?

Sure your gf looks like that. I bet you're both fucking ugly, sorry mate. Hot chicks don't get sent out to fuck 50 yo dudes by their hot boyfriends

okay, I dont really care what you think

we both think it is just a hot idea, she is very open sexually and we have done it with a variety of ages of guys. In this instance she wants to be bossed around a nice house and told what to do, just happened to be with an older guy.

more amanda


>solid relationship
Really brah? It seems to me if shes open to this you're not satisfying her enough.

seems to me like you have a shit sex life and are projecting your own insecurities

I'm triggered

ask yourself this, as a guy could you go and fuck a chick and then go back to your girlfriend and continue as usual? assuming she was okay with it you sure as fuck could. how is this different? Its just sex and there is way more to relationships than that.

well as long as your both fucking men and women its alright i suppose, but when it turns to just other men you need to put an end to that shit

any pics of your gf? body wise?

sorry, I've been around Sup Forums long enough to know that sharing pics of her cant end well lol

Hell, you could make money off that little whore. Send her to Wells, NV to work at Belkas Havuena, I bet she would make some money, why have her fuck randos for free. Just saying!

Bella's Hacienda*

He's lying about the whole thing user

haha I dont want her to be a prostitute, at the end of the day she is still submissive to me

>aren't in any sort of cuckold relationship
bait confirmed

haha you wish I was lying, I love hearing about the way guys make her lick their cum off their cocks

Yeah you don't care what people think. That's why you're on here posting pics of hot chicks and not your ugly-ass gf or your ugly-ass self

you're aware cuckold requires the humiliation and sissification of the boyfriend yes? That is not what we are into, we are into exploring our sexuality.

but why? why would you want another man's cock in her mouth and her pussy? sharing is not caring in this scenario

Answer his question then

You're exploring being a cuck faggot

yeah I dont care what people think about us personally, I just want to hear if anyone has done this or has any porn related to this, as per the OP.

So she does she send you to have sex with other chicks too? If not you're just a cuckaroo, not in an
"Open relationship"

*your girlfriend* is just a slut and you are too weak and beta to realize it.
This is called denial and you'll realize your "relationship" is a joke soon enough

How old are you guys and how old is the other dude? How did you find him? Did you set up any rules for the night? How did you get into it the first time? Was it your or her idea?

Well why don't you make some porn? You guys are the ones doing it, and you say you're not ugly so make some porn

OP lying sack of shit!

thanks user. How's the weather in Toronto?

I said up higher that the pics werent my gf, but thanks for the video!

we are professionals with careers, not into making porn

we are mid-twenties, the older guys are usually 40+

couldnt tell you, not from the east

"We all over
mic controller
north, east, south, westcoast"

Whats your address? I'll come fuck you up the ass faggot

If you can't commit to someone sexually, that isn't a relationship. Regardless of agreements between you two. If you think it's hot for a girl you love to get rammed by someone else you're trash. Don't give me any of that "more to relationship than sex" bulshit, what's the point of dating someone when they're obviously looking for better options. Oh well, maybe you'll learn not to be a cuck one day.

sorry not gay you closet homo

Ok, I live in Regina for school currently

what a perfect pussy!!! Got more?

lol you clearly miss the point of sexuality, and I feel sorry for any women in your life

check'd and kek'd

>solid relationship
so that's what milenials call pimpin' these days

google amanda mariee for this slut

But you expect other people who do this to provide you with porn? Ok dude.

Seeing as despite being attractive, professional career people in your 20s with kinks you can't provide a single pic of either of you, I'm gonna have to go with it's all a lie

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

yeah i get it must be fun sleeping with a slut, but that is all i would want to ddo with a slut because that is all a slut is for.

I want my gf to be experienced but not overly so. I want her open to new ideas but with me only. I dont want to be cuddled up with the girl i love, for her to jump and and say shes late to get fucked by some other guy...

but if your both doing it with guys and girls equally then fairs. Just make sure it stays that way, if she starts fucking way more guys and getting into gangbangs and shit youve slid to cuckold

lol I just want to hear experiences and if anyone has any porn related to this kink Id love to see it, but okay keep being butthurt

yeah man I get it, and everyone is different and into different things.

I definetly am not into cuckolding, but I find erotic situations, like my girlfriend being naked in an older mans house while he has his way with her, erotic. And so does she.

She also likes dominating younger girls with me so hey I'm pretty content.

how much for a blowjob from your girl?
Also are you in the GTA??

Not for sale and no.

lol faggot, men are genetically driven to spread their dna
women's brains are not wired that way, they're the ones genetically driven to select the dna worth passing on
this is what happens when they teach you that god stuffed two pairs of everything on a boat instead of evolution

No, I understand that sucking a pussy after it got fucked by the janitor down the street.getting all the little cummies out while she tells you about how much bigger he was, is exactly what trash does.

$40?? Come on man

>I'm a closet cuckold, the rationalization
good luck with that broski

see i couldnt let my gf sleep with other guys, id hate that shit. Its also why i dont ask to have a threesome, not fair if i want to sleep with another girl but she coulddnt do it the other way round.

I just get my rocks off with other kinks

hahah alright man

I'm not butthurt, just think you posting all these hot chicks on here like their "real similar" to your gf is hilarious

I'll pretend i'm a 70 y/o with IBS

OP just kill yourself

yeah I mean Im just posting this chick with my posts, but if thats the part of the post you want to focus on im done replying to you

Exactly, and yet he won't provide us with any pics of himself or his girlfriend. Pretty shitty bait overall OP.



Maybe so, but you're still an ass douche!

the real shitty bait is you trying to bait me into revealing our identity lol



No one cares about your identity, but this entire thread you've been posting other chicks and not your own or yourself for that matter. Stop being a pussy and post pics of her and yourself or kill your self.

Sounds like it's not the only solid thing she has every day


>professionals with careers
>we are mid-twenties

>not my gf
>i make bait for cucks



Yeah we all know at this point that either a) she's hideous or b) she's imaginary


haha okay well sorry you feel that way, obviously nothing constructive happening here so I'm out.

Kill yourself faggot

have fun being a cuck sissy boy, enjoy old man cum

You're a sad being OP and your girl's a bitch. Have a nice night

Why not both?


Faggot confirmed.

NYPA. We dont have to do shit that you want us to. Go find yourself some real friends.

So how many times did you fuck on the side with her permission?

It's sad your fantasy is to be a cuck and even worse is to lie about it on Sup Forums for the fap

people have the craziest fetishes, which is ok (they are faggots but whatever) the best part though is they think this shit is normal. Just man up and admit you are a cuck or admit you are gay when you like chick dick. You are not like everyone else but that is ok. But I would appreciate it if they would make some more boards to get rid of them from /b no more broney threads