Introduction: You wake up, surrounded by others who you don't recognize. You are violently grabbed...

Introduction: You wake up, surrounded by others who you don't recognize. You are violently grabbed, and forced into a cage in which you are locked inside. After hours of waiting, a young, beautiful woman comes and unlocks your cage. She offers you some food, and water which you desperately need. She doesn't say much, but highly advises you come with her, you do so. She escorts you into a room filled with old, but certainly wise men. You are informed that you are the saviour this town needs. You are informed that you are the the most potentially dangerous creature wandering the surface of the Earth, but you have the power to change lives. After some discussing you are given some information on your role, and you are greeted by your assistant, Harold. He will advise you on potential hazards, and will offer useful tips and advice.

Current Information About Yourself:

Your relationship status - N/A
Sexual partners - 0
Mood - Suprised
Age - 24
Equipment - [knife] [paper] [pencil]
Current role - Leader of the village

Current Information About Village:

Males over 18 - 19
Females over 18 - 13
Males under 18 - 4
Females under 18 - 8
Total population - 44
Leader of the village - Yourself
Second in command - N/A

If you get dubs, you decide what your character does. There will be random events which take place. Good luck!

Fuck dudes

Ask if there are other villages nearby so you can conquer them. Kill or be killed niggerboiz

Bang the chick

Attempt to befriend the townspeople

Tare down wall
Build wall and make them pay for it

re rol l

theres more than 1 of this kind of thread on right now

fuck boys

Command all men over 18 to work in the mines, use stone to construct palace for myself and all females over 18.

boys. not men. Males 18 below, nigger. make it work


Roll again for next dubs after

First winrar
>declared village leader
>buttfuck little boys

raid the other village and take there women and make the rest slaves

>You wake up, surrounded by others who you don't recognize.

Shit, have I woken up in /tg/ again?

Cut off pinky with knife

Build an anime factory in the center of town

you are bored want to fuck all the females under 18

op wont deliver shit sage thread fucking cucks

Bumping to give OP time

nice idea!

Instead of taking advantage of all the beautiful and easily manipulated women around you, you decide to have sex with a boy. You walk up a boy who's laying down by a river, you forcefully grab him by the throat, and smash his skull against the neighbouring rocks. You grab your erect cock and stuff it into the boy like you're stuffing a turkey on Christmas day. It feels incredible, regardless of the fact you're now classed as gay.

Harold, your adviser approaches shortly afterwards, "I would not recommend forcefully initating sex with your villages. They look up to you. This will only come with bad things". You snarl at him, sending him off to continue working.

*Harold looses respect for you.

Command villagers to burn all possessions and March naked into the sea so we can return to our native fish form

Force Harold to have sex with me

Find some heroin

You decide to hold a meeting, and invite all of the local villagers to the town hall. You inform them that you've decided to construct an Anime Factory in the town.

* All villagers currently have lost a shit ton of respect for you.

* It will take 5 turns for the Anime Factory to be fully constructed and operational.

Harold approaches, "You should really consider doing something useful instead of raping young boys, and being selfish with your personal needs" he mutters under his breath. Once again, you send him off on his way.

my idea is to invent a economic system with fallen leaves as currency. you must burn down all tress around the village and collect the leaves before. then you can built a whorehouse where the villiagers can earn their money.

Introduce Crack cocaine to the villagers

Build school for the young to learn at and try and make friends with all the villagers

Roll for giving Crack to the villagers



Rolling for crack

give harold a gift and open a brothel and have all the under 18 girls work in it

Rolling for Crack to the villagers

This. and make sure he doesn't like it. It's punishment for questioning our godlike leadership skills.

Bring me every village female to impregnate, more kids means more warriors and brood sows

Build a cinema that only ever shows re-runs of happy days and Zootopia

Introduce the villagers to Crack



Make it happen OP

raid the village next to ours, rape and enslave all the live there

and i'm gone..


re roll

Bumping for extra time for OP since this is God Tier

Your rage is building.

"Why is Harold such a cunt?". You think to yourself. "He's always mocking me, and questioning my ideas! He's supposed to be my advisor, I'll show him!".

It's late at night. You approach the Dark Moon inn. You approach the inn keeper. "Which room is Harold's?" you ask. "Second door on the right my lor- my lord" he whimpers.

With your knife, your pick lock the door, and enter his room. You see him laying on the bed, innocently. You lunge at him with your knife piecering his stomach, and you violently tackle him to the ground. With your large, and heavy boots you stamp on his skull causing serious damage. He lays there, unable to move, unable to understand, he was just your advisor, this was his job. Regardless, you insert your throbbing erect penis into his ass, ripping through the flesh for immense pleasure. Blood is everywhere. You cum instantly.

* You suffer immense pleasure.
* Your blood pressure is lowered.
* Harold looses all respect remaining for you.

Round up all the lolis from the neighboring village


have a feast with the rest of the village and tell them what has happened to harold

Impregnate all women

Spank line of villagers

Replace all sugar in the village with heroin


rolling for this


Also, you don't have to kill everyone you rape, do you?

find a witch to turn harold into a girl

To the movie?

Import rapists from Mexico into the village


Do it OP

Double Dubs demands

Heal Harold's wounds. Make sure he respects me again for saving his life

That's triple dubs you window licker

Make the men over 18 form a militia and send them on a patrol, all women over 18 will be sent to gather fruits and roots

Have all girls under 18 come to my tent

Start selling the villagers meth

Build a aqueduct from the closes river to help the crops grow faster, and propose a plan to get pluming to the village


Start a radical Islamic terrorist group in the village. Also, crack

Buy cocaine from the CIA



Massive crack operation

Hehe, roll.

Distribute crack to the poor


Roll for that


Put massive amounts of acid in the village water source

rolling for this




make this happen pls


Plz get dub



Shit OP, Why don't you just build a drug store and make it all legal... See what the villagers do with meth and Zootopia

I'm intrigued to know

do it



establish a shrine devoted to your limp cock and all are forced to worship every thurday, women clothing optional

kek finally


ples do so


It's the morning. Everyone has heared about the traffic events of Harold. They town has become deeply depressed. He was an honoured man, with respect and dignity.

You order all women of the village to the town hall. Due to the previous night, your blood pressure has once again raised after it lowering, and you have needs that have to be fufilled.

All 13 women have arrived. Some stunning, and vibrant, however some are ugly, and not worthy of your title! You clap your hands and have the other women escorted out, and used as dog meat for the brave protectors of your village.

5 women remain. You order them to undress. One woman, who obviously has the right frame of mind, starts sucking your penis. The way she uses her tounge around your balls and shaft is incredible. You've never experienced anything like this before, you're becoming increasingly horny, you need to fuck. You need it now. You grab her and knock her head against the desk, pulling her hands behind her back forcefully, you enter from behind. She starts screaming "Daddy, daddy, fuck me harder". The pleasure is too much, the remarks, the wording, you can't hold any longer, you have to jus- it's over. You fill her up with your pure white cum. You continue to impregnate the remaining women. It was a good night.

I need to see this



asterix village