Do you still like Donald Trump now? This is trumps Sons

Do you still like Donald Trump now? This is trumps Sons

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I didn't like him before.

I don't see anything wrong with this.

Pussy killer

>This is trumps Sons
Those are Trump's sons you piece of retard

I honestly dont give a shot.

A shit, heheh i love autocorrect

Doesn't matter people already have made up their minds

So they (I'm assuming) paid to legally hunt this animal? What's the problem? You do know that park rangers in Africa regulate these hunts for the benefit of the species, right? Or are you suggesting that Africans are too stupid to manage something like that?

A little more, because he didn't raise libtards like himself.

It's these you fucking idiot

So killing animals benefits animals?

Not only for the benefit of the species, but also for the country - large amounts of the money spent on African hunting go back into animal conservation efforts

Not only them directly by removing the pressures of amateur poachers, a lot of the hunts bring in large amounts of US dollars that are then going directly to the communities. This in turn makes every person want to ensure that poaching doesn't happen.

yes. we have to kill them to keep them from dying.

Keep telling yourself that. It's just not true.

Well that's a very stupid way of making money. Is leading to the extinction of lions for some money very helpful? Can't they get off their lazy asses and get a real job


>Trump's sons
>Not Trump
Apparently I'm supposed to base my political opinion on the offspring of said person? Fuck off OP, you're retarded

Go fuck your mother

Oh hell yes! A lot of times, the hunts only go after sickly older animals which allows the younger healthier animals to live with less pressure. Think of it like pruning a plant to help it grow.

"These" you mong. Capital letters in the beginning.

Was Cecil the lion sickly animal

Did either of you fucking retards even bother to do research before letting that shit come out of your mouths. Look up the benefits before you open your assholes up again.

Probably. He could have also been a nuisance animal. Male lions kill lion cubs. Maybe killing him ensured their survival.

Or any of the animals trump jr killed?

you see no problem in the fact that the man has bad genes and didnt raise his children?

I bet you got bullied at school

How do you know he didn't raise his children?

And where exactly are you getting your information? Brainwashed faggot.

Sure. Whatever. I'm sure PETA will tell you about how horrible these hunts are while euthanizing around 98% of the animals they get custody of.

I swear Trump supporters are some of the most mindless sheep I have ever seen.

idk about africa/leopards, but in the US with deer hunting it's like you get a certain amount of deer per year based on past populations, the fluctuation around the carrying capacity. sort of like, they're going to die anyways, may get something from it, like food from a deer.

How much does CTR pay you for that shit?

They may be too stupid

I think it's funny how people are justifying chasing a sick animal for miles, sometimes wounded, so some spear chucker get some cash

sure it's not "deez"?

>trump supporters are mindless sheep
>I know this because the media tells me that's the truth.
>the media wouldnt like to me.
> no, they have blurred pro-trump shirts being worn by national heroes, cut off feed to videos with minoritits supporating trump, refused to talk about the DNC emails apart from the fact that russia may have leaked them, and refuse to admit that just moths previous have posted audio of hillary Clinton laughing about how she blamed a 12 year old girl for being raped by an adult male to protect me.
>and if you have proof it's just a conspiracy theory lol enjoy your tinfoil hat.

If you're not a shill, you're fucking brain dead.

CNN, MSNBC, and some nobody's called the KKK have all donated to the hillary campaign.

What are you going on about? Trumpettes are the worst at making arguments.

I love this, just ignore everything that ruins your argument and suddenly HRC becomes the best choice!

Yeah the media censors pro-trump stuff and calls him a racist while fucking donating to HRC.

The kkk also publicly endorsed trump but gave HRC donations on the down low.

If you refuse to see that evidence and choose to blindly believe a major network who is spending money to get a candidate elected, then calling someone else a "sheep" is more ironic than the whole of Portland Oregon.

Only logical post in this thread

No where near as bad as shills like you. Instead of coming up with a substantive argument, you just call him names. CTR has put your $.05 in your account now.

and you just bring up CTR.

>implying CTR isn't real and active on Sup Forums.

doesn't make it a valid argument.

Conservashits will do amazing mental gymnastics in order to avoid admitting that animal lives have any value

Even Trump knows his sons are douche bags. He only likes Ivanka.

Good thing you spent time debunking the valid argument and not the invalid one against you, huh?

