7s are absolute truths. 1s are absolute lies

7s are absolute truths. 1s are absolute lies.

Harambe is a dead meme

You're a fag

Op fapped to that pic

you're a faggot that should kill yourself

Holy cow. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the freaking frick is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a freaking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot freaking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fricked.

7s are actually lies

Holy shit

Absolutely fucked you over on trip 7's.

And trips on top of that.


Donald Trump is the next president.

The Trips never lie

CS:GO is better than CS:S

Hillary Clinton is the best candidate.

Like anyone is surprised I got trip 7s on this... OP is always a fag that was a universal truth. Undisputable


Niggers won't exist after 2K20

She will never be mine



Trips of truth

Hitler is alive

I'm gonna fuck OP in the bootyhole.


The poster below me is a spy sent by minions to figure out why they aren't a meme anymore.


I'll die alone

Her mother knows what happened that night

Thanks fer checking them dubs and trips boyo. You are good friendo



It is for the best user.


suicide isn't worth it

check em

So 6's are b8?

I will get to lick a girls armpit someday.

No one on Sup Forums has a gf


I will die in 7 days, after having sex with a horse and getting a ping pong ball stuck up my ass.


This is a lie.


I'm going to flunk out of Med school

Holy shit the holy trinity of trips do not lie !

Show me your boy pussy

this thread is more dead than madeline mcaan

Sup Forums will be taken over by someone no one likes. He will then proceed to ruin the site even further than right now. This will all happen this month.


I'm attractive

this is a lie

You're a lie



reroll for confirmation

The Jews did 9/11

fellow medskoolfag here
you're gonna be fine user-kun

I'll get dubs

that one girl that tried to kill herself will recover soon.

>too close to 1
fucking hell

Communism is the best way to run a country.

not OP but tbh fam I'd hit it


Aw, I just read about her this morning :( Fucked up

i will live a happy life with the woman i love


I'm gonna be rich.

life is easy af

This is more true than ever

I will win the lottery tomorrow

everything in this thread is a lie

I will win the lottery at some point in my life?


post that boi pussy op.

that just means something in this thread is the truth not that everything is the truth



I will live a nice comfortable live with a loving wife.

God is real

The following statement is true.

It's not only normal, but perfectly healthy to engage children in sex.

The previous statement is false

All the people in this thread are niggers.

column will finish his story.

all women secretly have cocks

niggers are contributing members of society

black lives matter

topest kek

whites are master race

Niggers are essential in our every day life


Someday, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /k/, /fit/ and /sci/ will work together to create an army of superhumans, armed with superweapons and devoid of any empathy. Then they'll use this army to take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.



You're a fag a second time

When you buy anything from a guy on craigslist, you're risking being murdered and are guarenteed to at least be flirted with.

OP has a gloryhole next to his computer where he sucks various cocks while making threads on Sup Forums all day long.

hitler did nothing wrong

Dabbing is the new form of currency

the secret spices for kfc are actually just niggers ground up and sprinkled all over the chicken

Hitler did nothing wrong

Donald Trump is mexican

the jews did 9/11