Golden keyboard, yay!

Golden keyboard, yay!


my pants

Golden iPhone. I cannot post in this thread however

My bed. My bed would net me like 500,000

My fucking face.

Left knee
Fuck my ass

Golden dick, fuck yeah

my neck

I'm taking a shit and I wipe my ass with my left hand so close call, here. It's my phone though.

my head... I am dead now

at least you wont break your neck as easily as normal people now

well now I can be called "gold face"

Gold library. Suck on this suckeeeeersss. Shit ought to be at least 30-40 kilos.

Golden makeup sponge :/

my weenis too

Litte white bois mad at the full grown golden dick men. We are fucking ur gfs.

I had my hand under my armpit. Does my torso turn to gold?

left leg and mouse

>My face
Fuck me,say goodbye to anything involving my face....
I literally have no face...Cant even breathe, or eat...I'm fucked

my tache is made of gold. this shit is heavy.

welp now I have a golden stress relief hand work-out thing.

golden lappy.. should be able to buy me a new life away from this shit and in to hookers and blow the rest of my life...

Golden mechanical pencil.

Balls of gold...

>The air
Rest in peace guys

I'd sell my left leg and buy a robot leg to become faster and stronger

My sisters pussy

Post your golden tits or GTFO.

My cheek...

Well, I'm dead

Currently leaning against my work building. So... That's a lot of gold. But not mine.

My leg. Fuck it, take it. I'll but a prosthetic and pay off a chunk of my house with the rest.

change your tampon, faggot

500k? for a bed of gold? how fucking gypped would you be

Wall of my my whole house is now gold? Profit

Gold wall I'm fucking rich

My chair...holy shit, im rich now xD

How do you know I'm not just a huge faggot?

Same man were rich


Nice! I'll add it to my treasures.

My dick shall be known as the golden noodle doodle!

My pillow

ITT: golden dicks

my mustache

Golden iPad.

Meh. I'll just buy another with my gold.


My desk. Fuck it

my teeth

golden beercan

Golden pubes

My skull


My left hand is hanging off of the table that has my computer on it. It is touching the air... Oh fuck
Welp, the whole atmosphere has turned to gold

Golden dick. I'm good with this.

golden face

>also bed
Guess I can afford a new phone if I have a queen-size amount of gold

>your ass is queen-size
Shut up


that's pretty alright

>King Midas penis
>King Midas keyboard


Wow I have a cum filled and cum covered inflatable sex doll. I wonder how much that's worth?

The jacket I have on, was in a very awkward position so it's going to be horrible.

>my floor
I'm rich fuckers.

My head.

>am dead now

golden blanket

Why the fuck are you wearing a jacket in early September, faggot?

I wouldn't mind having a golden macbook air

My phone :(

My left ankle

Massaging my dick through my sweatpants...

>Fucking hope I never get an erection now since it won't fit, golden pants are dope though

It's cold and rainy where I am.

fucking faggot

Do you masturbate to the pictures of the queen?

>gold pants
Stuck sitting forever


army surplus canteen cup... not bad.

No, I sleep under cacti after getting blasted on tequila.

My $800 iPhone is now a solid gold brick

Flashlight, keyboard and my table.


Couldn't you just wear a chain mail glove on that hand, so you could still articulate it but the chances of touching the objects are greatly reduced?


Golden Desk


tip of nose

muh dick :S

My ring is already gold but thanks anyway OP

>golden macbook air
>macbook air
So... You paid >$1000 so everyone at starbucks knows you're a faggot?

Golden bed. Yay!
Golden wrist :(

Phone. Could sell gold and get a better one I guess

left handed? same here

My teacup turns into gold. That's actually not too bad, it might just be a little bit painful when it drops down onto my thighs, which would definitely happen, since a golden teacup would be much heavier than a normal one.

Phone... Wish I was touching a car

God save the queen

golden bowl of chicken? ok. niggers dream come true

Faster and stronger lol, you would be an cripple. Watch less scifi

nah, I don't even go to starsucks, and I got it for less, was in sale


And the fascist regime

Golden desk :U

Golden cigarette? I can't smoke that...

Through the perilous fight