Post them Bills don't be a lazy posting fag, comment on other's bill and give recs if you have any



I do like the stone roses s/t, is their other album worth trying
maybe try the seahorses if you haven't

not heard the rest but I never could get into grimes desu

possibly has an 80's style hair cut
really dig the Wilco and tmbg but I feel like that's Grime's worst record.
What are the two albums in the top? Love young prayer and hollinndagain.

forgot pic

dude drugs lmao
Don't know any of these
You prefer crew neck sweaters over hoodies

>You prefer crew neck sweaters over hoodies

I wear hoodies all the time, but if it's really cold I'll slip on a crew neck underneath my hoodie

not really into drugs, great taste btw.

Top two are Create Christ, Sailor Boy and Swastikas For Noddy

probably into femdom

/grimes/ poster

you're a funny guy but can get pretty emotional, btw check out michigan if you haven't

that weird guy in highschool who suddenly became really successful afterwards

cool thanks


tried every drug known to a man.

edgy indiehead
constant, rapid mood swings
t. teenage girl
jk i like all those albums

>t. teenage girl

I feel offended.

>LegiĆ£o Urbana


~nico, stufjan, s and g

~vu, bb
-of montreal

-seb, paramore

+p bear

-that grimes album, tmbg, wilco

+j and mc, stone roses
~smiths, mob

Constantly wearing a hoodie
Has a temper but chill most of the time

This Bill is still a sadboy.

>inb4 first day on Sup Forums
first time posting here in like a year or so actually
velvet and sid nice
why that nico record over desert shore or marble index?
whats the Z album
getting better

Is Bill Clinton Swag supposed to be the last 4 you listened to, or is it supposed to be your top 4?

yall succ

>whats the Z album
The Soft Moon - Zeroes

It's cool post-punk/darkewave-y stuff. Check it out if you're into that.

you succ pretty bad yourself ;)

whatever you feel like. I just did some recent favourites.

Either is fine