Libturds are ok with clintons libyan war crimes but not ok with sustainable hunting


Answer the question OP.

He really is all about that wincest. I'm surprised all of Sup Forums doesn't like him as much as we like wincest.

Only ctr sees clinton as a credible candidate. Who else?

>trophy hunting endangered species
>sustainable hunting

Kek. I present exhibit A

I'm not part of your argument, just saw you making an argument about calling people names not being substantive right before you did exactly that.

Nobody likes clinton. I think I'm just afraid of trump. At least we know how clinton will destroy the US, where as we have no clue how donald would do it.

It doesn't really matter. It takes a certain type of person to be proud of shooting an animal in a controlled safari environment..

I like him even more, he raised real men.

people that have been doing well during the obama years.

pretty impressive actually, unless they used a trap. how did they kill it? no wounds

>Do you still like Donald Trump now? This is trumps Sons
This is terrible bait as Trump supporters aren't going to care.

old news and of the stupid variety to boot.

say it all really

You know how we know it's CTR?
Because when we confront one with an argument they try and throw the conversation away from criticism.

>Media censors trump support
Not worth talking about
>hillary backed by kkk
Just ignore
>DNC email leaks prove the media has been bias since the start
Russia is bad
>hillary blamed a rape victim for rape
Who cares?
>Trump supporters claim you're either an idiot or shill

>hillary backed by kkk
I thought trump was the one getting the white supremacist vote. that's why he's so popular here.

Here i was thinking Trump was evil, yet i can see he has raised his sons to care so much about animals they are caring for this poor injured pussy

What does CTR stand for ?

Retard probably thinks trumps son poached the animal instead of paying license fee to fund anti poaching programs

>being this new.

Publicly trip got supported by an ex-kkk grand wizzard yet got 0 in donations
HRC got 20k in donations from a current group of active kkk members

I actually like them better now than before. I always thought they were too pussy to even leave the city, let alone go hunting.

Leopards are an endangered or near endangered species IIRC.

I think trump is a criminal and hillary is one to but as has pointed out people have already made up their minds.

Leopards are near endangered, their population is decreasing.

hello shill


Because of poaching, not because of sanctioned licensed hunting

who cares

what the fuck has Sup Forums become

this thread is shit

Best game ever
>1:43:57 sewer speedway

Ahem, CTR ops belong on /pol.

ooh you're right, it's better, very better to have Killary nuking Russia & Iran and Godknowswho (well, Israelcommandswho), than having a Trump whose sons took such a fagpic, yea, yea.

M-muh autism

The Trumps are exactly the kind of people who think it's OK to do something as long as a government official you've been paying off says it's OK. It's not about right or wrong to the Trumps, it's about getting in trouble vs not getting in trouble.

That's just one reason they are complete pieces of shit who will never get my respect regardless of whether he wins or not.

>if we pay money to kill animals and that money is used to prevent poor people from coonbabwe from poaching then we are doing nature a favor

Ho boy, keep going. Can't wait for exhibit C

>Not only them directly by removing the pressures of amateur poachers

They might be stupid enough on 9fag for this, but this is Sup Forums. You'll have to do better trollboy.


>Apparently I'm supposed to base my political opinion on the offspring of said person?

Birds of a feather flock together. And they spend lots of time flocking with daddy.;

>I love this, just ignore everything that ruins your argument and suddenly HRC becomes the best choice!

In Trump v Clinton, Clinton has always been the best choice.

But please don't accept that. Don't do anything to interfere with the upcoming election day trumpertantrum.

It's be amazing.

Extripation occurs because of poaching retard.

Licensed hunt incentivizes sustainable hunts thwt facilitates future hunting revenues.

Educate yourself, retard

Fuck this election we should be ashamed that these two individuals made it this far. This whole election is a fucking joke just a circus of bullshit.

Real men. Trump raised them well.

How do you get a legal license to kill endangered species?


Too bad its not a dead nigger

I don't care about a leopard anymore than i care about someone i haven't met.

If shit like this changes your opinion... then i'm truly glad your vote never matters in our electoral system.

Yeah that's fucking badass, would be cooler if he was holding a dead hillary though.

Who the fuck cares about a dead leopard?
thousands of people are dying every fucking day because of niggers and sand niggers and everyone seem to support niggers instead of fighting them!

It says a lot while saying absolutely nothing. Trying out those tumblr tactics, fag?