
That overrated bitch Grimes gets thousands of threads/posts a week, how about one for our boy Ye.

Best album is Late Registration btw

Other urls found in this thread:


All Of The Lights is a fucking masterpiece.
Best album is /yeezus/ by the way.

Both wrong. It's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

Everyone tries to be contrarian and choose LR or Yeezus as their fav because the best 3 (MBDTF, Graduation, College Dropout) are "overrated." The reality is that all the albums are pretty aptly rated.

The people who say 808s is their fav are deaf retards who jerk off to cudi and drake.

>Grad is top 3

OP was right, LR was best

nope. LR is only the "best" according to wannabe hipster edgelords who want to save face when they admit they like kanye to the world.

Fuck this idiot nigger.

no it's got Jon Brion and consistently brilliant songwriting
Graduation has Will.I.Am and shitty filler in the middle


LR was perfect other than drive slow

found the wannabe hipster edgelords who want to save face when they admit they like kanye to the world

thanks for confirming my suspicions

drive slow is top 5 jazz rap, what are you on about?
nice buzzwords shitlord, hiphopheads is the other way

Agreeing with you on both.

If we're gonna do this, can we put links to the alternate work. The extended Yeezus version, All Of The Lights with the extra guest verses, OG TLoP versions of songs, other good shit I'm not aware of.

Just thought it sounded dumb
Kinda turned me off from it
The production is still great on it though

Everyone on HHH says LR is the best.

Everyone on the Kanye sub says 808s is the best.

I would say LR is the best, but 808's is probably the most influential and will be the most important part of kanye's legacy.

Dont fuck with nme!!! that cover its AWESOME, liking that cover more than the minimalist original one makes me a Pleb??

>being this wrong

grimes is much better than kanye. she doesn't need other ppl to make music for her
fuck off




Kanye is at his worst when he's trying to be all indie and auteur. I appreciate MBDTF for being so autobiographical and grand. It's everything Kanye West claims to be, for good, bad, or ugly.

>born in le wrong generation detected
hope this is bait

>Kanye West?

Anybody who says MBDTF can't form real opinions and must take theirs from mum pitchfork and mum critics.
Also LR is forever his best work.

Yeezus > TLOP > MBDTF > the rest

OP here, can you post a link to the extended Yeezus, that sounds interesting.

Also, when I post this thread again, I'm gonna include extra shit like Kanye's Soul Mix, and that one MTV interview from 2002.

what is that terrible cover?

No need to mean to Grimes, user. Be nice to Grimes. It's what Kanye would want you to do.

I've got no beef with Grimes. I was just trying to piss off her band of faggots.

Kanye x Grimes

Watch the Throne 2 when??

Here you go


I know that. 'taint necessary, that's all.

go get em ye

>/kanye/ thread
finally this board can get patrish, thx OP
